
xiàn chǎnɡ pāi mài
  • Live Auction;garage sale, tag sale
  1. 在明星琼斯主持的现场拍卖会上,Blue举起了她的拍子,并以1.7万美元的价格竞拍了一位年轻的画家SidneyPoitier的丙烯画。

    During the gala 's live auction , led by Star Jones , Blue raised her paddle and bid $ 17000 on an acrylic painting of a young Sidney Poitier .

  2. 马文斐:实时的现场拍卖和展览发展速度与在网上一样快。

    Mr. Murphy : Live auctions and exhibitions , the bricks-and-mortar , is growing as fast as online .

  3. 问:它是否意味着艺术品拍卖行未来的经营格局将是传统的现场拍卖加上网络竞拍呢?

    Does that mean that art auction houses of the future will need brick-and-mortar expertise combined with online capabilities ?

  4. 问:既然在线拍卖交易数量增长如此迅速,为什么还要在中国营建现场拍卖行呢?

    If online is growing so much , why was it imperative to build a physical space in China ?

  5. 周六的晚上在波尔班克举行了一场现场拍卖会,期间还提供给假日晚餐派对。

    Saturday night there was a live auction that included a holiday dinner party at the corporate commissary in Burbank .

  6. 《华尔街日报》:你们的大部份业务仍为现场拍卖,你认为网络拍卖的机遇在何处?

    WSJ : The bulk of your business is still live auctions . Where do you see the opportunity online ?

  7. 网络的特点决定了网络拍卖与传统现场拍卖必然有着截然不同的拍卖机制。

    As determined by the characteristic of the Internet , auction mechanism of Internet is inevitably distinct from the traditional auction .

  8. 近日,中国科学院在山东济南现场拍卖36项专利。

    The Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) put 36 of its patents up for auction in Ji'nan , Shandong .

  9. 佳士得可在晚间拍卖会的现场拍卖环节对主要画作进行拍卖,在白天现场拍卖会拍卖其他作品,然后在网上对其它价格较低的大量藏品进行拍卖。

    Christie 's was able to provide major paintings at live auction at evening sales , other works at day sales live , then other works in large collections of lesser-priced works online .