
  • 网络training strategy
  1. 浅析高职院校师资队伍建设的培训战略

    On Study Training Strategy in Construction of Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 战后世界再就业培训战略及启示

    Reemployment training strategy and revelation in Post-World War

  3. 外企与国企培训战略对比

    Training Strategy Comparison between Foreign and National Enterprise

  4. 企业全员培训战略

    Training On the Strategy of Taining in Enterprises

  5. 实施大教育、大培训战略,培养急需的各类人才;

    Implementing the macro education and macro training strategy to cultivate various talented people in great need ;

  6. 通过分析和总结,站在企业战略的高度,对培训战略和培训文化给予允分重视。

    Through analysis and summarization , on the height of enterprise strategy , this paper shows great importance to training strategy and training culture .

  7. 公司需要发展一个更快捷,更节约成本的使用高科技的培训战略来培训更多的员工。

    Eighth , the company needs to develop a strategy for using technology to train more employees , more frequently , more cost-effectively than instructor-led training .

  8. 这个过程笔者将它分为解为培训战略的选择与制定、培训体系的构建、培训活动的监督与评估等几个方面来实施。

    This course is divided into the following aspects : choice and constitution of training stratagem , constructing of training system , supervising and assessing of training activities .

  9. 建议政府加强乡镇卫生院建设,通过实施全科医学培训战略来提高卫生人力资源质量,提升卫生院的医疗卫生服务能力。

    It is suggested that stress should put on construction of township hospitals , qualified training of rural health professionals in general medicine , and improvement of health service capability in rural areas .

  10. 第五章,从业务流程、人力资源配置、薪酬制度改革、员工职业生涯设计、培训战略、企业文化等几个方面研究人力资源战略的实施。

    Chapter five , From the business procedure , Human resource distribution , salary system reform , staff career design , train strategy , corporate culture , etc. several respect study human resources implementation of strategy .

  11. 美世人力资源咨询公司并不从事猎头工作,而是帮助一系列在华企业制定招聘、薪酬及培训战略。切尔卡斯基估计,这个子公司正以每年50%的速度增长。

    The human resources arm , which Mr Cherkasky estimated is growing by 50 per cent a year , does not do headhunting but helps an array of China-based corporations conceive recruiting , compensation and training strategies .

  12. 现代建筑企业员工培训的战略地位及对策

    Strategic Status and Solution to Staff Training for Modern Construction Enterprise

  13. 基础教育课程改革与教师培养培训的战略调整

    The Curriculum Reform of Elementary Education and the Strategic Adjustment of Teachers ′ Training

  14. 《非洲职业技术教育与培训振兴战略》之评析

    The Review of " The Strategy of Revitalizing Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Africa "

  15. 关于国家职业安全卫生培训的战略思考

    Consideration on National OSH Training

  16. 品牌战略管理已经成为教育培训企业战略管理中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Brand management has become an education and training strategy . Strategic management are an important component .

  17. 结合建设中国石油管道世界驰名品牌和形象的组织战略,实施强素质、树品牌培训开发战略,建立学习型组织。

    Carrying out the strategy of training & strengthening quality and establishing brand and establishing organization of learning combined with the organization strategy of building world famous brand and image of Sino Petrol Pipeline .

  18. 重心下移阵地前移&全面实现中小学校长培训的战略转移目前中学校长培训面临着诸多问题:培训法规、制度的不完善,培训模式单一,培训内容落后,培训师资力量较弱。

    There are quite some problems when implementing high school principals training courses , as are imperfection of training rules and regulations , the unitary modal , the out-of-date content and the lack of skilled trainers .

  19. 我国管理培训公司发展战略选择

    Strategic Alternatives for Domestic Management Training Companies

  20. 天津东安驾驶员培训学校发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Tianjin Dongan Vehicle and Motorcycle Driver Training School

  21. 这些课程的重点是培训领导力和战略管理,尤其是在公司和经济高速增长的背景下。

    The modules , taught by Darden professors , focus on leadership and strategic management , particularly in the context of a high-growth company and environment .

  22. 因此,通过战略管理理论对非学历教育培训机构进行战略研究,对其竞争与发展战略的制定和实施有着重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to research , construct and implement the strategy for the non-academic educational training organizations by the theory and tools of strategy management .

  23. 案例分析部分从地铁五年发展战略规划入手,运用系统的观点分析了广州地铁培训规划与战略规划的关系、培训组织架构、培训内容、培训方法、培训评估。

    Starting from the Five-Year Development Strategy of Guangzhou Metro Corporation , the author analyses the relationship between the Corporation 's staff training program and strategic program , the training organization , training contents , training methods and training evaluation systematically .

  24. 公务员培训管理理念及战略组合研究

    A Study on the Management Ideology and Strategic Mix in the Public Servants ' Training

  25. 培训机构的品牌战略

    Brand Name Strategy of Training Organs

  26. 为此,本文对管理培训公司的发展战略进行了较为充分的分析。

    Therefore , this paper is to give adequate analysis to the development strategies of management training companies .

  27. 本文主要研究电力教育培训中心的发展战略及其实施方案。

    This thesis is mainly focused on the developmental strategy and the implementary scheme of electric power training center .

  28. 本文基于成熟的现代营销管理基本理论,着重对三维教育在沈阳的IT培训市场的营销战略进行了研究,根据业务战略计划的框架来制定出详细的营销策略和执行方案。

    And it also make more detailed marketing policies and executing programs based on the frame of business strategy plan .

  29. 企业的培训实践与组织战略缺乏紧密的联系,表现为外资企业比其他类型企业规范,国有企业的状况较差。

    The results showed that : 1 、 Training practices were not closely related to organizational strategies in most enterprises . The foreign-invested enterprises did better in training than that of the state-owned enterprises .

  30. 培训中他与客户一起设计培训、制定培训战略和规划、实施改进项目,并强调评估培训效果。

    His work in training with clients includes training design , formulating training strategies and training plans and carrying out improvement projects with an emphasis on measuring results .