
  • 网络training needs assessment
  1. 需求阶段考虑了最关键的要素,因此现有的关于培训需求评估的资料可以在项目前阶段被使用。

    The existing materials of training needs assessment could be adopted and used for the development of this pre-program , analysis of needs stage .

  2. 其中需求分析包括客户调研、组织分析、人员分析、任务分析以及培训需求评估应采用的方法五个内容。

    Needs analysis , which includes research , analysis , staff analysis , task analysis , as well as training needs assessment methodology to be used five content .

  3. 吉林市14所综合医院HIV职业暴露培训需求评估

    Assessment on Training Demand for Occupational People Exposed HIV on 14 Polyclinic Hospital in Jilin City

  4. 本文从培训需求评估、培训项目开发与实施、培训效果评估三方面来分析M公司具体培训职能上存在的问题第三章针对上一章分析提出了改善对策。

    Chapter 3 . This chapter gives detailed solutions for training function in M company .

  5. 安徽省乡镇级妇幼卫生服务人员培训需求评估分析

    Evaluation and analysis on the requirement of the MCH service staff trainning at county level in Anhui Province

  6. 我国县级卫生机构人员人/禽流感相关知识培训需求评估

    Needs assessment on the training of the health technical personnel in county-level agencies in the related knowledge about human infection of highly pathogenic bird 's flu

  7. 在培训需求评估方面,提出了以胜任特征模型为标准,以胜任特征评估量表作为培训需求的调查工具。

    In training requirement evaluation , competency characteristic model is suggested as the criterion and competency characteristic evaluation table is suggested as the training requirement evaluation tool .

  8. 疗养院管理人员培训现状与需求评估

    Current Situation and Demand Assessment on the Training of Managers in Sanitarium

  9. 从系统论的观点来考察组织培训实践,培训需求评估是培训系统的基础环节。

    When we investigate the training practice in organizations from the view of system theory , we can find that training needs assessment is the primary step of the training system .

  10. 其次就培训中的重点培训需求评估问题进行了重点说明,对培训评估理论也进行了详细的论述。

    The training focused on training needs assessment are described , the training evaluation theory is also discussed in detail .

  11. 这一模型针对大连市公务员的特点,结合培训有效性理论,从培训需求评估、培训内容和培训方法匹配、培训环境匹配三个角度进行研究和探讨。

    The model , taking account of Dalian civil servants ' characters and the training effectiveness theory , contains three parts : training needs appraisal , the match of training method and training content , matching the training environment .

  12. 培训的安排应建立在培训需求评估、培训主题的确立、培训目标的制定、培训程序的选择与设计、培训的实施、培训的评价6大系统之上。

    The training 's arrangement should establish on six systems including training needs evaluation , the establishment of training topic , the establishment of training targets , choice and design of training procedure , the practice of training and training evaluation .

  13. 本文对培训外包决策进行研究。从培训需求评估和培训外包供应商选择这两个角度,讨论培训外包的决策。

    First , the author made a study of the decision of training outsourcing from two aspects ( the choice of supplier and the training needs assessment ) .

  14. 要使培训达到预定的目标,必须进行培训需求的分析和评估。

    We must make an analysis and assessment of the training needs in order to reach the desired goal .

  15. 论文是从培训管理的角度详细地介绍了培训系统、培训需求、培训效果评估以及职业生涯规划的理论和模型,并在此基础上提出了培训管理的理论系统模型。

    From the training management , the paper introduces in detail the theory and model of training system , requirement , performance evaluation and career planning , and then provides Theory system model of training management .

  16. 煤炭企业在贯彻ISO9001~2000标准中,对企业职工进行有效的质量教育培训仍存在不少问题,如少数管理者质量意识不到位、培训需求盲目、培训评估不完善、培训信息不畅等。

    In the efforts to implement ISO 9001-2000 , there exist a number of problems in safety awareness cultivation of the staff and workers .

  17. 多年来,发电企业大多只注重了对培训的投入,但却没有很好地对培训工作进行系统的评估。培训工作的指令性、临时性特征较强,缺乏对培训需求的评估;

    For many years , there has been a lack of systemic training evaluation in many power generation enterprises .