
  • 网络training effectiveness
  1. 浅谈培训有效性的全方位评估

    Brief Discussions on the All - round Evaluation of Training Effectiveness

  2. 中层领导职务公务员胜任力培训有效性模型研究

    Research on Middle-level Leadership Civil Servant Competency Training Effectiveness Model

  3. 影响教师培训有效性的五个基本环节

    Exploration on Five Basic Elements of Effecting on In-service Teacher Training

  4. 真实性测试应用于专门用途英语培训有效性的研究

    Research on the Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment in ESP Training

  5. 组织提高培训有效性的障碍研究

    Obstacles for Organizations to Improve Training Effectiveness

  6. 希望本研究能为将来学习策略培训有效性的研究提供可用价值。

    The present study is expected to provide some valuable implications for study on effectiveness of strategy training in the future .

  7. 本文将首先对培训有效性进行介绍,然后从经济价值的角度,介绍和分析了培训有效性的几种评估模型,并着重阐述了效用分析模型,并对其中的难点问题进行了相关探讨。

    This paper firstly introduce different methods of evaluating training effectiveness , then focus on how to measure the economic value of training programs from aspects of cost and benefit , ROI and utility .

  8. 结果显示知识应用指导者角色是对培训有效性产生影响最广泛的角色,而其他角色也对培训有效性评估中不同的子维度产生不同的影响作用。

    The result showed that Learning Orientator is the role that has most widely effect on training effectiveness , and the other trainer roles also influence and work on different sub dimensions of training effectiveness .

  9. 针对以上问题,本文通过研究,提出了诸如薪酬制度改进、绩效考核完善、培训有效性提高等针对性的建议和策略。

    To solve the above problem , this paper presents such as the pay system to improve , improve the performance appraisal , and to improve the effectiveness of training and other specific recommendations and strategies .

  10. 这一模型针对大连市公务员的特点,结合培训有效性理论,从培训需求评估、培训内容和培训方法匹配、培训环境匹配三个角度进行研究和探讨。

    The model , taking account of Dalian civil servants ' characters and the training effectiveness theory , contains three parts : training needs appraisal , the match of training method and training content , matching the training environment .

  11. 二是组织提高培训有效性的客观障碍的问题,文章通过大量文献研究对关键系统因素进行了归纳和分析,从而得出培训利益冲突是客观障碍的结论。

    Much research of literature on the key system factors leads to the conclusion that the training interest conflicts are the objective obstacles , and followed is detailed analysis of the organizations ' complex training interest , especially in the views of organizational theories .

  12. 观察员工不同个体特征对培训有效性的影响有无显著差异,分析员工不同个体特征对培训效果的影响程度,为企业组织管理者从员工角度提升培训效果与企业培训后评估提供参考。

    Observation of workers with different individual characteristics affect whether the effectiveness of the training , employees of different individual characteristics of the training effect , evaluation of reference to enhance the effectiveness of training and corporate training managers of the business organization from a staff point of view .

  13. 中学双语教学师资培训途径有效性的研究

    Research on the Effectiveness of Middle School Bilingual Teacher 's Training Approach

  14. 研究结论证实了阅读策略培训的有效性。

    This result suggests the feasibility and effectiveness of reading strategy training .

  15. 提高质量技术监督培训工作有效性的探讨

    Probe on Raising Quality Technical Supervision Training Efficiency

  16. 提高煤矿安全培训工作有效性刍议

    Enhancing the Effectiveness of Mine Safety Training

  17. 提高教育培训的有效性

    To Improve the Effectiveness of Education Training

  18. 尽管很流行,但公司依然很难对培训的有效性进行量化衡量。

    For all its popularity , companies are still struggling with how to measure its effectiveness .

  19. 浅析企业培训的有效性

    Analysis on Effectiveness of Enterprise Training

  20. 本研究着重探讨的是听力策略培训的有效性。

    The study mainly focused on the effectiveness of the listening strategy training in the listening classroom .

  21. 如何将员工的知识技能同企业绩效挂钩,为科学评估培训的有效性指明方向。

    The way to link employee 's knowledge and skill to corporate performance makes a direction on training effectiveness evaluation .

  22. 现在,研究的重点转移到学习策略培训的有效性、模式和方法上。

    And now , focus of research is turned to the validation , training models and methods of learning strategies training .

  23. 因此,本文选择国有企业员工培训的有效性这一课题开展研究,具有理论和现实意义。

    Thus , this dissertation focuses on the efficiency on employee training of state-owned enterprises which is meaningful in both theory and practice .

  24. 本研究对收集的实验数据运用SPSS10.0进行分析,主要运用了独立样本t检验和配对样本t检验来检验英语听力教学中元认知策略培训的有效性。

    The data were processed through SPSS 10.0 . Independent-samples T-test and Paired-samples T-test were performed to assess how effective the training of meta-cognitive strategies was .

  25. 从而不断提高党的干部培训的有效性,最大化地发挥党校、行政学院、干部学院在政党建设中的重要作用。

    The " four Characteristics " continuously improve the effectiveness of the training of party cadres , maximize the importance of the Party school in party construction .

  26. 本文旨在研究对山东大学威海分校非英语专业学生进行认知、元认知词汇策略培训的有效性。

    The present thesis reports an empirical study that investigates the effectiveness of cognitive and metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy training on the non-English majors of Shandong University at Weihai .

  27. 培训的有效性直接影响着员工学习的积极性,影响着员工的个人发展,影响着员工对组织的满意度和忠诚度。

    The effectiveness of the training directly affect the study enthusiasm of employees , and influence the personnel development , impact on the staffs satisfaction and loyalty to the organization .

  28. 当与顾客达成服务协议时,组织应验证任何专用工具或量具设备和服务人员培训的有效性。

    When there is a service agreement with the customer , the organization shall verify the effectiveness of any special-purpose tools or measurement equipment , and the training of service personnel .

  29. 阅读水平的提高是一个迫在眉睫的问题,研究表明适当的运用阅读策略对英语阅读材料的理解起着至关重要的作用,因此本文就阅读策略培训的有效性进行了一次实验研究。

    So how to read efficiently is an extremely urgent problem to be solved , previous studies indicate that the appropriate reading strategy application makes great difference in English reading comprehension proficiency .

  30. 本文旨在从理论和实证研究两方面论证高中生词汇自主学习中实施元认知策略培训的有效性。

    From both the theoretical and empirical aspect , the thesis aims to discuss the validity of metacognitive strategies training to the students of senior school in the process of their vocabulary autonomous learning .