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  • training program
  1. 委员会建议培训计划应当改进。

    The committee has recommended that the training program ( should ) be improved .

  2. 这时,AbigailRajala&威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校神经科学培训计划(NeuroscienceTrainingProgram)一个有经验的动物技师,提及到其中的一只猴子可以在小镜子中认出自己。

    Then Abigail Rajala , an experienced animal technician who is in the university 's Neuroscience Training Program , mentioned that one of the monkeys could recognize himself in a small mirror .

  3. 我们将在明年缩小培训计划。

    We are scaling down our training programmes next year .

  4. 良好的培训计划是企业成功的先决条件。

    A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry .

  5. 一项旨在帮助长期失业者的新的培训计划有望出台。

    A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected

  6. 青年培训计划一直持续到1983年底。

    The Youth Training Scheme was operative by the end of 1983 .

  7. 他在毕业生培训计划中赢得了一个位置。

    He landed a place on the graduate training scheme

  8. 政府表示希望彻底改革就业培训计划以实现低成本高效益。

    The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective

  9. 某些情况下,院校可能不得不改变他们的培训计划,这使难度进一步加大。

    In some cases , colleges and universities might have to change their training programs , adding another layer of difficulty .

  10. 一旦您的需求确定了,IBM将提供与之匹配的免费培训计划。

    Once your needs are determined , IBM offers complimentary training plans to match .

  11. IBM培训计划帮助您做出精确的预算

    IBM training plans help you budget accurately

  12. 这家专业服务公司最初于2003年与英国的曼彻斯特商学院(manchesterbusinessschool)建立了联系,当时这家商学院为其雇员提供了一项高管培训计划。

    The professional services firm first established its relationship with Manchester Business School in the UK in 2003 when the school delivered an Executive Programme for its employees .

  13. 但我突发奇想,加入了汇丰银行(HSBC)的毕业培训计划。

    But the idea stuck , and I joined the graduate training scheme at HSBC .

  14. 准备有关GMDSS设备的培训计划。

    Prepare training plan regarding GMDSS equipment .

  15. 本人具有良好的人际关系技巧,能够组织,制定和实施EBS培训计划。

    I possess good human relations skills and be able to organize , develop , and deliver EBS training program .

  16. 一月份,巴拉克・奥巴马(BarackObama)总统在谈论将职业培训计划更好地与雇主需求结合这一话题时,他对艺术史学位价值的质疑不经意引起了一片哗然。

    In January , President Barack Obama inadvertently caused a bit of an uproar when he questioned the value of a degree in art history while he was talking about better aligning job-training programs with employer needs .

  17. 他称,“Kaiser有一项非常好的培训计划,”这样患者就可以获得一些关于如何照顾自己、糖尿病需要注意些什么之类的建议。

    " Kaiser has a very good education program ," he says , so the patients probably got counseling in how to take care of themselves and their diabetes .

  18. 公司的内部培训计划被称为“苹果大学”,在其中一堂课上,导师将11张构成毕加索《公牛》(TheBull)的版画与苹果公司打造智能手机及其他产品的方式联系起来。

    In a class at the company 's internal training program , the so-called Apple University , the instructor likened the 11 lithographs that make up Picasso 's " The Bull " to the way Apple builds its smartphones and other devices .

  19. BQPM正在与北内华达州开发局(NNDA)协商一项联合培训计划。

    BQPM is in the process of developing a Joint Venture agreement for Training with the Northern Nevada Development Authority ( NNDA ) .

  20. 许多国家正在建立或强化自身的现场流行病学培训计划(FETP),以满足对人力资源的需求,但面临着持续性和培训质量方面的挑战。

    Many countries are establishing or enhancing their field epidemiology training programmes ( FETPs ) to meet human resource needs but face challenges in sustainability and training quality .

  21. 该委员会自2002年由布什总统和阿富汗总统HamidKarzai建立以来,已经捐赠了数千万美元用来在阿富汗进行广泛的教育和培训计划,同时也将阿富汗妇女送到美国就读。

    Begun by President Bush and Afghan President Hamid Karzai in 2002 , the council has devoted tens of million of dollars to a wide range of educational and training programs in Afghanistan , while also bringing Afghan women to the United States for schooling .

  22. 还有一些雇主,比如在小城镇开设门店的时装零售店Maurices,通过一项管理培训计划为公司培育人才。

    And still others , such as Maurices , a fashion retailer that sets up shop in small towns , groom talent through a management training program .

  23. 当她这样做时,我不知道她是否认为该计划的名声会享誉世界各地,但真的是这样,以至于香港政府请求Clore领袖培训计划安排为期5天的研讨会,来激发西九龙项目的灵感。

    When she did so I don 't know whether she thought its reputation would cross the world but it has . So much so , that the Hong Kong government asked the Clore Leadership Programme to arrange five days of seminars to inspire the West Kowloon project .

  24. 为什么我们要有47个各种各样的独立职业培训计划?

    Why should we have 47 different separate job training programs ?

  25. 我认为必须马上制订一个培训计划。

    I think that a training program should be started immediately .

  26. A你们船上有保安培训计划吗。

    Do you have the security training plans on your ship ?

  27. 与其他内部审计经理一起工作,促进交叉培训计划。

    Work with other Internal Audit managers in developing cross-training programs .

  28. 培训计划的制订和实施;

    The draw up and the apply of the training plan ;

  29. 制定本部门人员发展培训计划,激励本部门员工。

    Make training plan of own department and inspire the employee .

  30. 他照管这些实习生,并监督他们的培训计划的执行。

    He looks after the trainees and supervises their training programme .