
  • 网络win at cards
  1. 你可以看出来打梅花K是赢牌的一招。

    You can see the king of club is the winning play .

  2. 很难仅用一张王牌赢牌。

    It 's hard to make a card with only one trump .

  3. 我没有打性别牌,我倒是在出赢局牌。

    I 'm not playing a gender card , instead I am trying to play a winning card .

  4. 如果你打方块K的话,本来是可以赢一墩牌的。

    If you lead a diamond ding , you can win a trick .

  5. 非等到你把王牌吊光,你的么点和老K赢不到牌。

    Your ace and king won 't make until you 've drawn trumps .

  6. 我接连赢了六墩牌。

    I won six tricks in a row .

  7. 我用一手同花顺赢了这把牌。

    I had a flush to win the card game .

  8. 史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。

    Steve won the poker game with a full house .

  9. 我最后一局赢了五墩牌。

    I won five tricks in that last game .

  10. 再进张:能赢一墩夺回牌权的大牌。

    The card that will take a trick and thus regain the lead .

  11. 雄心勃勃的牌手常常讨论他们赢了多少手牌,又输了多少手。

    Aspiring poker players often talk about how many hands they won or lost .

  12. 她一连赢了4墩牌。

    She won four tricks in a row .

  13. 他们先让我赢了两付牌。然后就把赌注加大。

    They let me win the first couple of hands and then upped the stakes .

  14. 他们认为前者有些庸俗,就像在俱乐部赢了一手牌后没有把钱放回保险柜一样,而后者则有些愚蠢。

    They regard the first as vulgar , like winning a hand of poker at their members ' club without putting the money back into the coffers , and the second as foolish .