
  • 网络Training Course;training session;Training Program;induction course
  1. 本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。

    This training course will qualify you for a better job .

  2. 良好的培训课程会防止许多问题产生。

    A good training course will pre-empt many problems .

  3. 培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。

    The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops .

  4. 她正在职业学校学习全国普通职业证书的商业培训课程。

    She 's doing GNVQ Business Studies at college .

  5. 我们已经在今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。

    We 've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses

  6. 文科课程的报名人数有所下降,而以商业为主、针对高薪职业的高度专业化培训课程则越来越受欢迎。

    There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers , mostly in business .

  7. 提供培训课程以提升开发人员在构建安全监视Web服务方面的技能。

    Provide training classes to update developers'skills on building security monitoring Web services .

  8. IBM提供了一些基于Web的收费培训课程,以及各种免费教育内容。

    IBM has some fee-based Web-based training courses available , along with a variety of free education offerings .

  9. 对于那些想要探究其高级特性的人来说,可以通过IBMRationalUniversity进行一天的培训课程。

    For those who want to explore its advanced features , a one-day training class is available through IBM Rational University .

  10. 其中还提供了自定进度的虚拟课程、在线培训课程、现场培训,并通过EducationPack这类项目提供团体培训折扣。

    Among the offerings are self-paced virtual classes , instructor-led online training , onsite training , and group training discounts through programs like the Education Pack .

  11. 她还开发过和教授过六年的RationalRhapsody软件的培训课程。

    She has developed and taught training courses on Rational Rhapsody software over the past six years .

  12. Scrum联盟面向全世界提供培训课程。

    The Scrum Alliance lists courses on offer all around the world .

  13. 本文的第二部分是介绍建筑环境培训课程的发展和补充情况(这门课最初是由Washington大学提出的)。

    Element 2 . Educational Curriculum Development and Implementation on the issues of Habitat ( activities formerly sponsored by the University of Washington ) .

  14. ICE中国教育中心的CPD计划提供包括初级、中级和高级三个层次的培训课程。

    The CPD program sponsored by ICE-CTC consists of basic , advance and senior three levels of training course .

  15. 弗兰克•马丁奴(FrankMartino)也通过运用IBM的培训课程完成了一次人员重组。

    Frank Martino also applied a lesson from the IBM training to complete a staff reorganization .

  16. 我的意思是,今天Rails所拥有的开发者、产品、培训课程、书籍、会议和其他社区支持。

    I mean , with all of the developers , products , training , books , conferences and other community support .

  17. 如果你正在进行Rails培训课程,那么如何让所有学生都能尽快上手呢?

    If you are running a training course on Rails , how do you get everyone in your class ready to go ?

  18. 艺术与商业(artsandbusiness)是一家帮助艺术界和商界建立合作关系的组织,它明年将设立一个名为impactunleashed的培训课程,鼓励企业高管发展创造力。

    Arts and business , an organisation that helps build partnerships between the arts and business , is launching a training programme , impact unleashed , next year to encourage industry executives to be creative .

  19. 伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)公开培训课程主管乔埃林普劳蒂-麦克拉伦(joellynprouty-mclaren)表示,这些课程正变得越来越像定制课程。

    At London Business School , Joellyn prouty-mclaren , director of open programmes , says that these courses are becoming much more like customised programmes .

  20. 我院教学体系设计有三大块:专业学分课程、EAP海外桥梁课程、标准化英语培训课程。

    We have divided our study in three quarters : Specialized Courses ; EAP Bridge Courses ; Standard English Training .

  21. Ryan指出说:在你签下任何证书培训课程前,去求职公告板上确定这是否是雇主所需要的。

    Ryan reveals , Before you sign up for a certification training program , check the job boards to make sure that employers are asking for it .

  22. 候选的EMS审核员候选人在受雇于认证机构前应具备这些领域的某些相关经历,而EMS审核组长培训课程应只是把他们的知识向针对审核过程引导中关注审核员知识的一种手段。

    EMS auditor candidates should have some relevant experience in these areas before hire and the EMS lead auditor course should be a means to focus their knowledge toward the audit process .

  23. 很多外籍护士表示,他们初到英国时一般先去私营部门工作,在完成相关培训课程后不久便跳槽到NHS寻求新的岗位。(文/张咏)

    Many nurses said they had initially worked for private sector employers in the UK before moving to the NHS soon after completing an adaptation course .

  24. 同时,我们已主动通过面对面会谈等形式,核实并确保每个Apple授权服务提供商都已开设了培训课程,更新了员工对于维修和保修政策的知识。

    The same time , we have taken the initiative through face-to-face meetings and other forms of verification and to ensure that each Apple Authorized Service Provider have opened training courses to update the knowledge of the staff for the maintenance and warranty policies .

  25. 有的是在家里工作的员工,有的是参加在线培训课程(instructor-ledonline,ILO)的学员,所以想通过查看用户的屏幕来帮助他们解决问题通常是不现实的。

    Whether it 's employees working from home or students taking an instructor-led online ( ILO ) class , often it is impractical to see the users'screens to help them with difficulties .

  26. 普华永道(PwC)的起源公园计划就是一个现实版的领导力培训课程,。该课程成功地将新秀管理者们召集到一起,在实践中磨练他们的跨文化商业技巧。

    PwC 's " Genesis Park " initiative is an example of a real-world leadership development programme that has successfully brought together " rising star " executives to hone their transcultural business skills .

  27. 为什麽不能为中国建立国际军事培训课程(IMET)?

    Why not have International Military Education and Training ( IMET ) programs for China ?

  28. 2012年1月末,巴卢和钱伯斯-普利斯在讨论如何在资深人士培训课程上进行合作时,想出了Entre-SLAM这个点子。

    Ballew and chambers-price came up with the idea for entre-slam last January 2012 while they were discussing how they could collaborate on a Veterans ' training course .

  29. 地方医科大学毕业生入伍任职培训课程设置研究

    Curricula-setting on Pre-job Training in Recruits Graduated from Local Medical Universities

  30. 三是对新农村教师培训课程开发流程与运作机制的研究。

    Thirdly , analyze the curriculum development process and the mechanism .