
  • 网络Winner’s Curse;Winner Curse;winner"s curse
  1. 对模型的分析表明,为规避IPO申购中的赢者诅咒问题和追求更高的期望抑价,机构投资者有隐藏真实需求的激励。

    Our analysis indicates that institutional investors have incentive to shade their demands in order to avoiding the " Winner 's Curse " and pursuing higher expected IPO underpricing .

  2. 而网上单向拍卖存在的“狙击手”、“网下窜谋”、“赢者诅咒”等问题,容易降低用户的满意度;

    Further , because of these problems in online auctions , such as " slamming "," winner 's curse ", it easily result in decreasing the rate of customer 's satisfaction ;