
tóu zī fēnɡ xiǎn
  • investment risk
  1. 金融投资风险评价BP神经网络模型研究及应用

    Research on the Application of the BP Nerve Network Model for the Financial Investment Risk Appraisal

  2. 基于熵权和改进的AHP法的房地产投资风险评价

    Investment Risk Evaluation of Real Estate Based on Entropy Weight and Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process

  3. 商品林业投资风险AHP分析

    Commodity Forestry Investment Risk AHP Analysis

  4. 由于我国开展BOT项目融资工作的时间比较短,不可避免地存在一些不完善之处,主要表现在项目对外融资行为不够规范,容易造成项目投资风险加大、融资成本较高和投资应得利润减少。

    Some weaknesses still exist because BOT Project Finance started not so long in China . The rise of investment risks , high cost , less benefits are the main disadvantages .

  5. 在此基础上分别构建了高速公路特许经营投资风险的模糊层次评价模型和BP神经网络模型。运用这两种模型实现了高速公路特许经营项目投资风险的评价,并对综合风险评价结果进行预警信号输出。

    And on the basis of this system , fuzzy hierarchy evaluation model and BP nerve net model were constructed and used to evaluate the investment risks of concessionaire expressway operating project , and finally output early-warning signals of evaluation results .

  6. 创业板IPO平均七十几倍市盈率,而上海A股目前平均只有二十倍市盈率,其投资风险将显著高于主板市场。

    GEM is seventy times than the average IPO price-earnings ratio , while the Shanghai A shares is only two times than the current average price-earnings ratio . The investment risk will be significantly higher than the motherboard market .

  7. RD人力资本在为软件企业创造丰厚利润的同时,也必然会引发一系列RD人力资本投资风险,即RD人力资本投资造成软件企业绩效损失的可能性。

    Making profit for the software enterprise by the RD human capital , some investment risks of it would appear inevitably , which is the probability of RD human capital investment to damage the performance of software enterprise .

  8. 粗糙集具有强大的数值分析能力,而BP神经网络具有准确地逼近收敛能力,所以将粗糙集和BP神经网络串行结合,建立一种基于粗糙集&BP神经网络的高新技术项目投资风险评价模型。

    Rough Set a powerful numerical analysis capabilities , and BP neural network is accurate approximation convergence capability , and it will be rough set of serial BP neural network , based on the establishment of a rough set - BP neural network investment in high-tech projects risk assessment model .

  9. 第四章REITs投资风险控制体系,针对REITs中的投资风险因素,探索构建REITs投资决策机制、实施REITs投资风险管理的途径与方式。

    Chapter 4 " The control system of REITs ' investment risk ", aiming at its investment risk facts , explore to establish the mechanism of the REITs ' investment decision-making , and the way to implement the REITs ' investment risk management .

  10. 证券业经营风险防范的核心是对证券投资风险的预测与控制,本论文在建立基于FAM模型的风险计量方法的基础上,提出了针对证券投资业务四个具体操作环节上的风险防范策略。

    The core of investment risk control is the forecasting and control to stock investment risk . At the base of method of risk measure basis FAM model , this article brings forward a risk control tactic aim at four operating taches of stock investment .

  11. 我国体育企业人力资本的投资风险

    Investment risk of sports human capital and the enterprise in China

  12. 市场低迷时期证券投资风险的度量

    Measurement of Securities Investment Risk in the Period of Market Slump

  13. 一种证券价格及投资风险模型

    A Model on the Securities ' Price and Risk of Investment

  14. 第六章得出中国企业非洲投资风险结论。

    Chapter VI that Chinese enterprises invest in Africa risk Conclusion .

  15. 组合证券的投资风险分析和选择

    The Analysis and Selection of Investment Risks of Portfolio Stock

  16. 证券投资风险度量的新方法及其应用

    A New Method for Investment Risk Measurement and Its Application

  17. 工程项目施工阶段投资风险灰色关联辩识模型

    The investment risk grey association identification model in construction phases of projects

  18. 社会保障基金海外投资风险研究

    A Study on Risk of Overseas Investment by the Social Security Fund

  19. 房地产工程项目投资风险的多层次灰色评价

    Multilevel gray evaluation of investing risk in real estate project

  20. 跨国企业的投资风险分析已越来越引起人们的重视。

    Risk analysis of multinational enterprise investment has been emphasized much more .

  21. 大学生人力资本投资风险及其规避

    The Risk of College Students ' Manpower Capital Investment and Its Avoidance

  22. 政府投资风险管理及其模式优化研究

    The Administration and Mode Optimization Probe of Government Investment Risks

  23. 天津市海河开发改造投资风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Investment in Exploiting and Rebuilding Haihe River in Tianjin

  24. 推行项目法人责任制强化投资风险约束机制

    Practising responsibility system of project entity and strengthening binding system of investment risk

  25. 关于投资风险规避问题的探讨

    The Research on the Problem of Avoiding Risk Investment

  26. 国际投资风险防范分析与策略

    Analytics and Tactics of International Investment Risk on Guard

  27. 人力资本投资风险因素新探

    An Approach to the Factors of Manpower Capital Investment

  28. 论军事工程投资风险及其管理

    On military project investment risk and the management

  29. 商品住宅投资风险分析与对策研究

    Merchandise House Investment Risk Analysis and Countermeasure Research

  30. 房地产投资风险分析与模糊决策评价问题研究

    Studies on Problem of Risk Analysis and Fuzzy Evaluative Decision on Real Estate Investment