
tōnɡ xùn xiàn lù
  • communication line;line of communication;communication circuit
  1. 硬件方面,首先采用了一些性能优良的新型器件对各种防干扰电路进行了设计,比如各种滤波电路、隔离电路和防雷电路等;然后对PCB、控制器机箱外壳和通讯线路等进行了设计。

    In the design of hardware , the advanced devices are used for the design of circuit such as filter circuit , isolation circuit and thunder-prevent circuit . Then the PCB and the choice of enclosures and communication line are designed .

  2. 监听敌人的通讯线路

    Listen in on the enemy 's communication line

  3. HSRP(HotStandbyRouterProtocol)是一个备份协议方案,用来防止网络中路由器和通讯线路的故障。

    HSRP ( Hot Standby Router Protocol ) is a backup protocol , used to prevent the breakdown of the router and communicating line in the network .

  4. 本文讨论用EIARS-232C串行接口作为通讯线路,并选用国际链路层通讯协议HDLC进行FMS中主机与CNC系统的通讯。

    In dealing with the communication between host computer and CNC system in FMS , EIA RS-232C serial interface and HDLC data link are used .

  5. 但是统一部发言人ChunHaeSung告诉记者,朝鲜已经在其他方面的威胁采取行动,切断了与朝鲜的所有通讯线路。

    But ministry spokesman Chun Hae Sung tells reporters North Korea quickly acted on other s of its threat to cut all communications ties with the South .

  6. 利用通讯线路进行远程数据传输与控制

    Remote data transfer and control by use of lines of communication

  7. 辽宁地震信息网络通讯线路的设计与实施

    Design and implement for the communication lines of Liaoning seismic information network

  8. 宽频数字通讯线路,在标准的电话铜线上运作。

    Broadband digital communications connection that operates over standard copper telephone wires .

  9. 邮电通讯线路、电力电线保护套管。

    Postal telecommunications lines and power cable protection sleeve .

  10. 本文介绍了辽宁地震信息网络通讯线路的设计与实施过程。

    So it is connection and communication in the Liaoning seismic information network .

  11. 由于通讯线路和交通状况恶劣,搜救工作受到阻碍。

    Rescue efforts have been hampered by poor communication lines and bad roads .

  12. 打电话,用未加密的通讯线路吗

    Call ? Call ? On an unsecure line ?

  13. 所有通讯线路都已被切断了。

    All lines of communication had been cut .

  14. 香港和纽约之间有一条固定的卫星通讯线路。

    There 's a new permanent satellite link between Hong Kong and new york .

  15. 通讯线路现况显示行

    Communication status message line

  16. 数据通讯线路可以以两种配制方式连接:点到点和多点线路连接。

    Data communication lines can be formulated in two ways to connect : point to point and multi-point line connection .

  17. 用通讯线路线路把这些远程机器与中央计算机相连接,局部的话动就可以被监视和协调。

    By linking these remote machines to a centralized computer via communication lines , local activity can be monitored and coordinated .

  18. 卫星为相距遥远的地区通过微波提供通讯线路。要在人口密集区间传输电视信号需大容量线路。

    Satellites provide communication circuits between widely separated locations via microwaves . To transmit television signals between population centres requires high-capacity circuits .

  19. 同轴电缆与光纤缆线是局域网络常用的通讯线路,提供快速的数据传输,安装容易。

    Coaxial and fibre-optic cables are popular communication lines for LANs because they provide fast data transmission and are easy to install .

  20. 虽然政府部门试图帮助受灾的当地居民,但是损坏的道路和通讯线路阻碍了他们的救援行动。

    Although , government authorities are attempting to help affected local residents , damaged roads and communications lines have hampered their rescue operation .

  21. 韩国敦促朝鲜保持南北韩之间的通讯线路,此前,朝鲜政府威胁要切断朝韩之间的所有热线。

    South Korea is urging North Korea to maintain communication lines between the two sides after Pyongyang 's threat to all inter-Korean hotlines .

  22. 把数据分割成报文分组有个好处,即可以允许因特网的很多用户,在同一时间使用同一通讯线路。

    Breaking data into packets has a benefit , it allows the Internet to use the same communication lines for many different users at the same time .

  23. 展台为警卫提供了安全和舒适的环境,与电气连接,空调和取暖,数据和通讯线路,还有橱柜。

    The booth provides safety and comfort for the guards , with electrical connections , air conditioning and heating , data and communications lines , and cabinets .

  24. 针对通讯线路和电力传输线快速发展的趋势,提出使用旋翼直升机作为飞行式巡线机器人的设想。

    From the viewpoint of the fast development of communication lines and electric power lines , the idea of using the rotary-wing UAV as the flying live-line inspection robot was presented .

  25. 救援小组正试图补给受灾最严重的部分地区,但实施起来非常困难,因为道路损坏,通讯线路被中断。

    Relief groups are trying to get supplies to some of the areas that were hit the worst , but it 's difficult because of damage to roads and communication lines .

  26. 从北京到上海的这条量子保密通讯线路总长达到了2000公里,连接了包括北京、济南、合肥和上海在内的许多城市的网络。

    The Beijing-Shanghai quantum private communications line will cover a total length of over 2000 kilometers , connecting a network of numerous cities including Beijing , Jinan , Hefei and Shanghai .

  27. 这条通讯线路是目前所装设传输速度最快的国际线路,而这也可能是朝向铺设一个永久性网络,将全国各国都连上国际互联网的起步。

    The fastest international link ever installed , this pipeline could be the first step toward laying a permanent network that will eventually hardwire every nation in the world into the Internet .

  28. 新德里——周日,一个超强气旋重创印度东部海岸,将树木连根拔起,给该地区带来狂风暴雨,致使电力供应和通讯线路中断。

    NEW DELHI - A powerful cyclone crashed against the eastern coast of India on Sunday , uprooting trees , lashing the area with heavy rain and wind , and disrupting power and communication lines .

  29. 据中科院院士潘建伟在接受《中国青年报》的一次采访中透露,从北京到上海的量子保密通讯线路也将于今年下半年开通。

    The Beijing-Shanghai quantum private communications line will also be opened in the second half of this year , according to Pan Jianwei , academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences , during an interview with China Youth Daily .

  30. 15年前,一场气旋侵袭了大致相同的区域,导致逾1万人死亡。但在那以后,该国的基础设施及通讯线路得到了大幅改善,这有助于疏散工作。

    More than 10,000 people were killed 15 years ago when a cyclone hit roughly the same area , but in the intervening time , physical infrastructure and communication lines have improved significantly in the country , aiding evacuation efforts .