
  1. 然后通过介绍我国公务员培训与职业发展的现状,分析了公务员培训目前存在的瓶颈,提出建立基于职业发展的培训体系来突破公务员培训瓶颈的构想。

    Throughout the introduction of current civil servants training management and career development of our country , it analyzed the existing bottleneck of civil servants training , as well as made a suggestion to defeat the bottleneck by constructing a training system based on the core of career development .

  2. 尽管教师在线培训在理论和实践上对于教师专业发展、素质教育和新课程改革的意义是如此的重大,但是教师参与性及培训质量低等问题却已成为在线培训可持续发展的瓶颈。

    Although the teachers online training is significant to the teachers ' professional development , quality education and new curriculum reform in theory and practice , but teachers ' participation in the training and quality problem has become the bottleneck of sustainable development .