
  • 网络Target Consumer;Target customer;consumers;target audience
  1. SNS为企业提供了一个与目标消费者进行互动交流,深度沟通的品牌传播平台,企业应该结合自身情况充分运用这个充满商机的网络平台。

    SNS provides the enterprises with a brand communication platform which helps the enterprises to make depth interactions and communication with target consumers , so the enterprises should make full use of this network platform full of business opportunities according to their own conditions .

  2. CameronYuill是数字媒体与科技公司AdGent的首席执行官,他曾是Orbitz的雇员,他说,这种市场营销是互联网影响公司挑选目标消费者的一个例子。

    Cameron Yuill is chief executive of a digital media and technology company called AdGent . He is also a former employee of Orbitz . He says this kind of marketing is just another example of how the Internet is influencing the way companies target consumers .

  3. B:我们的目标消费者是三十几岁的年轻人。

    B : We are targeting young buyers in their thirties .

  4. 此项计划的一个成果是croc品牌,它是一种在2003年推出的以葡萄酿造的伏特加,目标消费者是拥有购买力和高端品位的富人饮酒者。

    One result of this planning capability was Croc , a grape-based vodka launched in 2003 and aimed at affluent drinkers with buying power and a taste for premium brands .

  5. 我们的产品是化妆品,我们的目标消费者是女性。

    Our product is cosmetics and our target consumers are women .

  6. 我们感知到我们目标消费者是如此的高雅和现代。

    We identified that our target customers are very sophisticated and modern .

  7. 成都市普通住宅商品房目标消费者行为研究

    A Study on the Target Consumers Behavior of Ordinary Residential Housing Market in Chengdu

  8. 目标消费者,目标消费群是品牌最忠实的购买者。

    Target Audience , Those consumers who are the most likely buyers of the brand .

  9. 目标消费者更喜欢含蓄、委婉、性感程度低的性元素广告。

    Target consumers prefer sexual element advertising of implicative , tactful and low sexy degree .

  10. 二是目标消费者确定不清晰。

    Second , blurred target consumer .

  11. 从理论上说,这个清单越大,锁定目标消费者和进行产出管理的机会就越大。

    In theory , the larger the list , the better the opportunity for targeting and yield management .

  12. 在中国市场,大多数的目标消费者收入低,消费少。

    In the Chinese market , most of the targeted customers have low incomes , creating limited consumption .

  13. 健康的选择产品线在面向公众销售前,由目标消费者进行了仔细测试。

    The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public .

  14. 通过互联网搜索,谷歌让广告商能够根据用户的搜索行为(也就是根据用户的明确意愿)直接命中目标消费者。

    Within Internet search , Google enables advertisers to target customers based on their searches that is , based on their explicit intentions .

  15. 在跨文化广告中,广告撰写人和翻译者必须尊重目标消费者的语言及这种语言所反映的文化。

    And in cross-cultural advertising , the copywriters and translators are supposed to respect the language of the target consumers and the culture it reflects .

  16. 然而,目标消费者的地位和作用在公司名称翻译研究中未受到足够的重视。

    However , the status and the role of target consumers have not yet been given enough attention in the study of the translation of companies .

  17. 然而,对企业而言,如何比竞争对手为目标消费者提供更多的顾客价值才是竞争优势的根本来源所在。

    However , for companies , how to provide more customer value to target customers than their competitors do is the fundamental source of competitive advantage .

  18. 在本文写作过程中,对农药市场,包括主管部门、企业、营销机构、研究所甚至目标消费者农户进行了大量的深入了解和调查。

    When writing the article , the author conducted extensive and deep investigation among government , enterprises , marketing units , research institutes and targeted consumers-farmers .

  19. 并指出通过组织架构的整合,使企业内部流程优化,效率提升,才能对目标消费者产生正面的品牌影响力。

    And points out that the integration of organizational structure , internal business process optimization , efficiency , can have a positive brand influence on the target customers .

  20. 电脑游戏业者可以以萝拉作前例,多了解其目标消费者心中的梦想,以发展更受欢迎的电脑游戏。

    Regarding Lara as a precedent , the computer gaming businessmen may learn the dreams of their target clients so that they may develop more popular computer games .

  21. 市场定位是对公司的产品进行设计,从而使其能在目标消费者心目中占有一个独特的、有价值的位置的行动,可通过知觉图的方式直观地表现出来。

    Positioning is an action of gaining a unique and valuable position in target consumers ' minds through product design , which can be represented in the perceptual map .

  22. 我们的目标消费者是中年女性,因此我们应该了解一下她们喜欢什么颜色,喜欢什么样的风格等等。

    The target consumers of our Anti-Wrinkles fast response eye cream are the middle-aged . Therefore we have to know what color they like , what kind of style they prefer , etc.

  23. 阐述了个人价值观是影响消费者行为决策的强大力量,在进行品牌定位时,品牌价值要迎合目标消费者的个人价值观。

    It shows that the brand value should meet the target consumers ' personal values while positioning the brand because the personal values are the strong power of influencing consumer behaviour decision .

  24. 这是清扬首次使用非传统的传播方式,将其不仅是头发护理专家,同时也是解决头皮问题的专家传递给其目标消费者。

    This is the first unconventional marketing campaign in which Clear messages its brand as not only one of hair care expertise , but also a specialist at treating other scalp problems .

  25. 墨西哥餐厅和食品公司应该建立在快速发展的第二线城市,第一间应该建立的靠近于大学以便吸引目标消费者。

    The Mexican restaurants and food companies should be established in fast developing second tier cities , while the first ones should be close to universities in order to attract the target consumers .

  26. 即广告策划要尊重目标消费者个性、抓住消费者共有的情结和做消费者真诚的“朋友”;

    That is to mean that advertising planning respects individual character of the goal consumer , catches the complex that consumers own in common and make sincere " friend " with the consumer ;

  27. 文化消费是当今消费的一个重要趋势,将文化因素注入到体育场馆的管理中,在经营中吸引目标消费者,满足消费者的精神需求。

    Cultural consuming is the main trend in nowadays , so cultural elements should be moved into the management to the stadiums and gyms , which could meet the spiritual demand of consumers .

  28. 只有在广告中突出商品的文化内涵和文化附加值,提高广告的文化品位,才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得消费者的认同,把握各种目标消费者的心理需要。

    As long as ads highlight the cultural connotation and cultural value of commodities , the advertising promotion can win the consumers ' recognition and grasp their psychological needs in the fierce market competition .

  29. 个性化推荐是依据消费者购买商品的信息、或对商品浏览及评价等历史数据通过特定的推荐模型为目标消费者进行商品推荐的行为。

    Personalized recommendation is the behavior which is recommending items for targeted consumer by a specific recommendation model based on the information of user buying items , or the historical data of user browsing items .

  30. 品牌价值是企业和目标消费者所共同拥有,消费者对品牌的选择可以为企业创造价值,带来利润;而企业品牌的高价值则为顾客节省购买的成本和降低购买的风险。

    Brand value contact enterprise and target consumers together , create value and profits for enterprises form the choice of consumers ; Saving cost and reducing risk of purchase for Brand high value to customers .