
  1. 陆桥经济研究20年:回顾与前瞻

    20 Years ' Research on Continental Bridge Economy : Review and Prospect

  2. 略论陆桥经济与区域经济的协调发展

    Coordinated Development of Continental Bridge Economy and Regional Economy

  3. 陆桥经济带与东北亚经济圈的切点

    The Joining Spot between the Overbridge Economic Belt and the Northeast Asia Economic Belt

  4. 陆桥经济带与我国区域协调发展新格局

    Relation of Land Bridge Economic Belt and the New Pattern of Regional Harmonious Development

  5. 陆桥经济的文化思考

    Cultural Thought of the Land Bridge Economy

  6. 连云港市已经逐步成为全国的陆桥经济研究基地。

    Lianyungang has gradually become the research base of the continental bridge economy throughout the country .

  7. 陆桥经济带在我国区域协调发展总体布局中具有特殊的地位与作用。

    Land Bridge Economic Belt ( LBEB ) plays special roles in the state regional harmonious development strategy .

  8. 桥头堡是陆桥经济研究中一个具有特定内涵的重要概念。

    In studies on the economy along the Eurasian Continental Bridge , bridgehead is a very important concept with special connotations .

  9. 在论文最后还提出了新疆陆桥经济带产业优化的对策建议。

    Finally , the paper also raised some suggestion about the optimization of industrial structure of Xinjiang economic belt along the Second Euro-Asia Continental Bridge .

  10. 双陆桥经济带是横贯我国东、中、西部经济并对国民经济有举足轻重影响的经济区域(带)。

    The double-bridge economic belt is a very important economic belt for our country , which crossing the east , middle and west of our country .

  11. 在此基础上,提出了发展陆桥经济、促进区域经济协调发展的若干措施。

    Besides , many other measures are put forward hereafter , including the development of Continental Bridge economy to promote the coordinated development of regional economy .

  12. 21世纪陆桥经济时代的到来,使江苏省原苏南、苏中和苏北三大经济板块结构将发生变化。

    With the coming of the era of bridge economy in the21st century , the original three economic blocks of Jiangsu ( i.e.Southern , Central and Northern Jiangsu Economic Blocks ) will accordingly change .

  13. 第二章对陆桥经济带的客观情况进行了详尽的分析,论述陆桥经济带在我国区域经济发展的总体格局中具有重要的战略优势和地位。

    The second chapter analyzes the objective conditions of the economic belt along Continental Bridge in detail , then disserts that there is an important strategic advantage and position of this economic belt in China 's regional economy development .

  14. 最后就是新疆陆桥经济带产业结构优化,本文认为目前陆桥地区产业结构优化的一个主要方向是作为整体进行主导产业的选择,整体区域优先发展这些产业部门。

    Next is the Xinjiang Economic Zone industrial structure optimization . This paper argues that the industrial structure optimization of the current bridge , a main direction as a whole leading industry , the overall regional priorities the development of these industries .

  15. 加快双陆桥经济带开发,有利于新亚欧大陆桥经济带和长江三角洲经济带的发展,并进一步带动我国中、西部经济的发展。

    The rapid development of the double - bridge economic belt has great profit for the new Euro-Asia Continental Bridge economic belt and the Yangtse River Delta economic belt , and promotes the economic development of the middle and west of our country .

  16. 由于陆桥东端经济发展水平不高等因素,大陆桥的通衢、辐射、拉力作用发挥不够。

    Because of the factors as the not-very-developed east end of the bridge , the functions of the passage , radiation and pulling force of the continental bridge are not brought into full play .

  17. 认为陆桥各经济带的发展目标应是:形成以大陆桥铁路为主轴,中心城市为支撑点,广大腹地为辐射面,有强大内聚力和辐射力的经济走廊。

    As held in this study , the goal of development for the economic belts along the ECB should be an economic corridor radiating the inland areas with ECB as the axis and supported by large cities along it .

  18. 关于发展陆桥沿线旅游经济的思考

    Ideas on the Development of Tourist Economy Along the Continental Bridge

  19. 第三章从定量的角度验证陆桥运输与陆桥经济发展的关系。

    The third chapter tests the relationship between Continental Bridge transportation and its economy through quantitative analysis .

  20. 陆桥文化的负熵功能表现在陆桥文化对全球化发展,对人类与环境协调发展,对陆桥经济的快速发展的重要作用。

    Its entropy function plays an important role in the development of globalization , the harmonious development of man and surroundings and continental economy .