
tōnɡ xìn liàn lù
  • communication link
  1. 基于ANP和SuperDecision的通信链路威胁评估排序

    Threat Evaluation of Communication Link Based on ANP and Super Decision

  2. 基于Mesh搭建具有双冗余特征的井下通信链路。

    Mesh structures based the downhole communication link with dual redundant features .

  3. 可靠的通信链路是实现机载GPS信息有效传输的关键。

    A reliable communication link is the key to realize airborne GPS data valid transmission .

  4. 为解决GPS数据通信链路中传输抗干扰问题,选择性能良好的调制方式十分重要。

    It is very important to select good-capability modulating-mode in order to solve the anti-jamming problem on GPS communication link .

  5. 基于地&空通信链路的RAKE接收技术研究

    Research on the Rake Receiver Based on Ground - to - air Data Link

  6. PAT技术是激光通信链路建立和保持的关键技术。

    The PAT technology is pivotal to establishing and keeping the laser communication link .

  7. 本文中详细论述了多CCD图像采集控制模块的实现方案以及实现细节,采用并行工作模型的同时设计新的数据结构与通信链路,从而保证了扫描设备的稳定性与可靠性。

    With the parallel model , the new data structure and the communication channels , the stability and reliability of the scanning device are ensured .

  8. 通过对LED光源特性、通信链路和系统信道模型进行分析讨论,指出了照明设计和接收机设计时应考虑的因素。

    Based on discussions of basic properties of LED lights , communication links and system channel model , basic strategies for designs of LED lights and receivers are pointed out .

  9. 对国防支援计划(DSP)预警卫星系统的星际通信链路进行信号检测、分析和识别是空间对抗的一个重要课题。

    Signal detection , analysis and recognition to the interstellar communication link of DSP ( Defense Support Program ) early-warning satellite system are important questions in space countermeasure .

  10. 跟踪技术是实现整个ATP功能的核心,捕获是建立通信链路的前提。

    Tracking system is the kernel of implementing ATP functions , and rapid acquisition is basic requirement in establishing the optical links .

  11. Comet的一大优点是,每个客户端始终都有一个向服务器端打开的通信链路。

    The big advantage of Comet is that each client always has a communication link open to the server .

  12. TES系统卫星通信链路的工程设计

    Engineering design of the satellite communication link in tes system

  13. CPC方法需要收集所有通信链路的信道信息,系统开销大。

    The CPC approach needs to collect channel information of all communication links in the system , which costs much system overhead .

  14. 随着GPS技术的广泛应用和发展,通信链路的建立、数据信息的传输成为实际应用中尤为突出的问题。

    With the extensive application and development of GPS technical , the establishing of communication link-road and the delivering of data information become especially the outstanding problem in the actual application .

  15. STK在卫星通信链路仿真中的应用研究

    The Research on Using STK to the Simulation of the Satellite Communication Link

  16. MAC协议决定了各通信链路如何使用无线信道,它为传感器节点之间数据传输分配有限的通信资源。

    The MAC protocol determines the manner of using wireless channels in the communication link , it allocates the limited communication resources between the sensor nodes .

  17. 瞄准、捕获和跟踪(PAT)技术是关系到通信链路建立和保持的关键技术。

    Pointing , Acquisition and Tracking ( PAT ) technologies are directly in relation to the building and maintaining of communication link .

  18. VSAT卫星通信链路的计算

    Calculation of VSAT satellite communications link budgets

  19. FSO的另一个优势是建立高速的星地通信链路的潜力。

    Another advantage is its potential for offering a high-speed communications between satellites and ground .

  20. 最后,结合Ka波段深空通信链路的中断概率的分析研究,本文还验证了协作通信在深空通信中的可行性。

    Finally through the analysis and study of Ka-band deep-space communication link outage probability , we find that cooperative diversity can improve system performance .

  21. 控制模块控制电话模块和VoIP客户端模块,完成通信链路的建立、维护和释放。

    The control module takes command of the GSM phone module and the VoIP client module to accomplish the establishment , maintenance and release of communication link .

  22. 在系统的物流管理中心,物流运输管理信息系统的GPS功能模块负责与移动通信链路及车载终端的信息进行交互,完成各种信息的分类及定位信息的派发。

    In the Logistics Management Center of the system , the GPS function module of Logistics Transportation Management Information System is in charge of information exchange with mobile communication and On-vehicle Terminal , information classification and transmitting location information .

  23. 其次,基于OSPF中使用的Dijkstra算法,提出了改进Dijkstra算法,使得路由器与通信链路上的代价均能计算在内,以更全面刻画网络状态。

    Then we improve Dijkstra algorithm that can be used in OSPF protocol , and this algorithm could more completely describe the states of network .

  24. 针对相邻节点间通过一个共享密钥建立安全通信链路存在的不足,将相邻节点间建立安全通信链路需要的共享密钥个数增加到q个,提高网络的安全性。

    In the view of the shortcomings that adjacent nodes establish a secure communication chain by a shared key , the scheme increased the amount of keys that needed to build a safe communication chain to q.3 .

  25. 因此,CPS需要实时、高效、可靠的通信链路作为保障,以有效完成物理世界与信息世界的动态反馈和控制。

    Therefore , CPS requires timely , effective and reliable communication link to complete dynamic feedback and control between the physical world and information world effectively .

  26. 用激光作为信号的载波,FSO能够在远距离间提供一个无线的,高带宽的通信链路。

    With a laser as a signal carrier , FSO can provide a long-distance communication link with wireless and broadband data transmission .

  27. 通过分析现有卫星TCP协议的局限性,根据卫星通信链路长时延和信道高误码的特点,提出一种基于链路层队列的跨层TCP协议改进方案。

    We have analysed the limitations of the existing satellite TCP protocol . According to the characteristics of satellite communication link long delay and high channel error , we proposed a link layer queue cross-layer TCP protocol improvement .

  28. 对激光发射机平均功率受限的激光对潜通信链路,数字脉冲位置调制(PPM)是传输信息的有效调制格式。

    Digital pulse position modulation ( PPM ) is considered to be an efficient modulation format for transmitting information over submarine laser link in which the laser transmitters are average power limited .

  29. AVL系统由监控中心(BS)、若干车载移动台(MS)以及连接MS和BS的无线移动通信链路三部分组成。

    The AVL is composed of three parts , the Monitor Center ( Base Station ), the individual cars ( Mobile Station ), and the radio link which communicate between the BS and the MS.

  30. 文中叙述了如何在Borlandc~(++)Builder开发系统下利用多线程技术和TAPI函数来管理通信链路,实现MODEM全双工通信的编程技术。

    This paper describes how to use Multiple Thread technology and TAPI function to manage communication under Borland C + + Builder environment , and realize Full Duplex MODEM communication .