
  1. 本文以TSS系统的实现验证了C/S和B/S混合型结构对于旅游企业管理信息系统的有效性和实用性。

    The practices in the paper demonstrate that the hybrid architecture is effective and realizable for tourism enterprise management information systems .

  2. 采用SSA&D方法,分析设计了一个旅游企业管理信息系统TSS,给出了系统分析和系统设计的结果。

    Based on the standard approach SSA & D , a real tourism enterprise management information system named TSS is analyzed and designed , and the results of analysis and design are presented .

  3. 寻求旅游企业管理理念的新突破

    Seeking A New Breakthrough in the Managerial Concept for Tourism Enterprises

  4. 阐述了基于C/S和B/S混合型结构的旅游企业管理信息系统的分析和设计。

    Discusses the analysis and design of the hybrid-architecture-based tourism enterprise management information system .

  5. 知识经济与21世纪旅游企业管理策略初探

    A primary study on Knowledge Based Economy and Management Strategy of tourist Enterprise in the 21st Century

  6. 关于目前旅游企业管理的探讨&本刊旅游工作研讨会发言摘要

    A Discussion on the Current Management Pattern of Tourism Enterprises in China-A Summary of the Symposium on Tourism Work

  7. 运用SSA&D方法对基于C/S和B/S混合结构的旅游企业管理信息系统进行了规范化的系统分析和设计。

    A standard analysis and design on the hybrid-architecture-based tourism enterprise management information system is completed based on SSA & D.

  8. 结合C/S系统开发技术和B/S系统开发技术,实现了一个基于C/S和B/S混合型结构的旅游企业管理信息系统。

    A tourism enterprise management information system based on the hybrid architecture is implemented using the developing technologies both from C / S and B / S view .

  9. 针对旅游企业管理信息系统的特点,提出了基于C/S和B/S结构的混合型结构,论述了这一混合型结构实现时的关键技术。

    According to the special requirements of tourism enterprise management information systems , hybrid architecture of C / S and B / S is presented , and the key technologies of the architecture are discussed .

  10. 道家文化对现代旅游企业经营管理实践的启示

    Enlightenment of Taoist culture on the management behaviors of tourist enterprises

  11. 本土旅游企业差旅管理经营战略探析

    An analysis of ETM Strategy for Native Tourism Enterprises

  12. 旅游企业经营管理水平低;

    Low levels of tourism business management ;

  13. 安徽省旅游企业信息化管理的重点和难点

    A Special Study Report on Emphases and Difficulty of Tourism Information Industrialization in Anhui Province

  14. 企业管理体制滞后,旅游企业危机管理能力缺乏;

    Enterprise management system fall behind , tour cooperation is lack of crisis management ability ;

  15. 现代企业管理的一个重要特征就是从战略的高度对企业进行管理,由此形成旅游企业战略管理。

    Service quality is the lifeline of tourist enterprises , which , however , frequently fluctuates as a result of service differences .

  16. 总之,本文是一种应用运筹学、图论理论讨论旅游企业科学管理的分析;

    In conclusion , this thesis is an analysis on the scientific management of tourism enterprises applying the operations research and graph theory ;

  17. 知识经济时代的到来给旅游企业的管理,提出了新的挑战和机遇。

    The coming of the era of knowledge economics brings the new challenge and . opportunity to the management of the tourism enterprise .

  18. 深化企业文化建设在实践中需把握的几个问题道家文化对现代旅游企业经营管理实践的启示

    Problems to Be Well Handled in Practice of Deepening Enterprise Cultural Construction ; Enlightenment of Taoist culture on the management behaviors of tourist enterprises

  19. 第二,改善旅游企业经营管理,提高旅游目的地的可进入性,加强旅游基础设施、服务配套设施建设,加强旅游形象营销。

    Second , improve the tourism business management , improve the ability of tourist destinations can be entered , strengthen the tourism infrastructure , service facilities construction , strengthen the tourism image marketing .

  20. 信息分享、员工参与管理决策、组织公平性、管理人员信任和尊重员工是影响员工心理受权的重要因素;旅游企业授权管理措施与员工心理受权关系实证研究

    These four dimensions have inter - related impacts and they are the essential determinants which have influence on employee psychological empowerment . An Empirical Study of Relationship between Empowerment Practices and Employee Psychological Empowerment in Tourism Enterprises

  21. 尝试使用FSA标准化的安全评价方法对旅游客运企业安全管理进行评价,通过对安全管理费用与效益的分析证明了旅游客运企业安全管理具有较好的经济效益性。

    It tries to use FSA which is the standard safety evaluation method to evaluate passenger transportation safety , through the analysis of the safety management of costs and benefits proves that it has a good economic benefit to conduct safety management .

  22. 旅游企业顾客资产管理初探

    A Study on the Customer Assets Management in the Tourist Enterprises

  23. 重点高校和相关旅游企业应对旅游管理专业本科学生进行专业方向引导;

    Secondly , research universities and tourism firms should give more career plan for students .

  24. 旅游企业人力资源管理是旅游管理专业学生最重要的专业课程之一。

    It is also the most important courses for the students whose major was tourism management .

  25. 全球化时代服务业的全球性竞争,使旅游服务企业在管理和服务模式上都将发生深刻变革。

    Because of global competition in the global age , tourism enterprises will change profoundly in management and service model .

  26. 迅速调整旅游企业的经营管理策略,实施知识管理,以适应变化的趋势,成为现代旅游企业持续、健康发展的关键。

    In order to keep a sustainable healthy development , tourist companies ought to adjust the management strategies and implement knowledge-based economy .

  27. 外派人员的管理已成为国际旅游企业人力资源管理的关键性问题。

    The management of the members who are sending abroad is the key problem in human resource management in the international tourism company .

  28. 针对旅游企业人力资源管理和开发中存在的问题,旅游教育应作出相应的对策,从人才教育与培养的角度解决旅游企业中的人力资源优化问题。

    In accordance with problems existing in the management and development of human resources in tourism enterprises , tourism education should take corresponding measures , solve the problems of optimizing human resources form talents education and cultivation .

  29. 对主题公园顾客体验管理的探索和研究,将有助于改进现阶段包括主题公园在内的旅游企业的经营管理,并对提升相关行业的管理水平起到理论借鉴作用。

    The exploration and the investigation to the theme park experience management will be helpful for the improvement of present management conditions including the theme park tourism business management , and be useful to the promotion of the related industry relating to management level .

  30. 我国旅游规划企业项目化管理机制研究

    The Study of Management by Project ( MBP ) Mechanism of Chinese Tourism Planning Enterprises