
  • 网络training manager;Learning & Development Manager;Training Manager-sales
  1. 从为schlumbergersema工作至今,我一直承担公开演说培训经理及行政助理一职。

    To date , my schlumbergersema work experience includes assuming the position of public speaking training manager and executive PA.

  2. 我是汕头一家大型企业的培训经理,公司地址在大学路。

    I am a training manager of a enterprise in shantou .

  3. 为发展、更新资源、应用程序以及接口选择正确的“培训经理”。

    Selecting the right " content experts " for developing and updating resources , applications and interfaces .

  4. 在他一位海军伙计的怂恿下,他应聘了麦当劳的餐厅培训经理一职。

    He landed at McDonald 's as a restaurant manager trainee after a Navy buddy encouraged him to apply .

  5. 优衣库所提供的,正是许多中国消费者所想要的:日本品牌,中国价格。在某化妆品公司担任培训经理的薛米琪,就是这样一位消费者。

    Like Ms Xue , training manager for a cosmetics company , many Chinese consumers want what Uniqlo offers - Japan branding at China prices .

  6. 迪堡公司中国区人力资源部招聘及培训经理王希金(音译)认为,详细描述你如何解决难题是关键。

    The key is to give a detailed description of how you dealt with the problem , according to Wang Xijin , HR / recruitment and training manager of Diebold China .

  7. 我注意到了,你是培训项目经理。

    I also noticed that you are the Canonical Training Project Manager .

  8. 弗兰克?戴维斯是培训部经理,他讲销售课。

    Frank Davies is the training manager and he gives the sales lectures .

  9. 现在我们可以将你培训成经理,以后就由你来管理我们这个州所有的分店。

    You 're ready now to be trained as manager for all our stores in the state .

  10. LePainQuotidien加州分公司培训与发展经理莉亚??鲁辛斯基最初只是纽约的一名服务生。

    Leah Rucinski , training and development manager for Le Pain Quotidien California , started as a server in New York .

  11. 宝洁北美培训及发展经理德卢卡(PaulDeluca)称,他希望两家工厂都能在6月前开课,利马工厂初期参与课程的有15至20名工人,贝尔维尔工厂则有多达300名。

    Paul DeLuca , North American learning and development manager , said he hopes to have both courses running by June , starting with a group of 15 to 20 workers in Lima and up to 300 in Belleville .

  12. 抱着这样的想法,他们与乌克兰天主教大学校长、前哈佛学者博里什古济亚克神父(borysgudziak)进行了接触,提议创建这所商学院,教授希望攻读mba的学员和需要短期课程培训的中层经理。

    With this in mind they approached the rector of UCU and former harvardacademic father Borys Gudziak , ( above left ) with the suggestion of creating the business school to teach both their MBA hopefuls and ranks of middle managers requiring shorter courses .

  13. 与全国销售培训与发展经理合作执行相应得全国培训项目。

    To align with National STD manager on national training program deployment .

  14. 一位办公培训和发展经理说:“人们的穿着水平提升了,看起来更加尊重自己,”

    A learning and development manager in the office said : ' People 's level of dress just went up ... people seemed to have more respect for themselves . '

  15. 在近期的一次晋升会议上,一群男性经理要决定是否提拔一位女工程师。一位参加过偏见培训的高级经理告诫同事,要记住,他们都是男性——因此对于女性在工程团队中扮演的不同角色,他们可能无法完全领会。

    During one recent promotion meeting in which a group of male managers were deciding the fate of a female engineer , a senior manager who had been through the bias training cautioned his colleagues to remember that they were all men - and thus might not be able to fully appreciate the different roles women perform in engineering groups .

  16. 雇用和培训一名助理经理及18名服务员和厨房雇员提供周到的餐饮服务。

    Staffed and trained an assistant manager and18 servants and kitchen employees in full service dinning .

  17. 测试技术的培训,协助测试经理完成团队的技术导向分配。

    Provide training on test techniques and assist the manager to accomplish technology-oriented assignment of the team ;

  18. 重点是商业绩效,而不仅仅是完成“今年的20个培训计划”&某培训经理在谈及他本年度的成就时这样回答。

    The emphasis is on business results , and not on just having done " 20 programmes this year ," as one training manager responded to a question on his achievements for the year .

  19. 旁听检查店内培训课程,并及时向培训部经理提供反馈和具有建设性的意见。

    Observe in-house training and provide timely feedback and constructive suggestion to Training Manager .

  20. 收集相关培训材料和信息,并及时向培训经理报告。

    Collect relative training materials and information and timely reports to training manager .

  21. 在完成内部或外部培训计划和活动中,要与培训经理协调工作。

    Coordinate with training manager in the implementation of internal or external training plans and activities .

  22. 进行相庆的安全培训评估,包括专业培训需求如叉车的使用,并向培训经理提出推荐。

    Makes an appraisal of safety training requirements including any specialist training needs , eg. for driving Fork Lift Trucks , and makes subsequent recommendations on that basis to the Business Unit Training Manager .