
  1. 首价密封拍卖也叫首价密闭投标拍卖,web缓存技巧。

    Sealed first-price auction , also known as a first-price sealed-bid auction ( FPSB ) .

  2. 1995年年末,广州市政府为拓展出租汽车营运市场,决定以投标拍卖的形式新发放1200个永久性出租汽车经营牌照。

    At the end of 1995 , in order to develop the taxi market , Guangzhou government decided to issue 1200 permanent taxi licences by bidding .

  3. 不完全信息下的封闭投标式拍卖机制研究

    Research on the Sealed bid Auction Mechanism with Incomplete Information

  4. 投标与拍卖的几个数学模型

    Several Mathematical Models for Bidding and Auctions

  5. 投标与拍卖的决策理论方法

    Decision Theoretic Approaches to Bidding and Auctions

  6. 该文在网上投标、拍卖、电子选举等领域中有着广阔的应用前景。

    Applications of the protocol included private bidding and auctions , secret ballot elections and so on .

  7. 任何用户都可以为拍卖创建一个投标,拍卖的所有者可以接受或拒绝任何投标。

    Any user can create a bid for an auction and the owner of the auction may accept or reject any bid .

  8. 招标投标和拍卖是配置和获取工程、货物和服务等资源的一个重要方法,在人类历史上有悠久的历史,古今中外有各式各样的应用。

    Invitation to tender , bid and auction , is an important method to arrange and obtain projects , cargos and services , which has a long history in China and has been widely applied all over the world .

  9. 由于电子商务的快速发展,基于Internet的招投标决策与拍卖已成为国际决策分析学术界激烈竞争的一个研究热点。

    With the development of electronic commerce , namely EC , auctions and bidding based on Internet have got one of competitive studies on international decision-making and analysis .

  10. 本文基于一个群签名方案及可验证秘密共享,设计了一个新的密封投标的电子拍卖系统,利用群签名的性质,系统具有可保护投标人的投标价和防止中标人抵赖的特点;

    A fair electronic auction system is proposed , which is based on an efficient and provable group signature .

  11. 基于环签名及密钥链技术,设计了一个新的密封投标的电子拍卖协议。

    An efficient sealed-bid electronic auction protocol based on the ring signature and encryption key chain had been proposed .

  12. 利用群签名与可验证的秘密共享方案设计了一个新的密封投标的电子拍卖协议。

    Electronic auction is one of the methods of electronic commerce . A new sealed-bid electronic auction based on group signature and verifiable secret sharing scheme was proposed .

  13. 为研究投标人的报价策略对拍卖价格的影响,文章在统一价格份额拍卖的分析框架内建立了投标报价策略与拍卖抑价的关系模型。

    A model of bidding strategies and auction underpricing was established in order to understand their relations in the uniform-price share auctions .

  14. 本文提出了一种用于投标方对不同拍卖形式的评价方法,即投标方效率。

    While this thesis put forward a method called " the bidder efficiency " for the bidder to evaluate the different auction style .

  15. 第三部分简单介绍了并购定价机制&投标竞价机制、拍卖机制及讨价还价机制,对定价博弈进行了详细分析,并着重指出我国乳制品行业较合适的定价机制。

    The third part simply introduces pricing mechanism of M & A-tender offer mechanism , auction mechanism and bargaining offer mechanism , and game playing of pricing are analyzed in detail , it also pointed emphatically out that the most appropriate pricing mechanism on our country dairy industry .

  16. 本文认为:固定价格公开发售方法在信息收集和价格发现方面逊于拍卖法和累计投标询价法,但是在累计投标询价法与拍卖方法究竟孰优孰劣这一问题上仍然存在争议;

    This paper suggests that the fixed price method is inferior to the auction method and book-building mechanism in terms of information soliciting and price discovering , but there is still some discrepancy on whether auction is better than book-building or vice versa ;