
lù jūn
  • army;ground force;land force
陆军 [lù jūn]
  • [ground force; army] 在陆地上作战的军队。是军种之一。一般包括步兵、炮兵、装甲兵、工程兵、防化学兵等兵种

陆军[lù jūn]
  1. 陆军正在把大量剩余设备拍卖掉。

    The Army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment .

  2. 迈克从学校毕业后参加了陆军。

    After leaving school , Mike went into the army .

  3. 他是美国陆军少校。

    He 's a major in the US army .

  4. 他们俩都受过良好的陆军训练。

    They were both well schooled in the ways of the Army

  5. 你知道,战争期间我是一名陆军少校。

    I was a major in the war , you know .

  6. 陆军士兵用运兵车封锁了十字路口。

    The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets .

  7. 这个地方以前由一位前陆军上校经管。

    This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel .

  8. 他在擅离部队之前是一名陆军少尉。

    He was a second-lieutenant in the army until he deserted

  9. 我父亲在这里的美国陆军服役。

    My father was in the U.S. army over here .

  10. 今天陆军和准军事部队继续进行搜索。

    Searches by the army and paramilitary forces have continued today

  11. 他说陆军军官们曾威胁要摧毁那座小镇。

    He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town

  12. 他父亲是一名陆军上士。

    His father is a staff sergeant in the army .

  13. 陆军部队即将发动一次大规模进攻。

    The army is about to launch a major offensive .

  14. 蒙博托出身行伍,通过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。

    Mobutu ascended through the ranks , eventually becoming commander of the army

  15. 罗伯特很想谈谈陆军生活。

    Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army

  16. 记者们认出6名美国人中有一位是陆军技术兵。

    The reporters identified one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist

  17. 一枚手榴弹掷向了陆军巡逻队。

    A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol .

  18. 其他陆军部队被重重包围,和上级的联系也被切断了。

    Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors

  19. 二战期间,他应征加入了美国陆军。

    During the Second World War , he was drafted into the US Army

  20. 情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。

    The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister .

  21. 陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。

    The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance

  22. 这次攻击给美国的海军和陆军都造成了重创。

    The attack has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces .

  23. 技术方面由陆军负责。

    The technical aspects were the concern of the Army

  24. 陆军军官称局面已经得到了控制。

    Army officers said the situation was under control

  25. 该镇遭到了有空军掩护的陆军部队的猛烈攻击。

    The town has been heavily bombarded by the army backed by the airforce .

  26. 只是顺带提了一下陆军。

    The army is only mentioned in passing .

  27. 上个月他从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。

    He deserted from army intelligence last month

  28. 随后的4年时间,威廉在陆军服役。

    There followed a gap of four years , during which William joined the Army .

  29. 陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。

    The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy 's coast

  30. 过去,陆军部队在很大程度上依赖空中支援来摆脱困境。

    In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get them out of trouble