
  • 网络Path coverage;path cover
  1. 提出和实现了一种面向HDL描述基于路径覆盖的模拟矢量自动生成方法。

    A novel method for automatic generating simulation vectors from HDL descriptions based on path coverage and constraint solving is presented .

  2. 同时提出了由FREE模型根据全ZOT路径覆盖准则产生有限迁移序列的算法,并且还实现了这个测试框架。

    In addition , an algorithm generating transition sequence based on full ZOT path coverage criteria from a FREE model is presented . The test framework is implemented .

  3. 基于改进的Z路径覆盖策略的路径生成算法

    Path generation algorithm based on improved Z-path coverage strategy

  4. 针对汇编语言程序非结构化的特点,提出了基于改进的Z路径覆盖策略的汇编语言程序结构测试方法和路径自动生成算法。

    An assembly program 's structural test method and path generation algorithm based on improved Z-path coverage strategy was proposed .

  5. Z路径覆盖是路径覆盖的一个变体,可有效解决路径覆盖过多的难题。

    ( Zpath ) coverage is a mutation of path coverage . It can solve the problem of too many paths .

  6. 然后分析了语句覆盖、路径覆盖、判定覆盖,接着重点分析了du对覆盖,du对覆盖是语句覆盖和路径覆盖的折衷。

    After introducing statement coverage , path coverage , and decision coverage , we pay more attention to du coverage , which is a tractable compromise between the statement coverage metric and the path coverage .

  7. 然后本文设计了一个基于遗传算法的路径覆盖测试数据自动生成工具(Path-wiseTestDataAuto-Generator,简称PTDAG)。

    Then , a path coverage test data automatic generation tool based on genetic algorithm ( Path-wise Test Data Auto-Generator , referred to as PTDAG ) is designed .

  8. 业务流程路径覆盖方法的研究与实现

    Research and realizing of the method of working procedure path coverage

  9. 基于有穷自动机的路径覆盖测试方法

    A Method for Path Coverage Testing Based on Deterministic Finite Automata Machine

  10. 实际测试活动中,往往要求能达到一定程度的路径覆盖。

    Path coverage is inclined to be achieved in real testing activities .

  11. 一种路径覆盖自动生成的改进方法

    An Improved Method of Automatic Generation for Path Coverage

  12. 在此基础上设计了语句覆盖、路径覆盖、分支覆盖的算法。

    Data structure defining and algorithm designing of pre transacting module are finished .

  13. 基于改进势场的有向传感器网络路径覆盖增强算法

    A Path Coverage-Enhancing Algorithm for Directional Sensor Network Based on Improved Potential Field

  14. 路径覆盖测试的检错效果研究

    An Analysis on the Efficiency of Path Coverage Testing

  15. 路径覆盖中控制流图的自动生成技术

    Path coverage in the control flow graph of the automatic generation of technical

  16. 基于谓词的全路径覆盖软件测试方法研究

    All Path Coverage Software Testing Technique Based on Predication

  17. 基于自由边控制流图的路径覆盖分析实现方法

    Implementation of Path Coverage Analysis Based on the Free Edge Control Flow Graph

  18. 该测试用例满足消息路径覆盖和边界覆盖。

    The generated test cases achieve message paths coverage as well as boundary coverage .

  19. 路径覆盖自动生成技术研究

    Research on Automatic Generation of Path Coverage

  20. 基于关键信号的路径覆盖率模型

    Path Coverage Metric Based on Critical Signals

  21. 完全路径覆盖测试法

    Complete Path Coverage Testing Method of Software

  22. 为了计算术语间的语义相似度,该软件平台实现了基于语义路径覆盖的模型,保证了计算的准确度。

    To calculate the semantic similarity between terms , a model based semantic paths is implemented .

  23. 路径覆盖构造方法

    Construction Method of Path Coverage

  24. 创建新的路径覆盖了界面顶部的一部分,将其设置为相交(3)。

    Create new path covering top part of the interface and set it to Intersect ( 3 ) .

  25. 实验证明,使用遗传算法进行面向路径覆盖的测试数据生成方法,是灵活、有效、具有一定实用价值的。

    The results prove that the method of generating test data in path coverage testing using GA is agility , efficient .

  26. 通过扩展传统测试中的路径覆盖准则,提出了一个基于协作图模型的消息序列覆盖准则。

    We expand the coverage rule from the traditional path coverage , that is the Message Queue Coverage rule from Collaboration Model .

  27. 在这种情况下生成的测试序列需要满足路径覆盖方可保证互操作性测试的彻底性。

    In this case , we should generate test sequences to cover all possible interactive sequences to ensure the thoroughness of test .

  28. 以基于路径覆盖、分支覆盖和数据流覆盖测试数据自动生成这3种算法为核心,开发了一个测试数据自动生成的框架原型。

    A prototype on the framework is developed based on the automatic test data generation for path-based , branch and data flow coverage .

  29. 提出了构件集成软件的结构树路径覆盖准则,研究智能算法的参数编码设计、适应度函数的构造、关键算子的设定。

    The authors research on coding design of parameters , the construction of fitness function and pivotal operator definition of four different intelligent algorithms .

  30. 实验显示该方法能以较少的测试用例达到较高的路径覆盖率,并根据这一方法实现了一个测试用例自动生成工具。

    Experiment shows that the method can achieve a higher path coverage rate , and we developed a test case generation tool in terms of the algorithm .