
  • 网络Trainer;training instructor;Instructor
  1. 如何选择合适的培训方法?如何选择合适的内部培训讲师?

    How to choose suitable training approaches and how to choose inner trainer inside the organization ?

  2. 加强内部培训讲师的管理;

    Strengthen the interior to train the lecturer the management ;

  3. 培训讲师现状及其专业发展的调查研究

    An Investigation and Study on Trainers ' Actuality and Their Professional Development

  4. 我们拥有资深企业顾问、高级培训讲师及高级顾问数名。

    We have senior enterprise consultants , senior training instructors and senior consultants .

  5. 农业企业员工希望培训讲师具有企业实战经验以及丰富的案例辅助,并且倾向于接受案例分析与研讨会形式的教学方法。

    Agricultural enterprise staff hopes training lecturer have actual combat experience and rich in enterprise case , they tend to accept the teaching methods of case analysis and seminar forms .

  6. 如果你持有大学肄业证书,就可以通过参加由多所大学提供的在线英语/双语课程培训来获得讲师证书。

    If you have an undergraduate degree in education , online programs in ESL / Bilingual / TESOL are available through many colleges and universities that offer online programs .

  7. 除了培训的内容,培训讲师的资格和地位是很重要的。

    In addition to content , trainers'qualification and status are important .

  8. 问题产生的原因主要在于:政策及培训制度不合理;培训讲师队伍能力不一;忽视幼儿园教师培训需求;部分幼儿园教师参加培训带有功利性;培训评价机制不完善。

    The cause of the problem is mainly due to : policies and training system is unreasonable ; the team of trainers ability imbalance ; neglect the in-service training needs of kindergarten teachers ; some kindergarten teachers to participate in-service training with utilitarian ; in-service training evaluation mechanisms are inadequate .

  9. 为了顺应时代的发展,近年来我国培训市场发展迅猛,与此同时催生了培训讲师职业的形成。

    To adjust the development of the times , the rapid development of the training market has promoted the emergence of trainers as an occupation .

  10. 本文首先从目前培训市场发展的现状入手,以培训讲师和教师专业发展理论为指导,根据研究初期对部分培训讲师访谈的结果,设计了《上海市咨询公司培训讲师群体现状调查问卷》。

    During the research of the trainers ' status , I designed " Trainers ' status questionnaire from consulting companies of Shanghai " according to interviewing results in my initial research on the part of trainers .

  11. 论文结合平安寿险的实践经验,概括出平安寿险业务员培训体系可分为五大体系,分别是培训组织体系、培训课程体系、培训讲师体系、培训支撑体系与培训实施体系。

    The author finds that the training system of Ping An can be summarized as five major systems , organizing system , course system , lecturer system , system of supporting and operating system .

  12. 本文以清扬培训机构的学员管理为背景,对学员信息管理系统进行研究,根据调研结果,论文包括系统管理员、操作员、培训讲师、学员四种角色的需求。

    And this paper studies the Management System of Trainees ' Information which is set in the trainee management of Qing Yang Training Institution . In my paper , I elaborate different requirements with various roles such as administrators , operators , trainers and trainees according to my studies .