
  • 网络training planning
  1. 接着,本文详细讨论了进行企业文化培训规划及实施的方法。

    Secondly , this paper minutely demonstrates the method of corporate-culture training planning and executing .

  2. 第三部分主要强调培训规划的理论指导和培训实践。

    The third part focuses on theoretical instructions and training practices of training planning .

  3. HR模块的试点成功将浙江电力实现统一的人力资源信息平台,统一人才规划和统一培训规划,提高人力资源配置的效率和效益,推进人力资源的集约化管理打下了坚实的基础。

    The success of the HR module pilot implementation will provide a unified HR information platform for Zhejiang Power System , and lay a solid foundation for unified HR planning and HR training , improved efficiency of HR deployment and centralized HR management .

  4. 从1993年开始,针对博士生教育难以适应高等教育对大学新教师的要求,美国学院与大学联合会和研究生院委员会共同发起了未来师资培训规划项目(PFF)。

    Since 1993 , Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School Committee co-sponsored the " Preparing Future Faculty " project ( PFF ), according to the fact that it is difficult to make the doctoral education adapt to the requirements of new teachers in University .

  5. 培训规划缺乏整体性和连续性,随意性大。

    Training program lack of integrity and continuity , in intense disorder .

  6. 但是公司的培训规划中,却存在着很多问题。

    However , there are a lot of problems in the training of the company .

  7. 本文最后一部分通过对A公司的企业文化培训规划的制订和实施试点的介绍,来具体说明企业该如何进行企业文化培训。

    Last but not the least , the paper presents the execution of the corporate-culture training in corporate A.

  8. 通过对外派船员现状和船舶市场对船员的影响来分析航运企业进行再培训规划的重点和策略;

    We also analysis the factor for influencing the status quo of the shipping configuration and crew who is signed on foreign vessel fleet .

  9. 强调在进行企业文化培训规划时,需要从培训的内容、组织、形式三方面入手,考虑多个因素。

    It narrates the facts and three aspects combined by content , organizing and mode of training , which we need to take into account as planning .

  10. 卫生部2005年印发了《2005-2010年全国卫生监督员教育培训规划》(以下简称《规划》)。

    The Ministry of Health printed and issued 2005-2010 National Program for Education and Training of Health Supervisor ( Hereinafter referred to as " Program ") in 2005 .

  11. 他们意识到,经济状况终有一天会改变,因此需要为此做好准备,而方法就是在公司内部保持一个从长远观点出发的学习培训规划。

    They realize that economic conditions will ultimately shift and that they will need to prepare for changes by maintaining a long-term approach to learning within the company .

  12. 案例分析部分从地铁五年发展战略规划入手,运用系统的观点分析了广州地铁培训规划与战略规划的关系、培训组织架构、培训内容、培训方法、培训评估。

    Starting from the Five-Year Development Strategy of Guangzhou Metro Corporation , the author analyses the relationship between the Corporation 's staff training program and strategic program , the training organization , training contents , training methods and training evaluation systematically .

  13. 在建设社会主义新农村、加快农村城镇化进程、增加农民收入、改善农民生活的背景下,国务院办公厅下发了2003-2010年全国农民工培训规划,旨在提高农民工的转移就业能力。

    Office of the State Council issued the 2003-2010 national migrant workers training plan to enhance the transfer capacity of migrant workers so that farmers ' income and their life can be improved , under the circumstance of building new socialist countryside and speeding up the process of urbanization .

  14. 最后,文章提出了解决湖南省分行存在的问题的对策,主要包括:建立人才流动机制,完善人力资源信息系统,加强激励制度建设,重新认识职业生涯规划重要性和完善多样的培训规划。

    Find some good measures to solve those problems . Finally , we give some solutions , such as structuring the mechanism of personnel flow , completing the HRIS , enhancing the Incentive system , having a new idea on Career Planning , and setting up kinds of training programs .

  15. 也在对热带病研究和培训特别规划(TDR)进行审查。

    The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) is also under review .

  16. 在6月16日晚间于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区举行的颁奖仪式上,热带病研究和培训特别规划负责人RobertRidley博士代表该规划接受了这项全球最大的公共卫生奖。

    At a ceremony in Washington , DC the evening of16 June , the world 's largest public health prize was presented to TDR Director Dr Robert Ridley .

  17. 坦桑尼亚科学家提名将该奖授予热带病研究和培训特别规划。

    Tanzanian scientists were among those that nominated TDR for the award .

  18. 要把师资培训列入规划,列入任务。

    Teacher training should be included in our plans .

  19. 以素质为基础的培训体系规划

    Designing Competency - based Training System

  20. 世卫组织正提供这方面支持,尤其是通过落实热带病研究和培训特别规划提供协助。

    WHO is providing support in this area , especially through the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases .

  21. 信息、证据和研究部门现在包括了热带病研究和培训特别规划。

    The Information , Evidence and Research cluster now includes the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) .

  22. 最后,当我们以这次振奋人心的顶级周会的结论为基础展望未来时,我愿向大家保证,世卫组织和热带病研究与培训特别规划时刻准备着。

    Finally , as we look beyond the conclusions of this exciting Zenith Week , I want to assure you that WHO and TDR stand ready .

  23. 为了解决该群体在城市的就业问题,我国政府下发了多个指导农村转移劳动力教育与培训的规划文件,并在全国开展了较大规模的教育与培训实践活动。

    For solving the problems of the transformation of rural labor employment , our government has devised many schemes for directing the practice of the education and training of transforming rural labor , and the wide scope practice has carried out .

  24. 构建医学检验专业技能培训体系的规划与设计思路

    The programme and design of constructing medical laboratory professional skill training system

  25. 培训课程的规划与设计尤其应考虑东购商学院成立的背景,统筹兼顾。

    Training courses especially the planning and design should consider the establishment of the Business School background .

  26. 对于高端人才的培训及发展规划仍是留住人才的最有效手段。

    Training and development for top talent and critical employees is the most important way to drive engagement in the region .

  27. 进入新的一年,德勤俱乐部将继续来到同学们的身边,邀请您参加一系列的活动,包括专业实习、导师辅导计划、领导力培训、职业规划指导等。

    Entering into a new year , the Deloitte Club will continue its success features including Internship opportunities , Mentor Programme , Developing Leadership Qualities , Career Guidance , etc.

  28. 复杂场景的虚拟实时漫游是视景仿真的一个重要的应用方面,它在娱乐、旅游、教育与培训、城市规划等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    Virtual real-time navigation of the complicated scene is an important application in visual simulation , which have extensive application outlook in the field of entertainment , touring , education and training , city planning etc.

  29. 供交通行业教育主管理部门决策和制定规划提供依据,为交通职业教育院校和培训机构制定规划,确定发展方向,改革与发展提供参考。

    Based on the study the charging department can make decision and frame the layout , and the vocational education academies and organizations can set the developing orientation and take it as a reference to the reform and development .

  30. 听完那个例子,在座的CEO们都睁大了眼睛,他们肯定是在认真考虑自己的培训制度和情景规划。

    The CEOs in the room had wide eyes and were certainly thinking hard about their training regimens and scenario planning after that example .