
  • 网络auction without reserve;bidding paddle
  1. 克里斯蒂拍卖行在伦敦南肯辛顿(SouthKensington)也开始尝试这种无底价拍卖,尤其是在针对新一代刚刚安家的年轻人的星期天拍卖会上。

    Christie 's South Kensington is also experimenting with no-reserve auctions , especially in its Sunday sales , which are aimed at a new generation of young nest builders .

  2. 该公司就是因无底价拍卖而出的名。

    Ritchie is co-founder of Ritchie Bros Auctioneers , of Canada , which made its name on unreserved auctions .

  3. 不过却很少有豪华游艇被无底价拍卖。无底价拍卖指的是无论价格多少,拍品都会卖给出价最高的竞买人。

    But rarely , if ever , has a major yacht sold at an unreserved auction , meaning it will sell to the highest bidder regardless of price .

  4. 一般卖方都会坚持设定保留价,低于保留价就不卖。无底价拍卖会的突然流行,预示着人们态度上的变化。

    This sudden popularity of auctions without reserves , even with the top salerooms , in situations where traditionally sellers would insist on a reserve price below which their object would not be sold , heralds a change in attitudes .