
kuàng gōng
  • miner;mine worker;pitman;rockman;groover
矿工 [kuàng gōng]
  • [miner;mine worker;pitman] 矿山工人;尤指采矿的工人

矿工[kuàng gōng]
  1. 那个穿着一件脏外套的人是个矿工。

    The man in a dirty coat is a miner .

  2. 我认为当矿工是很危险的。

    I think it is dangerous to be a miner .

  3. 救援人员挖地道通向那些被困的矿工。

    The rescuers tunnelled their way in to the trapped miners .

  4. 他中学一毕业就当矿工了。

    He went down the pit when he left school .

  5. 矿工被困在地下深处。

    The miners were trapped deep underground .

  6. 没有人表示要对失业矿工给予补偿。

    There was no attempt to recompense the miners for the loss of their jobs .

  7. 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。

    Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines

  8. 赞比亚北部铜矿带的矿工已经罢工了。

    Miners in Zambia 's northern copper belt have gone on strike

  9. 大批矿工被解雇,工作没着落。

    Miners have been thrown on the scrapheap with no prospects .

  10. 我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。

    My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners ' Union .

  11. 他见过工厂工人、矿工和农场工人。

    He met mill hands , miners and farm labourers .

  12. 矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。

    Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises

  13. 1985年3月矿工们结束了持续一年之久的罢工。

    The miners ended their year-long strike in March 1985 .

  14. 矿工开始罢工,并在发电站周围设置了纠察队。

    The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations

  15. 很多年纪更大的矿工也许再也不干活了。

    Many of the older pitmen may never work again .

  16. 救援人员正徒手营救被困矿工。

    Rescuers were using their bare hands to reach the trapped miners .

  17. 朋友们传话说矿工们想见他。

    Friends passed the word that the miners wanted to see him .

  18. 上夜班的矿工应该早就安全地到达井下了。

    The night shift should have been safely down the mine long ago .

  19. 矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。

    Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions

  20. 工会领导人呼吁矿工投票支持加班禁令。

    Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban .

  21. 乌克兰激进的矿工们已经投票决定下个月罢工一天。

    Militant mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month .

  22. 乍看上去,它不像是首府,更像是矿工村。

    At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp

  23. 尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。

    Though mine safety has much improved , miners ' families still fear the worst

  24. 矿工们手持棍棒冲过了警戒线。

    The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon

  25. 矿工正设法让工厂工人加入他们的纠察队人墙。

    The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line

  26. 矿工们聚集在布加勒斯特市中心以表示对政府的支持。

    Miners gathered in the centre of Bucharest in a show of support for the government

  27. 矿工们被迫在如此恶劣的条件下工作,她感到异常愤怒。

    She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work

  28. 这笔补偿金能向矿工或遇难矿工的家属每人赔偿100,000美元。

    The compensation bill offers the miners or their survivors as much as $ 100,000 apiece .

  29. 圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。

    The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country .

  30. 全国矿工工会向该政党施压,要求其同意全面禁止煤炭进口。

    The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal .