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shuānɡ rén sài
  • doubles;couples;pair tournament;paired race
  1. 星期六的网球双人赛请你做我的合作者好吗?

    Will you partner me in the tennis doubles on saturday ?

  2. 在1996年奥运会上,团体赛取代了单人赛和双人赛。

    In the1996 olympics , a team competition replaced the solo and duet events .

  3. 在男女混合双人赛中,双人花样滑冰分为两个单独的项目:双人滑冰和冰上舞蹈。

    Within this group , there are two separate events for pair figure skating : pair skating and ice dancing .

  4. 诺干年前,她来过广州,还和司徒伟搭档获得过省港澳桥牌赛双人赛亚军。

    Alice came to Guangzhou several years ago , and won a second place in a pair match with Wei Situ .

  5. 两枚金牌颁给男女个人单项冠军。另两枚则授予男女混合双人赛的优胜者。

    Two medals go to the winners of the male and female individual events . The other two are awarded to mixed pairs .

  6. 毽球运动战术应用部分详细分析了毽球运动单人赛、双人赛、三人赛各进攻战术与防守战术的优缺点、适用条件及应用情况。

    Shuttlecock Ball Sport tactical application made a detailed analysis of offensive tactics and defensive tactics specific embodiment and application conditions of the shuttlecock ball sport single race , pair competition , three match on advantages and disadvantages , suitable conditions and application . 8 .

  7. 林跃与陈艾森为中国拿下里约奥运会的第二枚跳水比赛金牌,赢得男子10米双人跳台赛。

    Lin Yue and Chen Aisen secured China 's second diving gold medal at the Rio Olympics by winning the men 's synchronized 10m platform .

  8. 这两位创新和创业专业的硕士生,将试图在伦敦奥运会(londonolympics)男子双人皮划艇激流回旋赛中为法国夺金。

    The masters in innovation and entrepreneurship students will try to win gold for France in the two-man canoe slalom event at the London Olympics .