
shuānɡ xiànɡ chuán shū
  • bidirectional transmission;two-way transmission
  1. CATV双向传输技术方式的比较

    Comparison of the Bidirectional Transmission Technology in CATV

  2. 与PID控制方式相比,引入模糊控制技术能够大大提高系统的响应速度,通过改变占空比快速实现直流升压、降压和电能双向传输。

    Comparing with PID control method , the proposed fuzzy control method raises system response speed greatly , realizes electrical energy bidirectional transmission .

  3. 最简单的一种就是用类似HTTP的双向传输。

    The easiest way is to use a two-way transport like HTTP .

  4. 采用新型单片编解码IC的双向传输控制电路

    A Two way Transmission Control Circuit with the New Single Chip Coder and Decoder

  5. 微型计算机ALPHA和小型计算机NOVA的数据双向传输接口

    An Interface for Bidirectional Transmitting Data between an ALPHA Microcomputer and a NOVA Minicomputer

  6. 为了实现直流功率的双向传输,双向DC/DC变换器被应用在直流不停电电源系统、航天电源系统、电动汽车及移动发电系统等。

    Bidirectional DC / DC converters will be widely used in applications such as DC uninterruptible power supplies , aerospace power systems , electric vehicles and advanced mobile generator sets .

  7. E1/以太网桥接器是一种实现局域网到广域网E1接口数据双向传输的设备。

    E1 / Ethernet Bridge is an equipment that bidirectional transfers data between E1 interface and LAN .

  8. 文中提出一种新型光纤旋转连接器,该旋转器应用DWDM技术中单纤双向传输技术,同时双向传输多路光信号。

    In this paper , a new passive multi-pass fiber optic rotary joint using DWDM technique is developed .

  9. 关键技术是采用HFC结构,实现CATV网双向传输,发展CATV网络综合业务。

    The primary measures involve the application of HFC format , CATV dual transmission and multi functional services on CATV net .

  10. XML技术和数据库技术的结合己成为必然的趋势,在XML文档和数据库之间实现数据的双向传输是XML技术应用研究的热点之一。

    The combination of XML and database has become an inevitable trend . Realizing bidirectional transmission of data between XML document and database is among hotspot in the study of XML technique application .

  11. 基于CDMA的HFC-CATV网络双向传输

    A CDMA based bi-directional transmission for HFC CATV networks

  12. 单波长双向传输吉比特EFM链路可行性研究

    The Feasibility of Bi - Directional Single Wavelength Gigabit Links

  13. 通过简单的程序设计,即可实现1-Wire总线数据的双向传输和驱动。

    The bi-directional transmission and driving of 1-Wire can be achieved by simple programming .

  14. 脉冲宽频调制PWM(Pulsewidthmodulation)整流器以功率因数高、网侧电流正弦化、能量可双向传输,已成为整流器发展的必然趋势。

    Due to high power factor , sinusoidal alternating current and energy with the capability of bidirectional transmission , a pulse width modulation ( PWM ) rectifier has become a major development trend of rectifier .

  15. 结合沧州市网络的实际情况,主要分析HFC电缆分配系统双向传输改造的建设标准和实施方案。

    Considering for local current situation of network in CangZhou city , mainly analyzed constructing standard and implementary scheme of HFC cable distribution system two-way transformation .

  16. 由于可以实现电网无污染、功率因数可控以及电能的双向传输,PWM整流器可以作为理想的用电设备或电网与其它电气设备的接口。

    Due to the merits of pollution-free , adjustable power factor and bi-direction power transfer , the PWM rectifier can be an ideal electric appliance or a linkage between grid-line and other electric facilities .

  17. 论文介绍了利用DWDM技术实现单纤双向传输的双向比对法授时方案,该方案抑制了利用光纤业务授时而导致的双向信道延时不对称问题。

    This paper introduces a theory of two-way optic time transfer which uses DWDM technology in a single fiber and achieves directional to transfer time information .

  18. 对在双向传输波分复用情况下系统中的受激喇曼散射(SRS)效应进行了研究。

    The method of dealing with SRS effect in bi-directional amplified and transmission WDM ( Wavelength Division Multiplexing ) systems is studied in this paper .

  19. 本文研究在PC机Windows操作系统的平台上,如何建立一个基于TCP/IP网络协议的支持视频、音频流的实时、双向传输和通用数据传输(如支持白板功能)的桌面视频会议系统。

    This paper discusses how to establish a desktop videoconferencing system on Windows operating system , which supports audio / video full-duplex realtime transfer and other data exchange ( i.e. the white-board ) based on TCP / IP network protocol .

  20. 本文根据半导体GaAs材料带隙随温度变化的原理,对采用单根光纤作双向传输光信号的反射光纤温度传感器进行了试验研究。

    Based on the principle that the band gap of semiconductor GaAs can be varied with temperature , a reflex optical fibre sensor using a single optical fibre for bidirectional transmission of optical signal is studied .

  21. 目前,在工程实际中,超级电容器储能系统中的主变流器多采用Buck-Boost拓扑结构来实现能量的双向传输。

    Buck-Boost topology structure is widely used on the main converter of the super capacitor energy storage system in the actual engineering to transmiss energy two-way .

  22. 该方案实现了网侧单位功率因数正弦波电流控制,从而减少了网侧电流谐波,并且能量可双向传输。由于采用了变速PID调节算法,因而使单相PFC获得良好的动态特性。

    The approximately sinusoidal current control of the unit power factor on the line side is realized , the harmonic current of the PFC eliminated , bi-directional power flow achieved , and the dynamic performance of the PFC improved .

  23. HFC双向传输系统是未来信息基础设施中不可缺少的部分,如何解决上行信道的可靠传输问题是实现HFC系统的关键之一。

    The HFC system is the indispensable part of the future information infrastructure . How to resolve the reliable transmission of the upstream channel is one of the key schemes in the HFC system .

  24. 有线电视HFC双向传输系统,是随着CATV增值业务的需求,单向电视传输系统面临全面改造成双向网络的现状,迅速发展起来的一种新型网络传输形式。

    HFC duplex transmission systems is a novel network transmission mode , which develop rapidly with the demand for value-added services of CATV and enables television transmission network system transformed fully from simplex into duplex .

  25. 宽带HFC网络由于具有传输容量大、抗干扰性好以及适于双向传输数字传输等特点已经成为目前国内外有线电视网络发展的主流。

    Because the wideband HFC has a better capability of transmission and anti-jamming , it is fit to deliver bidirectional digital signals , at present , it has been the international developmental mainstream of CATV .

  26. 介绍HFC双向传输系统的组成结构,分析了前端衰减矩阵的工作原理、设计原则,并阐述了工程实施中的注意事项。

    This article introduces the composition structure of HFC two-way transmission system , analyzes the work and design principle of front end weaken matrix , elaborates some issues being attention in the project implementation process .

  27. BDC是直流变换器的双象限运行,可以实现能量的双向传输,具有广阔的应用前景。

    BDC is the two-quadrant operating DC / DC converter , it can achieve the transmission of energy in either direction and have wide application prospects .

  28. 控制方案采用SPWM调制方式来控制双组合式单端反激变换器,同时采用负载电压瞬时值反馈方式控制高频斩波工作,使能量从负载侧反送回电源,从而实现功率的双向传输。

    The control scheme is using SPWM modulation method to control the compound flyback bi-directional current source high-frequency link DC / AC converter and using the voltage instantaneous value feedback to control the converter which works in chop mode .

  29. 介绍了并行口EPP方式的信号定义,寄存器、工作时序及利用微机EPP方式和差动线驱动器、接收器进行中远距离控制和数据快速双向传输的方法。时间(英文)

    The signals , register and work time sequence of EPP mode are introduced , the method of fast data bi-directional transmission and control using EPP mode and differntial line driver and receiver is introduced .

  30. 智能化在线互动式UPS,采用8052单片机实现对UPS的实时控制,通过通讯和相关线路完成现场UPS和上位机的数据和信号的双向传输,可始终保证UPS的标准电源输出。

    The real-time control of UPS was realized with 8052 SCM in the intellectualized on-line UPS , the double-direction transmission of data and signal between UPS and upper PC was implemented with correlative circuits , and the normal power supply output of UPS was guaranteed .