
  • 网络Target management software;Management By Objectives Software
  1. 工业建筑目标管理实用软件系统的研制与应用

    Development and application of practical software system of object management for industrial construction

  2. 离散最优化目标计划管理软件包

    Discrete optimum objects program management software package

  3. 允许您将业务环境及其目标看作是管理软件设计所遵从的约束条件的关键决定因素

    Allows you to consider the business context and its goals as a key determining factor governing the constraints under which software is to be designed

  4. 目标管理责任制系统软件的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Software for Target Management Job Responsibility System

  5. 煤矿安全目标管理方法及其应用软件研究

    Objective management method of safe production in coal mine and relevant practical software

  6. 介绍了一重集团公司计算机辅助目标成本管理系统的软件功能和流程图。

    This article has described the software function and flow chart of computer-aided target cost dynamic management in China First Heavy Machinery Co.