
  • 网络Tourism Economy;Tourism Economics
  1. 从《旅游学刊》看近八年我国旅游经济的研究

    Analysis of the Researching Situation of Domestic Tourism Economics from the Latest Eight Years through all the Papers in Tourism Tribune

  2. 挖掘梅山文化内涵,分析评价其旅游资源价值,对于开发梅山文化旅游产品,促进旅游经济发展具有重要的意义。

    In order to develop Meishan cultural tourism products and tourism economics , it 's of significance to study the Meishan cultural connotation and to analyze and assess its tourism value .

  3. 关于我国假日旅游经济现状的思考

    An Exploration of Economic Current Situation of Holiday Traveling in China

  4. 洛阳旅游经济发展的现状及对策

    The Development of Luoyang Tourism , the Present Situation and Countermeasures

  5. 从旅游经济总量的占有率来看,城市旅游已经成为现代旅游主体的重要组成部分。

    Urban tourism has become an important part of modern tourism .

  6. 对发展黔西南州旅游经济提供信息服务的设想

    Some Ideas about the Development of Tourism Economy of Southwestern Guizhou

  7. 基于幸福感视角的北川旅游经济发展研究

    Study on Beichuan Tourism Development from the View of Subjective Well-being

  8. 关于发展陆桥沿线旅游经济的思考

    Ideas on the Development of Tourist Economy Along the Continental Bridge

  9. 山西省旅游经济发展研究

    Research of the Development of Tourist Industry of Shanxi Province

  10. 中国旅游经济综合实力的变动分析

    An Analysis on Changes of Comprehensive Strength of Tourism Economy in China

  11. 中国省际经济趋同的定量分析中国旅游经济的省际比较研究

    The inter-provincial comparative study of Chinese tourism economy economic research

  12. 本文主要研究海南省旅游经济增长的影响因素问题。

    This article mainly discusses the economic growth factors in Hainan tourism .

  13. 旅游经济活动是商品经济高度发展的产物。

    Tourism economy is the offspring of commodity economy in advanced development .

  14. 西部旅游经济转型时期的困境与对策法治政府与经济转型

    The Predicaments and Countermeasures in the Period of Western Tourism Economic Transition

  15. 用法律手段调整我国的旅游经济

    The regulation of the tourist economy by using legal procedure

  16. 发挥历史文化优势加快旅游经济发展

    Taking Advantage of History and Culture , Accelerating Tourist Development

  17. 这使得城市旅游经济研究迫切需要更多的理论支持。

    This makes urban tourism economy research urgent need for more theoretical support .

  18. 拟对云南的旅游经济与云南的财源作些分析和研究。

    The author has made a study of Yunnan tourism economy and finance .

  19. 贫困地区民族地方文献资源开发与旅游经济发展

    Exploitation of national local documents and development of tourism economy in poor areas

  20. 价值工程在旅游经济中的应用研究

    The Applied Research of Value Project in Tourism Economy

  21. 假日旅游经济负面影响的对策研究

    Holiday tourism economy : negative impact and its solution

  22. 试析澳门现代旅游经济发展

    Analysis on the Development of Macao Modern Tour Economy

  23. 中国旅游经济现象的深层思考

    An In-Depth Thinking on China 's Tourism Economic Phenomenon

  24. 重庆旅游经济发展探析

    Discussion of the Development of Tourist Economy of Chongqing

  25. 第二章是旅游经济效应的理论研究综述。

    The second chapter is the discussion of theory of tourism economic impact .

  26. 黄山旅游经济的开发和对策

    Huang Mountain tourism economy 's development and countermeasures

  27. 1927年,意大利学者马里奥蒂出版了《旅游经济讲义》一书,第一次对旅游经济进行系统化研究尝试。

    It was the first time that people applied systematic study for tourism economics .

  28. 中国区域旅游经济综合实力分析和类型划分

    Analysis of Comprehensive Strength and Differentiation of Types on Regionally Tourist Economy in China

  29. 论安徽省环巢湖旅游经济文化圈三圈合一战略

    On Anhui province Chao lake tourism economy circle " three in one " strategy

  30. 浅析非典对旅游经济的影响

    An Analysis of SARS Impacts on Tourism Economy