
  • 网络Training Manager;training director
  1. 美国培训管理者素质技能要求综述及其启示

    An Overview of the Requirements of America 's Training Directors and Implications

  2. 亚洲对跨文化领导力、对培训管理者在亚洲以外运营子公司的需求最为强劲。

    Demand is biggest in Asia for cross-cultural leadership and for training managers to run subsidiaries outside the region .

  3. 用人单位还应培训管理者如何辨别和预防性骚扰行为,并让他们学会如何在员工的担忧转变为正式投诉或诉讼之前解决问题。

    Employers should also train their managers on how to identify and prevent sexual harassment , and how to address an employee 's concerns before they turn into a formal complaint or lawsuit .

  4. 在此阶段周期通常为一周或者两周。第一步是培训高层管理者或者主管对于精益西格玛的认识。

    Duration is a week or two.1st step is to educate the top management or executives on Lean Sigma awareness .

  5. 培训机构管理者兼是主干教师,虽然学历不高,但是实践经验丰富,学习意识强烈。

    Training managers and is the main teachers , although degree is not high , but the rich practical experience , strong sense of learning .

  6. 学者、培训师和管理者如此普遍地强调在工作中培养亲密人际关系的重要性,这会使你十分意外,如果你仔细想想的话。

    This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work .

  7. 安全生产培训机构培训管理者素质要求初探

    Preliminary study on requirements of the quality of training managers in safety production training institutions

  8. 目的编制护理管理人员管理技能问卷,为培训与评价护理管理者管理技能提供量化工具。

    Objective To develop a questionnaire about the management skills of nursing managers .

  9. 物流企业加强人力资源培训工作需要从管理者、培训部门和员工个人三方面入手。

    Logistics enterprises to strengthen human resources training needs of managers and staff training departments and individuals three ways .

  10. 我们的核心业务是销售技能和销售管理系列课程量身定做,专业培训师及培训管理者发展。

    Our core business is sales and sales management skills tailored programs , professional trainers and training management development .

  11. 党校培训民营企业经营管理者是党管干部原则向党管人才观念拓展的具体体现。

    The training of private business managers in Party schools represents the change of concept from Party managing the cadres to Party managing the talents .

  12. 本文立足于美国教育培训的发展背景,分析了教育培训业的现状,着重探讨了培训管理者的素质技能要求,并指出其对我国教育培训业的启示。

    Based on the evolution of America 's educational training , this article analyzes the status quo of the training industry with a special focus on the ability and skill requirements of training directors , from which some suggestions for us is drawn .

  13. 针对以上研究所得出的结论,提出提高员工培训积极性的相应建议,以期望本文的研究成果能够对企业人力资源管理者,特别是培训活动管理者提供一定的帮助与支持。

    According to the conclusion based on the research findings above , this research gives some advices on how to improve the employees ' training positivity , hoping to provide helps and supports to human resource managers , especially for the managerial personnel in training .