
  • 网络path dependence theory;route dependence
  1. 根据两类因素的特点,本文提出未来研究理论、复杂系统理论和路径依赖理论是能够指导SEA预测分析的理论基础,它们对SEA中所采用的技术方法提出了具体的要求。

    According to characteristics of these two types of factors , this thesis proposes that theories of futures study , complex system and path dependence can be regarded as fundament for prediction in SEA . The requirements for SEA prediction techniques and methods are concluded from these three theories .

  2. 文化遗产旅游商业化的路径依赖理论模型

    A Theoretical Model of Path Dependence for Cultural Heritage Tourism Commercialization

  3. 基于路径依赖理论的辅导员职业倦怠现象研究

    An Analysis of Professional Burnout of College Counselors Based on Path Dependency Theory

  4. 本文从历史角度采用路径依赖理论进行了分析。

    From a historical point using path & dependency theory the situation is analyzed .

  5. 本文还运用路径依赖理论对行业技术轨道的经济效率进行了评价。

    Thereafter , the paper uses path-dependence theory to evaluate economic efficiency of technological trajectory of industrial .

  6. 本文以集装箱港口间的竞争为研究对象,首次将路径依赖理论引入到集装箱运输市场中。

    It is the first time to introduce the path dependence theory into the container shipping market .

  7. 一个组织组织随着自身发展会留下历史的烙印,这就是路径依赖理论所描述的现象。

    Any organization will leave a mark on itself after a history , which portrays the path dependence phenomenon .

  8. 因此,本文试图运用现代制度经济学的工具&路径依赖理论进行探讨。本文认为,中国的证券市场及独立审计的发展作为一种制度变迁,无疑具有路径依赖的特点。

    So this article attempts to discuss the problem with the tool of modern Institutional economics , the theory of path dependence .

  9. 第一部分对路径依赖理论进行了详细介绍,并讨论如何运用这一理论分析制度的演进。

    The second part gives information of Path Dependence Theory in detail and discusses how to apply the theory to analysis of system evolution ;

  10. 按照路径依赖理论,制度变迁一旦在自我增强机制下选择了一条路径,它就会沿着这条路径走下去。

    According to Path Dependence Theory , once institution changes have chosen a path under self-reinforcing mechanisms , it will move along this path .

  11. 文章还利用路径依赖理论推演了监管制度发展中两种变迁类型作用机制。

    The article deduces the mechanism of affect of tow change models in the development of regulatory system with the background of path dependence theory .

  12. 根据路径依赖理论,企业的行为和策略选择都具有惯性,也就是过去的行为影响将来的策略。

    According to path dependence theory , the behavior and strategy choice of a company have inertia . It means that the past behavior would influence the future behavior .

  13. 第五章介绍了路径依赖理论,并通过中外金融衍生市场的发展路径比较,给出了发展我国金融衍生市场的总体思路。

    Through the compare of our country 's financial derivatives market and other country , we elicit the total idea of the development of our country 's financial derivatives market .

  14. 诞生于新制度经济学的路径依赖理论应用于竞技体育体制创新的论证,确实给制度研究这一老生常谈的论题带来一丝清新之气。

    Path dependence was born in the new institutional economics theory to demonstration of competitive sports system innovation , do to the system of this hackneyed theme brings a touch of fresh air .

  15. 路径依赖理论关于制度报酬、“政治科斯定理”的假设,以及对意识形态和文化在制度变迁中的作用的论述,都是不能成立的。

    The hypothesis of the path dependence of institutional remuneration and " Coases political theorem " and its exposition of the role of ideology and culture in institutional change do not hold water .

  16. 依据路径依赖理论分析了质量体系标准路径依赖的特点,指出提高质量体系有效性的关键在于体系创新。

    This essay analyzes the characters of path dependence in quality system according to the Path Dependence Theory and figures out that the fundamentality improving the effectiveness of quality system lies in the system innovation .

  17. 再以诺斯的制度变迁理论以及路径依赖理论,揭示出几次农业保险制度变迁路径选择的依据,以及绩效欠佳的理论成因。

    Then it relies on the institutional change theory of North and path dependence theory , revealing the evidence for the path choice during the agricultural insurance system change and the theoretic reasons for poor performance .

  18. 本文以路径依赖理论、交易费用理论和金融深化理论为依据,探讨我国民营银行发展的现实选择。

    This text relies on the theorem of trade expenses , the theorem of the dependence on path , the theorem of finance deepen , probes into the realistic choice of development of private bank in our country .

  19. 进而,将路径依赖理论引入到集装箱运输市场中,分析了集装箱运输市场中,货主对港口路径的路径依赖。

    Furthermore , the path dependence theory is introduced into the container transport market to study the path dependency of cargo owners in the container shipping market . Secondly , the model of port path dependence is built .

  20. 而在中国,计划经济体制下长期存在的国有股一股独大的结构根深蒂固,根据路径依赖理论,这种所有权的高度集中势必会影响现有的所有权结构和治理模式。

    While in China , under the planning economic system of long-standing only big state-owned structure , according to path dependence theory ingrained , the high concentration of ownership will definitely affect existing ownership structure and governance mode .

  21. 通过实证检验其对样本特征的解释性较好。(3)理论推理和实证检验显示路径依赖理论适合应用于解释易变性职业生涯的规律。

    Empirical study showed that the protean career mobility model explained the characteristics of the sample . ( 3 ) Theoretical reasoning and empirical tests show the path dependency theory suitable for the interpretation of the career characteristic .

  22. 本文作者运用西方新制度经济学的路径依赖理论作为分析的出发点,对我国税收制度变迁过程中存在的路径依赖问题进行了分析。

    The author of this article use path dependence theory of the western new Institutional economic as the starting point of the analysis . The author has analyzed the path dependence which existed to vicissitude of our taxation .

  23. 最后,根据路径依赖理论、食品市场信息不完全与不对称理论结合我国现有的食品安全管理体系,提出了中国的食品安全管理的模型,供进一步的研究与探讨。

    At last , with reference to the theory of " path dependence " and " imperfect information and asymmetry information " and combined with the recent FSAS in China , one new FSAS model is constructed for further discussion .

  24. 之后又对于师生互动理论、路径依赖理论以及社会认知理论做了必要的研究,通过文件综述对于以上理论的核心理论、对教育的启示、以及今后发展趋势等方面进行了总结概括。

    And then the author of this paper did necessary research on social cognitive theory . The author summarized the core theory of social cognitive theory on how it impact teaching and what will be the trends of its development .

  25. 在路径依赖理论的基础上,运用公司治理路径依赖模型:结构驱动路径依赖和制度驱动的路径依赖模型,来揭示公司治理演进过程中路径依赖的作用机理。

    Based on reviewing the theories of Path Dependence , this paper analyses two sources of path dependence in Corporate Governance : Structure-driven path dependence and Rule-driven path dependence , both reveal the effect of path dependence on Corporate Governance .

  26. 首先概述了研究我国农村土地产权制度变迁的目的和意义,认为用制度经济学中的路径依赖理论来解释我国农村土地产权制度变迁历程和制度创新是极有意义的。

    Based on the overview of the purposes and significance of the study toward land property system in China , we believe that it is of great significance to apply path dependency theory in explaining the transforming history of Chinese land property system .

  27. 在历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义思想的指导下,运用制度经济学的路径依赖理论对国民政府教育部进行历史考察,是本文的一个基本思路。

    Directed by the ideology of historical materialism and dialectical materialism , to investigate the Ministry of Education of Nanjing National Government historically by using the theory of " path dependence " of institutional economics is the fundamental train of thought of this dissertation .

  28. 第一章主要阐述了研究中国企业家激励机制的社会背景和实践意义,以及运用路径依赖理论研究企业家激励机制的思路与方法。

    The arrangement of this paper is as follows : The first chapter mainly explained the social background and practice significance of China 's entrepreneur incentive mechanism research , and the thought & the method of applying path dependence theory to study entrepreneur incentive mechanism .

  29. 论述了路径依赖的理论;

    First , the theory of path dependence is expounded .

  30. 总结新一轮集体林权制度改革路径,依据路径依赖理论,探讨其形成机理,并利用调研数据,对路径选择的影响因素进行实证分析。

    It probes the new round of collective forest tenure reform path and its formation mechanism based on path dependence theory and makes an empirical analysis on path selection influencing factors using investigation data .