
  • 网络ore terminal
  1. CFG桩在某铁矿石码头堆场中的运用

    Application of CFG piles in stacking yard of an iron ore terminal

  2. 大连港矿石码头公司竞争战略研究

    The Research on Competition Strategem of Dalian Ore Terminal

  3. 基于WITNESS的矿石码头装卸系统仿真与优化

    Simulation and Optimization of Handling System on Ore Port Based on WITNESS

  4. 某矿石码头堆场矿石分级压载的地基沉降预测CFG桩在某铁矿石码头堆场中的运用

    Prediction of foundation settlement of a heap of ore-port under multi-stage loading during period of use Application of CFG piles in stacking yard of an iron ore terminal

  5. 基于工业以太网的矿石码头控制系统研究

    Research of Ore - terminal Control System Based on Industrial Ethernet

  6. 超大型船靠离大连矿石码头的操纵

    Maneuvering principals of berthing and unberthing a very large vessel to dock

  7. 大连港专用矿石码头污水处理工程设计

    Design for Wastewater Treatment Project of Special Mine Dock in Dalian Harbor

  8. 30万吨级矿石码头φ1400大管桩施工

    φ 1400 pipe pile construction for 300000 dwt ore terminal

  9. 矿石码头港区生产废水环保处理的研究与应用

    Research and application of wastewater ′ s environmental treatment in ore terminal port

  10. 大连港矿石码头洞室法松动控制爆破施工技术

    Controlled chamber standing shot technology in dock work for ores in Dalian harbor

  11. 北仑港区矿石码头3、4泊位钢管桩阴极保护(阴极射线管)保护滤光器

    Cathodic Protection for Steel Pipe Pile of Ore Wharf No.3 and No.4 Berths in Beilun Harbor

  12. 深层搅拌桩在青岛矿石码头堆场工程中的应用

    Study on the Application of Deep Mixing Pile to the Storage Yard of Qingdao Ore Terminal

  13. 大连港矿石码头项目中外合资的影响分析及相关建议

    Analysis of Sino-Foreign Joint Venture ′ s Influence on Dalian Port Ore Terminal Project and Related Suggestions

  14. 分析了影响矿石码头卸船机自吸泵的几个因素。

    This paper analyses several factors which influences the self-priming pump of the unloader of Ore Terminal .

  15. 防城港20万吨级矿石码头工程堆取料机轨道基础设计优化

    Optimization Design for Bucket Wheel Stacker-Reclaimer ′ s Rail Foundation of 200,000 DWT Ore Wharf of Fangcheng Port

  16. 湛江港铁矿石码头钢管桩防腐方案及质量控制要点

    Anti-corrosive Schemes and Key Points of Quality Control for Steel Pipe Piles of Iron Ore Terminal of Zhanjiang Port

  17. 第一章简要介绍了工业监控系统的发展和矿石码头控制系统整体结构。

    Chapter one introduces the development of the industrial monitor system and the whole structure of this ore port control system .

  18. 湛江港铁矿石码头改扩建工程钢管桩试桩成果简介

    A Brief Introduction of the Test Piling Result of Steel Pipe Piles in the Reconstruction and Expansion Project of Zhanjiang Port Iron Ore Terminal

  19. 然后对大连港矿石码头公司的内外部环境进行了分析,确定了外部环境给大连港矿石码头公司带来的机会和威胁,以及企业的优势和劣势。

    And then , clear the company 's advantages and disadvantages as well as the opportunity and threat by analyzing the internal and external circumstances .

  20. 平果堆积型铝土矿地质特征及遥感找矿预测某矿石码头堆场矿石分级压载的地基沉降预测

    Geological characteristics and remote sensing forecasting of accumulated bauxite of Pingguo Prediction of foundation settlement of a heap of ore-port under multi-stage loading during period of use

  21. 通过对温州及邻近地区八尺门矿石码头的设计总结,阐明在小型码头工程中,锚岩管柱基础在裸露或浅覆盖层地质条件下的应用。

    Based on the design summary of Bachimen Ore Terminal , this paper introduces the application of anchoring tubular column foundation in exposed or shallow covering stratum .

  22. 同时本文采取多元分析中基于降维技术的统计方法&因子分析,对烟台港铁矿石码头竞争力的综合评价指标进行简化降维。

    Article take multivariate analysis based on statistical methods for dimension reduction techniques-factor analysis , Yantai Port iron ore terminal competitiveness comprehensive evaluation index to simplify dimensionality reduction .

  23. 以防城港20万吨级矿石码头工程为例,分析如何对斗轮堆取料机轨道基础进行方案优化。

    Taking the 200,000 dwt Ore Wharf of Fangcheng Port as an example , this paper analyzes how to optimize the design for the bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer ′ s rail foundation .

  24. 论述了离散事件系统分析建模的建模理论和方法。其次,对矿石码头装卸系统进行分析,得出了矿石码头物流系统的作业流程和技术参数。

    Then the paper introduces the modeling methods and strategies of dynamic systems in discrete event . Secondly , the paper discusses the handing system on ore terminal , find out the operation flow of logistics systems and technical parameters .

  25. 摘要总结大连港矿石码头工程设计和建设管理中的特点,提出了抓关键技术、强化计划管理、增强执行力、确保施工质量等有益的措施。

    This paper summarizes the characteristics of Dalian Port Ore Terminal engineering design and construction management , and puts forward beneficial measures including laying stress on key technology , strengthening planned management , enhancing execution and guaranteeing construction quality , etc.

  26. 通过大连矿石码头功能地位的分析,揭示了合资经营矿石码头对全国进口铁矿石接卸系统和对我国东北地区矿石接卸系统的影响,并提出了相关的建议。

    Through analyzing Dalian Port Ore Terminal ′ s functions and status , we explain the influence of joint-venture operation of the ore terminal on the importing systems of iron ores for the whole country and the northeastern area , and put forward some suggestions .

  27. 综述大型进口矿石码头的装卸工艺方式,着重介绍几种抓斗式卸船机和连续式卸船机的特点,并对两种机型的比较和选型进行了探讨。

    The handling technology method of large ore import terminal is summarized and the characteristics of several kinds of grab type ship unloader and continuous type ship unloader are introduced mainly and the inquisition on the comparison and selection between the two is made in the paper .

  28. 概述九五和十五期间港口建设情况,重点介绍集装箱码头、煤炭码头、石油码头、矿石码头、散粮码头和内河码头的建设发展。

    This paper summarizes the situation of port construction during the " Ninth Five-Year-Plan " period and " Tenth Five-Year-Plan " period , with the stress laid on construction and development of container terminals , coal terminals , oil terminals , ore terminals , bulk grain terminals and river ports .

  29. 青岛港20万吨级矿石专用码头设计简介

    Design of the 200,000 DWT Specialized Ore Terminal of Qingdao Port

  30. 大连港矿石专用码头工程设计优化与创新

    Design Optimization and Innovation for Dalian Port Specialized Ore Terminal Engineering