
nán běi
  • north and south;from north to south
南北 [nán běi]
  • (1) [north and south]∶北方和南方

  • (2) [from north to south]∶南端到北端之间的距离

南北[nán běi]
  1. 南北双方都有官员参加了这次会议,而且他们勉强和平相处。

    North and South had officials at the meeting and they rubbed along tolerably

  2. 很难想象南北双方在统一半岛的方案上究竟怎样才能达成一致。

    It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula .

  3. 导演对南北战争作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。

    The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war .

  4. 双方都坚持自己的立场,南北之间出现了一条鸿沟。

    A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in .

  5. 在南北极,每年有6个月时间几乎没有光照。

    For six months of the year , there is hardly any light at the poles .

  6. 几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在马里兰州和南北卡罗来纳州之间的小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。

    For several years , Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks from Maryland to the Carolinas .

  7. 南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。

    The North and South were at loggerheads .

  8. 这个水库南北足有5公里。

    This reservoir extends a good five kilometres .

  9. 这地方东西3公里,南北5公里。

    This district is three kilometres across from east to west and five kilometres from north to south .

  10. 南北战争推动了密歇根州的发展。

    The civil war provided an impetus to michigan 's growth .

  11. 横断山脉为南北走向。

    The Hengduan Mountains run from north to south .

  12. 该市位居南北交通枢纽,为各种重要物资的集散地。

    This city , situated at the transportation hub between North and south , is a distribution centre for all kinds of important goods and materials .

  13. 亮(诸葛亮)借一帆风,直至江东,凭三寸不烂之舌,说南北两军互相吞并。(《三国演义》)

    I shall borrow a little boat and make a little trip over the river and trust to my glib tongue to set north and South at each other 's throats .

  14. 然而,南北极并不像人们想象的那么相似。

    However , the North and South Poles are not much alike as people may imagine .

  15. 地轴是南北极之间的线。

    The earth 's axis is the line between the North and South Poles .

  16. GM模型在南北地震带中南段地区强地震序列预测中的应用

    The Application of GM Model To Predicting Strong Earthquake Sequences In the Region of Middle and Southern Segments of South-north Seismic Belt

  17. 始新世太平洋板块以俯冲作用为主,诱发了区域近南北向伸展构造事件,并形成具有EMⅠ富集地幔混染特征的玄武岩;

    The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .

  18. 地球化学场以富As、Pb、Cu,低Zn且元素组合具明显的东西分区、南北成带特征。

    Geochemistry field is composited with rich As Pb Cu and poor Zn , and composition of elements appears characteristic that west and east is different clearly , north and south is banding .

  19. 地球磁场多次发生南北(正负)磁极位置的变换和白垩纪超静磁带(CNS)的异常现象,这已为大家所公认。

    It is generally acknowledged that geomagnetic polarity has reversed many times in geological history and an abnormal geologic phenomenon is the Cretaceous normal superchron ( CNS ) .

  20. 本文采用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度指数将南北坡群落的建群种群分别划分为3个生态类群。

    Adopting Shannon-Wiener , the niche breadth index , the article classified constructive species on both slopes into 3 ecologic groups respectively .

  21. 本文用CN算法研究了我国近期大陆东部和西部南北带及邻近区域共23次强震前的TIP,即强震发生概率增长时间。

    Time of increasing probability ( TIP ) of occurrence prior recent 23 strong earthquakes of eastern part , and N-S earthquake zone and its adjacent area of Chinese mainland is studied using CN algorithm .

  22. CPC聚光器是一种非成像低聚焦的聚光器,它南北方向不需要跟踪太阳光,仅要求在东西方向上跟踪太阳,大大减少了跟踪系统的复杂性。

    CPC solar collector does not need track sunlight in from east to west , only require that follows the sun in the north and south , those reduced the complexity of the tracking system greatly .

  23. 南北型FTA和南南型FTA的优劣问题是一个十分重要的问题,它关系到发展中国家FTA伙伴的选择问题。

    The advantage and disadvantage for North-South FTA and South-South FTA is a very important question , because it has to do with what type of FTA partner a developing country should choose .

  24. 本文利用1979年的FGGEⅢb资料研究了1&7月平流层大气环流的季节变化以及变化期间南北半球、东西半球的不同演变特征。

    Using FGGE ⅲ b data in 1979 , the seasonal variation of global atmospheric circulation in stratosphere and their relationship during January to July has been studied in the paper .

  25. 近40年秦岭南北地区气候变化及与ELNino/LaNina事件相关性分析

    Studies on the Climate Changes in the Northern and the Southern Regions of the Qinling Mountains and Correlated Analysis Between Climate Changes and El Nino / La Nina Phenomenon During the Recent 40 Years

  26. 基于以上分析提出了解决国际贸易中环境问题的南北矛盾的可能途径和国际协调的最佳方案,分析了WTO在解决该问题中的实践和存在的问题以及今后努力的方向。

    Based on above discussions , this paper puts forward possible approaches to solve South-North conflict on environment in international trade , brings forward the optimal scenario of international coordination , probes the role of WTO in dealing with such problems , its weakness and perspective are also discussed .

  27. 本文模拟的结果对于进一步研究南北极生物圈氨的挥发过程和MBP及其对极区苔原生态系统氮磷地球化学循环的影响具有重要意义。

    The results of this study are of great significance to further study the process of ammonia volatilization and MBP production , as well nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycle of Antarctic tundra ecosystems .

  28. 铜矿带东西长约170km,南北宽10~60km。

    The ore belt is 170 km in length of EW and 10-60 km in width of SN .

  29. 将微波等离子推力器(MPT)应用于东方红三号(DFH3)卫星的推进子系统,完成其轨道转移和南北位置保持任务。

    Microwave plasma thruster ( MPT ) was applied to the sub system of DFH 3 satellite to complete its orbit transfer ( OT ) and north south station keeping ( NSSK ) .

  30. 采用TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序相结合的方法,对恒山南北坡植被类型进行了比较研究。

    The differences between vegetation types on the south and north slopes of Hengshan Mountains were studied comparatively by using both TWINSPAN and DCA based on the vegetation data set from the field .