
  1. Cavalieri强调,对于一个新的制造市场来说,形成和采纳最佳业务操作方式和教育消费者正确评价和理解这些规程至关重要。

    Cavalieri emphasized to new manufacturing markets the importance of formulating and adapting best business practices and educating consumers on how to measure and understand those procedures .

  2. 对保护教育消费者权益的思考

    Considerations on protecting the educated consumer ′ s privileges

  3. 第二,要提高高等教育消费者满意度。

    Secondly , the degree of satisfaction of higher educated consumer should be enhanced .

  4. 厂家们高兴地教育消费者应该如何投篮,消费者则积极奔跑,投篮得分

    Manufactures are glad to teach consumers how to shoot while consumers are enthusiasm to score by sinking a shot

  5. 公司的管理者宣布了一个国际活动的计划,旨在教育消费者(认识/了解)盗版的昂贵代价。

    The corporate executives announced plans for an international campaign to educate consumers in the high cost of piracy .

  6. 作为教育消费者,学生在消费高等教育服务时,目前主体权益受损。

    As educating consumers , students , while consuming the high teaching service , the consumption subject rights and interests are damaged .

  7. 在安全的食品操作方面教育消费者和培训食品操作人员是预防食源性疾病方面最重要的干预措施之一。

    Education of consumers and training of food handlers in safe food handling is one of the most critical interventions in the prevention of foodborne illnesses .

  8. 学生是高等教育消费者最直接的消费者,国家、家庭、企业等是高等教育的间接消费者。

    To higher educated consumers , the student is the most directly consumer , but such as Country , the family , the enterprise and so on , are indirectly consumers .

  9. 得出结论:高校与教育消费者之间,按商品化的经济建立了提供服务与消费服务的供求关系,是一种教育产品生产者与需求者之间的交换关系。

    It concludes that : the relationship between higher education institutes and the studies is a commercial relationship of the service provider and service consumer , which influenced by the supply and demand .

  10. 其二,民办高校管理层还没有彻底转变观念,没有完全立足于学生本位,没有把大学生当作学校教育消费者的角度来考虑。

    Second , the management of private universities has not yet completely change our concepts , not fully based on the student-based , there is no school education to college students as a " consumer " perspective .

  11. 我们仍然在坚持我们所信仰的,继续教育消费者、彩妆师,激励他们通过各种力所能及的行为和途径,给艾滋病患者多一些关爱。

    The answer is NO , we stay true in what we believe & continue to educate consumer , artists to encourage them to give a little warmth to Aids affected patient in every little way they can .

  12. 广大教育消费者进行选择时,不但要使自身在接受良好的高等教育,又能使自身的利益最大化,这个选择的依据就是高校的品牌。

    The majority of education consumer choice , not only to make their own in the acceptance of a good higher education , but also can make their own benefit maximization , this choice is based on the brand .

  13. 在现行的市场经济条件下,作为教育消费者的公民希望知晓教育目标的实现状况,教育者更有责任向社会报告其行为的结果。

    In the current market economy , the citizens as the " consumers " of the education want to know the situation of education and the education founders or educators have also a greater responsibility to report on their social behavior .

  14. 恒安表示:“大多数中国妈妈认为外国产品比国内产品好;所以,很有必要教育消费者改变观念。”该集团预计,今年安儿乐(Anerle)纸尿裤销售额将达28亿至30亿元人民币。

    Hengan , which expects to sell Rmb2.8bn-Rmb3bn of its Anerle nappies this year , says : " A majority of Chinese mothers believe foreign products are better than domestic ones ; therefore , it is necessary to educate consumers to change their minds . "

  15. 市场需要观念,教育的消费者对学校有着明了、核心、不明了、潜在和秘密的需要;

    Market demand idea is that consumer has got to understand school core demand , unknown demand and latest demand .

  16. 这些企业还努力接触和教育贫苦消费者,时常为了开拓未来市场而牺牲短期利益。

    The firms also work hard to reach and educate poor consumers , often sacrificing short-term profits to create future markets .

  17. 通过焦点组的访谈还发现以广告为代表的厂商信息、使用经验、口传信息和相关教育是消费者形成品牌知识的主要途径。

    By focus-group interview , the paper also discovers that advertisement , use experience , word of mouth and education are the main way to form the brand knowledge .

  18. 他说,这些风险可以通过教育农民和消费者解决,而人类排泄的免费水资源和营养物可以帮助发展中国家的城市农民摆脱贫困。

    Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education , he said , while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty .

  19. 我国消费者保护立法在产品责任保护水平、消费信用法律制度、网络消费者权益保护、消费者教育制度、消费者诉讼制度及消费环境等方面存在许多弊端,不能适应WTO下的多边贸易体系。

    Chinese Consumer Protection Law system has some defects in many directions , such as , standards of product liability , consumption credit law system , consumer education law system , consumer litigation system , consumption environment , internet consumer rights , and so on .

  20. 学生被视为教育服务的消费者。

    Students came to be seen as consumers of educational services .

  21. 他表示:这些丑闻教育了中国消费者要买可靠的品牌。

    The scandals have educated the Chinese consumers to look for reliable brands , he says .

  22. 教育消费要求消费者参与消费过程,并对消费者的消费能力有一定要求。教育消费存在一定的竞争性和排他性、具有阶段性和非重复性等特征。

    It demands consumers to participate in a certain competitiveness and exclusiveness , and has the natural of gradualness and non-duplication .

  23. 而要真正实践绿色消费,必须加强消费道德教育,培养消费者合理的消费伦理观念。

    In order to really practice the green consumption , We must enhance consumptive moral educations , cultivate the reasonable consumptive conceptions .

  24. 实验通过对两种语言教育背景的消费者进行测试,选择了分属东西方两个品牌公司的十个洗发水品牌作为自变量,进行了一系列研究品牌名称翻译效果的实验。

    After pre-testing consumers in two different language backgrounds ten brand names of two companies have been chosen as the experimental stimuli .

  25. 收取学习成本、限制自由使用、限制自由学习,使权利人与学习者、教育者、消费者产生对抗性的收费法律关系和不给钱就不许使用的对抗性。

    Charging for study cost , restrictions on freedom of learning , will cause the legal relationship of antagonistic toll between the right holders and learners , educators , consumers .

  26. 研究发现,个体因素对消费者企业社会责任的感知存在影响。不同性别、年龄、月均收入和不同受教育水平的消费者对于企业社会责任的感知是不同的。

    The study found that individual factors influence consumers ' perceptions of CSR , consumers with different gender , age , average monthly income and education levels have different perceptions of CSR .

  27. 结果显示:第一,浙江省生鲜蔬菜购买者对食品质量安全风险的总体认知度较高,同时对风险信息的需求程度也相当高。不同性别和受教育程度的消费者之间,风险认知程度存在显著的差异。

    The results indicate that the fresh vegetable purchaser have high risk perception and need more risk information about food safety , and there are distinct differences in different age and gender variables .

  28. 二是继续强化高等教育服务学生消费者的法律主体意识,促进真正的高等教育服务消费法律关系的建立。

    The second is to continue to strengthen the awareness of the legal subject of student consumers of higher education services , and to promote the establishment of the true higher education service consumer legal relationship .

  29. 第四章将教育投资纳入消费者生产函数及效用函数,建立连续时间的随机模型,分析了税收对教育投资及经济增长的影响,讨论了私人教育投资与政府投资之间的最优比例。

    In the case of the producing function and using function with education investment , chapter four employs a continuous time stochastic endogenous economic growth model with education investment , discusses the optimization proportion between individual investment and government investment .

  30. 在此基础上,对我国高等教育系统中的消费者市场、劳动力市场、院校市场中的市场协调进行了深入地透析。

    The paper also analyses market coordination in Chinese higher education developing .