
jiào xué shí xí
  • teaching practice;practice teaching
  1. 浅谈园林专业教学实习的有关问题

    On the Problems of Doing Practice Teaching in the Landscape Architecture Speciality

  2. 首饰制作教学实习与金工教学实习之比较

    The Comparison between the Practice Teaching of Jewelry Making and the Metal Craft Practice

  3. 中文系大学生语文教学实习应对策略

    The corresponding tactics to chinese teaching practice of Chinese department students

  4. 对体育教育专业室内理论课教学实习的研究

    A Study of Sport Theory Class Given by Physical Education Majors

  5. 在工科教学实习中融入社会实践模式探索

    Exploration of the Mold Melting Social Experiences into Engineering Teaching Practice

  6. 测绘工程专业本科教学实习及实验室管理探讨

    Discussion of Surveying and Mapping Engineering Practices Teaching and Laboratory Management

  7. 苏珊在接下来的周一回到她在六年级的教学实习中。

    Susan returned to her sixth-grade student-teaching experience the following Monday .

  8. 中学语文教学实习中指导教师作用刍议

    On the Function of Editors in High School Teaching Practice

  9. 加强教学实习基地的规划与建设;

    Strengthening the planning and building of teaching practice bases .

  10. 关于微机应用于教学实习的探讨

    A Research into the Application of Micro-Computers in Practice Teaching

  11. 论体育院系运动训练学专业学生教学实习的作用

    Analysis on the movement training study college major teaching practice function research

  12. 《农业昆虫学》和《农业植物病理学》联合教学实习模式的探索

    Exploration of Teaching Practice Pattern Combined Agricultural Entomology and Agricultural Plant Pathology

  13. 工程地质专业教学实习内容选择探讨

    The discussion about content selection for teaching practice of engineering geology major

  14. 植物病理学课程教学实习的改革与探索

    Reform and Exploration on the Teaching Practice of Plant Pathology

  15. 教学实习中采用说课方法的实验研究

    The Practice and Research of the Speech Method in the Practice Teaching

  16. 紧张心理是困扰实习教师教学实习的一大难题。

    The nervous psychology is the major difficulty for the practice teachers .

  17. 有助于建立稳固的教学实习基地;

    Helpful to set up steady teaching practice base ;

  18. 人际沟通课程教学实习方法的改革与思考

    Exploring of practice modes in the course of interpersonal communication for nursing students

  19. 基础护理学教学实习中护生的心理诱导

    On psychological guide to the student nurses during teaching practice on general nursing

  20. 机织物计算机辅助设计教学实习软件

    A practical educational software of CAD for woven fabrics

  21. 我在家庭教师指导下学法语。由导师指导的教学实习

    I am tutoring in French . guided teaching practice

  22. 建设教学实习基地培养创新型人才

    Construction of experimental practicing base to train innovative talents

  23. 数学教学实习的因素结构与评价探讨

    A Probe into the Factor Structure and Evaluation of Teaching Practice of Mathematics

  24. 护理本科生临床教学实习体会

    Practice experiences on clinical teaching for undergraduate nursing students

  25. 高校师范生教学实习发展性评价研究

    Research on Development Evaluation of Student Teachers ' Educational Practice in Normal College

  26. 做好师范生教学实习前的讲课训练

    Conducting Prelection Training For Students in Teachers - training College Before Teaching Practice

  27. 一种新的教学实习成绩测评方法

    A New Method of the Assessment of Teaching Practice

  28. 语言能力元理论与英语教学实习

    The Metatheory of Language Competence and English Teaching Practice

  29. 混合编队是拓展师范教学实习空间的有效途径

    Mixed Formation Open up much wilder Space for Education Practice of Normal College

  30. 基于粗糙集的数据推理在教学实习管理中的应用

    The application to educational practice administration with data reasoning based on Rough Set