
péi xùn jīnɡ fèi
  • training expense
  1. 中小学师资培训经费分担公平分析

    Analysis of the Justice in Sharing Expense for Primary and Middle School Teachers

  2. 如多渠道筹措资金,保证培训经费来源;

    Raise enough money for the training outlay ;

  3. 德国失业人员培训经费模式

    Finance of Training for the Unemployed in Germany

  4. 培训经费预算系统,本文对培训保造系统中的各个子系统的内容都作了解释。

    The system of fund budget ;

  5. 67!10%的被调查者认为培训经费应由政府和个人共同分担;

    67.10 % said that the training cost should be shared by the government and the individual ;

  6. 落实培训经费的投入,切实保证少数民族教师继续教育的有效;

    4th , realization training funds investment , Practical guarantee of national minority teachers continuing education effectiveness ;

  7. 4年已累计投入汉语、双语师资培训经费1.3亿元。

    The total fund in this four years for Chinese language and bilingual teacher training is 130 million yuan .

  8. 正是目前贫困地区的现状需要投入更多的教育和培训经费。

    It 's the present situation in poor areas that calls for much higher spending on education and training .

  9. 要增加培训经费的投入,要把医德医风教育和专业技术的提高有机地结合起来。

    Unremitting persisting and efforts should be made to increase the fund of training and combine medical ethics with professional knowledge .

  10. 但尽管有这些不好的迹象,72%的雇主仍打算维持或增加培训经费,尽有28%的企业计划削减培训开支。

    Despite the downturn , 72 % of employers plan to maintain or increase spending on training and only 28 % plan to cut training budgets .

  11. 坚持党管人才工作必须落在实处,在构建人才工作机制、培训经费保障、培训方式多样化等方面采取有效措施。

    We should take effective measures in the aspects of building up the working mechanism of talents , guaranteeing the training expenditure and various training forms .

  12. 由于企业培训经费短缺,培训投入风险增大,使之我国企业在职工培训的决策中犹豫不决,困难重重。

    Because of the shortage of training outlay and the increasing venture of training investment , enterprises of our nation hesitate to pass a conclusion about staff training .

  13. 培训经费的投入、培训的效果、以及解决培训员工的工学矛盾也是企业培训部门非常关注的问题。

    Training funds for investment , training effect , as well as training staff to resolve contradictions between work and studying is also a corporate training department is very concerned about the problem .

  14. 学校公用经费短缺、教师培训经费不足以及学校负债累累是凤冈县农村义务教育学校办学经费存在的三个突出问题。

    In Fenggang County , Guizhou Province , there exist three problems in the expenditure for compulsory education : shortage in public funds , lack of funds for teacher education and school debt .

  15. 文章最后针对西安市公务员培训经费不足和管理不善的问题,对解决公务员培训资金的来源与配置问题提出了设想和见解。

    The article finally lack of funds for the training of civil servants in Xi ' an and mismanagement issues to address civil service training and configuration of the source of funds put forward a vision and insights .

  16. 对此,要全面贯彻落实《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》,加大财政投入,保证师资培养培训经费,完善师资队伍结构,在数量和质量上满足职业教育发展的需要。

    So , the Government must increase finance investment , guarantee the budget of the training teachers , improve the teachers troop 's construction , satisfy the demands of vocational education to develop in the quantity and quality .

  17. 通过实地调查发现,公用经费的投入得不到有效保证、教师培训经费无法落实以及国家义务教育投入体制自身的缺陷是导致这三大问题存在的主要原因。

    Through field research we find the main causes for these are : no guarantee for the investment of public funds , no realization of outlay for teacher education and defects in the investing system of national compulsory education .

  18. 第三部分分析概括了新西兰教师教育的特点,如灵活的分权型管理体制、严格的教师注册机制、充足的教师培训经费、完善的质量保障体系等。

    In the third part , I have analyzed some characteristics of New Zealand teacher education reform , including flexible " decentralized " management system ; strict teacher registration system ; adequate funding for teacher training and perfect qualification assurance system .

  19. 学校体育的地位在理论和实践上的反差,学校领导的观念滞后,培训经费不足,自身要求和认识局限性是影响体育教师积极参与继续教育的主要原因。

    The difference between theoretical and practical position of PE , sluggish idea of schools ' leaders , shortage of training funds , limited knowledge and self-request are main causes for influencing the PE teachers ' activity taking part in continual education .

  20. 所有培训班经费由县本级财政解决。

    The expenses incurred by all kinds of training are borned by country-level finance department .

  21. 主要从社会公众舆论、师资培训、经费投入、配套性措施和政策连续性等三方面分析论述了本次课程改革成功实施并推广所需的前提、条件、关键、保障等。

    It analyzes the prerequisites , conditions , coincident steps and the continuity which the want-to-be-successful curriculum reform needs .

  22. 影响江苏省高职院校无线电测向运动推介的主要因素是:教育部门政策导向、学校领导重视、专业师资培训、经费投入和项目宣传等。

    The factors , which influence the extension of radio direction finding in Jiangsu Vocational Colleges , are policy orientation , leadership support , teacher training , fund investment and event propagation , etc.4 .

  23. 对澳大利亚的职业培训制度及经费情况也作了比较详细的介绍。

    A relatively detailed introduction is also made on the vocational training system and funds of Australia .

  24. 主要表现在:高度重视高校教师培训工作,经费上给予大力支持,做到了培训制度法律化,培训内容系统化,培训形式多样化,教师培训主动化,教师培训全程化,培训手段现代化。

    Legalizing for training system , systematization of training contents , diversity of training forms , initiative of teachers ' training , modernization of training techniques .

  25. 主要包括:重庆市农技推广服务体系构建的目标结构、组织体系、人员配置与培训体系和经费保障制度,着重加强农技推广服务动力机制、供需协调机制和激励机制建设。

    This mainly includes : the goal of building a structure of Chongqing Agricultural extension services system , organizational systems , staffing and training system and financial security system , Strengthen the dynamic mechanism of agricultural extension services , coordinated supply and demand mechanism and incentive mechanism .

  26. 按照“论资排辈”的薪酬支付体系,这将加剧日本企业的成本,使年轻人获得培训和好职位的经费少得可怜。

    Because of a seniority-based pay system , this puts a huge strain on business costs , leaving less money to provide young people with training and good jobs .

  27. 我国高等师范院校在目标定位、办队模式、教练员的培训与提高、经费投入等方面存在缺陷,处于不可持续发展状态。

    China Normal University in the target position , to do team mode , coaches training and improvement of financial input so flawed , is not sustainable development . 4 .

  28. 注重教育培训环节实现教育培训创新我们节约经费有个原则,不能因为节约经费而影响教学质量。

    Focusing Details on Training Achieve Creations in the Training ; One principle we should adhere to in economizing on educational funds is that the quality of instruction should not be affected as a result .

  29. 调查研究发现新疆米泉地区少数民族继续教育培训存在问题与原因,即:培训经费短缺;

    The investigation and study discovered the Miquan area of Xinjiang national minority continuing education training has serious problems , Namely : The training funds is short ;

  30. 近年来,咸阳市先后制定出台了加强全市公务员培训工作的相关措施和制度,从培训经费保障、培训形式内容、整合培训资源等多个方面进行了一定的尝试和探索。

    In recent years , Xianyang has been issued to strengthen the training of civil servants working relevant measures and system , from training funds safeguard training form , content , integration training resources , aspects certain attempt and exploration .