
  • 网络training adviser;training consultant
  1. 思库咨询是中国一流的咨询式培训顾问公司。

    SEEKERS is a top training firm with unique consulting specialty in China .

  2. 男:我们从事培训顾问行业。

    M : We 're a training consultancy .

  3. 销售培训顾问是一份非常令人激动的职业,因为这要求任职者能够在快节奏和变化多端的环境中工作。

    Selling training solutions is a very exciting career as it requires one to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment .

  4. IBMRational顾问有着广泛领域的培训,顾问工作包会帮助项目团队提高工作速度。

    IBM Rational consultants have a wide range of training and consultancy packages that can help a project team get up to speed .

  5. 这需要培训、顾问、行为榜样、税收优惠、放松监管以及基础设施投资,但最重要的是一种新思维。

    This requires training , mentors , role models , tax breaks , deregulation and investment in infrastructure but , most of all , a new mindset .

  6. 比如,你可以为新设备进行培训和顾问咨询,或者你可以放低要求并行这些工作。

    For instance , you could include training or consultancy for new equipment , or you might parallel the work with the foundation of a fall-back position .

  7. 培训及发展顾问FarrahParker称:大多数人后悔选了人类学,因为大家原先觉得会肯定有与之对口的职业。

    People typically regret majoring in anthropology because they have a preconceived notion that there is a direct and specific job title perfectly correlating to it , says training and development consultant Farrah Parker .

  8. 开办集体课程:请专业师资提供专业技能培训,课程顾问持续跟进,促进培训效果。

    Open collective curriculum : invite professional teachers to provide professional skills training , curriculum consultant sustained follow-up to promote the training effect .

  9. 从传统的、基于文档的规范和以代码为中心的开发转移到MDD上将需要在工具、培训,和外部顾问方面的巨大投资。

    Moving from traditional , document-based specification and code-centric development to MDD will demand large investments in tools , training , and external consultants .

  10. 我们拥有资深企业顾问、高级培训讲师及高级顾问数名。

    We have senior enterprise consultants , senior training instructors and senior consultants .

  11. 最有效的方法就是培训与聘请专家顾问相结合。

    The most efficient approach is probably a mix of training and the use of expert consultants .

  12. 金德之后又创立了财务人生规划师培训,教导财务顾问关注客户的人生目标,在与客户沟通时将心比心地倾听。

    Mr. Kinder later developed ' financial life planner ' training , which teaches advisers to focus on the client 's life goals and use empathic listening skills when working with them .

  13. 如果要获准进行一次检测,你不得不花上半个小时,那么我们得培训多少名咨询顾问,成本又有多高呢?

    # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; If you have to spend half an hour seeking permission to do one test , how many counsellors should we train and at what cost ?