
shuānɡ yǔ cí diǎn
  • bilingual dictionary
  1. 我的朋友需要一本双语词典。

    My friend needs a bilingual dictionary .

  2. 所以无论从用户群看,还是从开发现状看,最现实的做法还是解决目前急需的翻译软件,即汉彝双语词典软件和辅助翻译软件。

    So in terms of different users or from the current situation of development , the most realistic approach is to make the translation software , that is the bilingual dictionary software and assisted software .

  3. 基于Web数据的特定领域双语词典抽取

    Bilingual Dictionary Extraction for Special Domain Based on Web Data

  4. 使用“信息检索”功能,您可以利用双语词典翻译单个字词或短语,或者使用基于web的机器翻译服务来翻译整个文档。

    Using the research feature , you can translate single words or short phrases by using bilingual dictionaries or translate your entire document by using web-based machine translation services .

  5. 认知语义结构与意义驱动释义模式的构建&兼谈外汉双语词典的释义性质与释义结构浅论N1+在+处所+V+N2语义结构特征

    Towards a model based on the cognitive semantic structure and the meaning-driven definition Discussion on Semantic Construction Feature in the Chinese Sentence Pattern " N_1 + Zai + NP + V + N_2 "

  6. 但是,这些术语不应该互换,因为CAT技术还包括机器翻译(一种基于语言学规则并使用双语词典的计算机技术)。

    However , these terms should not be used interchangeably , as CAT technologies also include machine translation , a computer technology based on linguistic rules and the use of bilingual dictionaries .

  7. 随着英汉双语词典理论研究的深入发展,我们发现语体标签在绝大多数词典中都已得到重视和广泛使用,但是这种使用却显得欠规范而无序,且多数词典都没有给style以正确的定义。

    With the study of ECBD , we soon found that though style labels are used widely , their use is not at all consistent and most dictionaries do not even explain what they mean by " style " in the dictionary .

  8. 利用英语语言学研究的成果,结合语料库中常见的词性标注方法,对运用于双语词典编纂的CONULEXID语料库系统中的语料词性标注问题进行了初步的探讨。

    This paper attempts to propose a rule based part of speech tagging scheme to annotate CONULEXID , which is a computerized bilingual corpus utilized in the bilingual lexicography .

  9. Hartmann和James曾经把双语词典定义为与用一种语言解释词目词的单语词典所不同的通过翻译对等词将两种语言的词汇联系在一起的词典。

    According to Hartmann and James , a bilingual dictionary is a type of dictionary that related the vocabularies of two languages together by means of translation equivalents , in contrast to the monolingual dictionary , in which explanations are provided in one language .

  10. 双语词典是学习外语的一个重要工具。

    Bilingual dictionary is an important tool for foreign language learning .

  11. 隐喻的跨文化研究也为英汉语言的翻译和英汉双语词典的编纂提供一定的参考和启示。

    It also provides inspirations for English-Chinese translating and dictionary compiling .

  12. 第四章则详细研究双语词典中例证的翻译问题。

    Chapter Four mainly discusses illustrative example translation in Chinese-English dictionaries .

  13. 谈谈双语词典中文化内涵词的问题

    On the Handling of Culturally Loaded words in a Bilingual Dictionary

  14. 论语用学原理在双语词典编纂中的应用

    On the Application of Pragmatic Theory in Bilingual Dictionary Making

  15. 语用学视角下的双语词典词语定义研究

    Defining Word Meanings in Bilingual Dictionaries : A Pragmatic Perspective

  16. 双语词典的研究成为词典学领域的一个热点,其基本理论构架业已确立,各分支的探讨和实验方兴未艾。

    Bilingual lexicography becomes a heated branch in the field of lexicography .

  17. 《汉土词典》是一部普及型、内向型的双语词典。

    The Chinese-Turkmen dictionary is a popular and indrawn edition .

  18. 从例证的功能来看双语词典例证的翻译

    On Translation of Illustrative Examples in Bilingual Dictionaries from Perspective of Functions

  19. 另一种方法截然不同就是使用双语词典。

    The opposite approach is to use a bilingual dictionary .

  20. 基于双语词典的汉英词语对齐算法研究

    Research of Chinese-English Word Alignment Algorithm Based on Bilingual Dictionary

  21. 英汉双语词典在处理词汇时,翻译的比重应大于释义。

    Translation bears no proportion to explanation in English-Chinese Dictionary .

  22. 双语词典必须走一条系列化、标准化的道路。

    The bilingual dictionary must walk a serialized , the standardized path .

  23. 双语词典与翻译活动联系密切。

    Bilingual dictionary has a close relation with translation .

  24. 英语习语文化研究及双语词典对习语文化信息的处理

    Cultural Study on English Idioms Lexicographical Treatment of Cultural Information in Bilingual Dictionaries

  25. 双语词典应当准确地为词目找到对应词。

    The bilingual dictionary must accurately find the corresponding word for word item .

  26. 双语词典中的文化词语释义

    Interpretation of culture - loaded words in bilingual dictionaries

  27. 英汉双语词典中例句翻译的研究

    A Target-oriented Study of Example Translation in English-Chinese Dictionaries

  28. 双语词典中例证翻译的特点

    The Peculiarities of the Example Translation in Bilingual Dictionaries

  29. 基于语料库的语义韵研究和双语词典

    A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosodies and Bilingual Dictionaries

  30. 词典学界非常重视双语词典编纂学的理论研究。

    The dictionary educational world extremely takes the bilingual dictionary compiling study theory research .