
  1. 建立和维护组织培训记录。

    SP2.2 Establish and maintain records of the organizational training .

  2. 员工对组织培训需求态度及影响因素的研究

    The Research on the Staff 's Attitude Toward Organizational Training Demand and Affective Factors

  3. 怎样把您组织培训部门转变为一个职场学习与绩效(wlp)部门?为什么这种转变值得考虑?

    How can your organization 's training department transition to become a WLP department , and why that might be worthy of consideration ?

  4. 为比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和其他组织培训行政助理、使她们掌握微软(Microsoft)技术的维基•索科尔•埃文斯(VickieSokolEvans)表示,各类组织都面临着巨大压力,要求它们“用更少的资源办更多的事”。

    Vickie Sokol Evans , who trains Bill Gates " executive assistants , and those in other organisations , in Microsoft technology , says there is great pressure in all organisations to " do more with less . "

  5. 评估组织培训程序的效果。

    SP2.3 Assess the effectiveness of the organization 's training program .

  6. 培训实施前期的要求调查;培训机构调查、选择,组织培训。

    Pre-survey before training , training organization investigation , selection and training organization .

  7. 那我们就帮他们组织培训内容。

    We can help them organize their training program .

  8. 我们定期组织培训课程使员工熟悉职业安全规范。

    We run regular training courses to acquaint our staff with occupational safety matters .

  9. 组织培训选举工作人员;

    To organize the training of election personnel ;

  10. 最终,您希望在您的组织培训中稳固这些新的技术。

    Ultimately , you want to anchor these new techniques within the culture of your organization .

  11. 计划包括组织培训工场、制作道具服装等相关用品、培养表演大师。

    Plans include organizing workshops and training facilities and the production of a series on master-performers .

  12. 组织培训效果的经济价值分析

    Valuation analysis on organizational training effectiveness

  13. 并在组织培训、现场调查、数据录入与核对等环节进行了严格的质控。

    Strict measures were taken in terms of quality control in survey techniques training and data management .

  14. 组织培训,加强各级政府领导执行纲要的能力建设。

    Strengthening the capacity building of the leaders at all levels through various training for the implementation of the Program .

  15. 女:那你们有没有给经理们组织培训课来适应这种新型工作方式呢?

    Woman : So , have you organised training for managers , to deal with this new way of working ?

  16. 根据甲方经营方式与特点,协助甲方组织培训法律人才队伍,对新颁布的法律法规提供相应的员工培训服务。

    Assisting in training and organizing legal personnel according in business character , and offering staff training programs concerning new statutes .

  17. 此外,其它国家的科学记者协会将与他们结对,帮助他们形成人际网络,并组织培训班。

    These will be twinned with established associations in other countries , to help them to form networks and hold training workshops .

  18. 对体育教师进行PC机和电脑软件教学方面的培训,定期组织培训,同时改进传统的教学观念。

    On physical education teachers were PC machine and computer software teaching training , organize training , and improve the traditional teaching concept .

  19. 企业组织培训的最终目的在于提高员工的工作绩效,提升生产效率,这就要求企业提高培训的产出。

    The aim of organizational training is to improve efficiency according to improve employees ' performance , which requires higher output of training .

  20. 比如:人力资源部组织培训,不少员工会找借口请假,不参加培训;

    For example : Human Resources organization of training , many employees will find an excuse to take leave and not participate in training ;

  21. 市体育管理机构对参与体育经营活动的体育专业技术人员组织培训和资格认证。

    The municipal administrative organization of Physical Culture shall organize training and qualification test for physical culture professional technicians taking part in physical culture operation .

  22. 朴宪永转移到北方后的主要工作就是组织培训游击队,并派遣到南朝鲜进行斗争。

    His main job is to organize and nurture guerrilla , also dispatched that for the battle in south Korea when he was in the north .

  23. 现在的工作跟之前类似,工作内容就是组织培训项目,但是现在的客户是不同行业的一家公司。

    I 'm doing much the same as before , organising a training programme , though now it 's for a company in a different sector .

  24. 国家针对中小学教师的教学需求,组织培训力量对他们进行了各种形式的信息技术培训,但是在培训过程中没有形成体系的培训内容可供参考,导致培训结果不能达到预期目的。

    In accordance with teaching needs , our country has organized various information technology training , but the training result is not satisfactory because of lacking systematic training contents .

  25. 培训是提升技能的重要方法,但我国高速铁路尚未形成一套完整的客运组织培训体系。

    Training is an essential way to improve skills , but there has not yet formed a complete training theory of high speed railway passenger transport organization in China .

  26. 为解决这些问题,一要科学地确定培训需求;二要规范化地组织培训过程;

    To solve these problems , measures must be taken to define the actual demands of training , regulate the process of training , and evaluate the results of training .

  27. 在农民工继续教育上公共管理部门应承担主导责任,而企业在组织培训中,要承担主体责任。

    As far as migrant workers ' continuing education is concerned , public administrations should take the leading role , while enterprises should take the major responsibilities for organizing training .

  28. 从系统论的观点来考察组织培训实践,培训需求评估是培训系统的基础环节。

    When we investigate the training practice in organizations from the view of system theory , we can find that training needs assessment is the primary step of the training system .

  29. 2010年参加县级、市级和省级卫生机构组织培训的乡镇卫生院的培训重点仍然是医疗知识技能。

    The lecture contents also focused on medical knowledge and skills in the rural township health centers which participated in the training organized by prefectural , municipal and provincial health agencies . 3 .

  30. 该部分首先分析了单个企业组织培训的优势和不足,然后思考如何保持优势、避免不足,并提出企业联盟的办学模式。

    The writer first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages that companies have in organizing training , then explores how to maintain the advantages and avoid disadvantages , and finally suggests the running pattern .