
lù shēng dòng wù
  • terrestrial animal
陆生动物[lù shēng dòng wù]
  1. 在北美洲有六个陆生动物基因型,包括浣熊病毒基因型。

    In North America , there are six terrestrial animal genotypes , including the raccoon virus genotype .

  2. 有时在松动的石头下可以同时看见栖息的陆生动物和水生动物。

    Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone .

  3. 它们是地球上最大的陆生动物。

    The largest land animals on Earth .

  4. 生活在海滨的陆生动物,形似龙虾。

    A creature of the shore and coastline , resembling a lobster .

  5. 最大的陆生动物大象是哺乳动物

    The largest animal on land , the elephant is a mammal .

  6. 是北美洲最大的陆生动物

    and the largest land animals in North America .

  7. 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。

    The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter .

  8. 鸟类和昆虫是陆生动物中具有飞行能力的两类动物。

    Birds and insects belong to two different kinds of land living things with flying capabilities .

  9. 它们在血内储氧的能力比陆生动物高出许多。

    They also have a greater capacity than land animals to store oxygen in their blood .

  10. 但是科学家现在发现,这种现存最大陆生动物身材不同,性格也不同。

    But scientists have now discovered the largest living land animals have personalities to match their size .

  11. 过不多久,在这一天还剩下不足两个小时的时候,第一批陆生动物接着出现了。

    Soon after , with less than two hours left in the day , the first land creatures follow .

  12. 世界上最快的陆生动物正在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲打着哈欠享受着片刻的放松。

    The world 's fastest land animal takes a moment to relax with a yawn on Botswana 's Okavango Delta .

  13. 这不仅可适用于水生和陆生动物,还可适用于植物,而不论是否是驯养的。

    This applies not only to aquatic and land animals , but also to plant species , whether domesticated and not .

  14. 糖类是鱼类饲料中廉价的能量源,然而,与陆生动物相比,鱼类对饲料中糖的利用能力较低。

    Carbohydrate is the cheapest source for energy in fish feed . However , fish have low ability in utilization of carbohydrate .

  15. 和水生动物不同,陆生动物的感官场建立在视觉的基础上,可以延展好几百米远,因此它们有时间考虑各种行动并选择最好的一种。

    In contrast to aquatic life , land-based animals , whose vision-based sensory field extends for hundreds of meters , have time to contemplate a variety of actions and pick the best one .

  16. 最早的鸟类是从树上向地面滑翔的树栖生物,还是因进化出了翅膀而逐渐喜欢长距离跳跃的两足陆生动物?

    Were the first flyers arboreal creatures that initially glided from tree tops to the ground ? Or were they bipedal ground runners whose evolving wings allowed them to take progressively longer jumps ?

  17. 论文介绍了农药免疫毒性的概念,免疫毒性的检验方法,农药与免疫应答,农药对水生动物、陆生动物、哺乳动物以及人类免疫系统在体液免疫、细胞免疫、非特异性免疫等方面的影响。

    The present review describes the definition of immunotoxicity , the immunotoxicity test methods , the relation of pesticide and immune response and the immunotoxicity of pesticides in aquatic species , terrestrial species , mammals and human .

  18. 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。它们在水里生活了无数时代后,才冒险登陆,开展了陆生动物悠长缓慢的演化历程。

    The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter . After countless generations in water , some of them took the risk to ascend and started the lengthy evolutionary process of terrestrial animals .

  19. 本文探讨了在VB可视化环境下应用面向对象程序设计方法、事件驱动编程机制,开发陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统本系统的基本思想和技术路线。

    This paper discussed the basic thought and technology route of applying object-oriented program design method , event-run mechanism , and develope management information system of wild animal resource by Microsoft Visual Basic language .

  20. 陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统的研究

    A Study on Management Information System of Wild Animal Resource in Shaanxi

  21. 12种为国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物。

    12 species national special protected wildlife with economic and scientific research value .

  22. 丰都县陆生野生动物资源调查初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of Terrestrial Wildlife Resources in the Fengdu County

  23. 云南省陆生野生动物疫源疫病监测体系建设研究

    Study on Monitoring System Construction of Epidemic Source & Disease of Terrestrial Wild Animals in Yunnan

  24. 我是世界上最大的陆生食肉动物之一,我也是家族中个头最大的成员。

    I am one of the world 's largest land predators . I 'm also the biggest member of my family .

  25. 陆生野生动物疫源疫病监测是在新时期新环境下《重大动物疫情应急条例》赋予林业部门新的职责。

    The monitoring of terrestrial wildlife epidemic diseases was a new responsibility for forestry administration in the new period after Animal Plague Emergency Handling Mechanism was in action .

  26. 根据1996~1999年的辽宁陆生野生动物调查结果显示,辽宁陆生野生蛇类数量已趋于减少,且减少幅度较大。

    According to the data of investigation on the terrestrial animals in Liaoning in 1996 ~ 1999 , the quantity of the wild snakes are in a big decrease .

  27. 本研究通过调查分析浙江省陆生野生动物的种类及分布规律,初步建立了野生动物疫源疫病监测和信息采集管理系统。

    The distribution pattern of terrestrial wildlife has been investigated in this dissertation . And then , the monitoring system and information transmission system of terrestrial wildlife epidemic diseases in Zhejiang province was also set up .

  28. 探讨了野生动物伤害人畜补偿问题;总结了制定《陕西省重点保护陆生野生动物造成人身财产损害补偿办法》的过程;

    The issues is discussed to compensation for the man and livestock injured by wildlife through summarizing the procedure of making The Regulation of Indemnify on Man and Its Property Injured by Main Protected Terrestrial Wildlife of Shaanxi Province .

  29. 采用资料分析法,围绕该数据库展开分析。本文对数据库中国家一级陆生脊椎保护动物保护状况进行了重点的研究。

    We mainly studied the conservation status of first class national protect wildlife based on the data pool by using data analytical method .

  30. 陕西省陆生贝类的动物地理学分析及二新种记述(腹足纲:中腹足目:柄眼目)

    Zoogeographical analysis of the land mollusks from Shaanxi province , china , with description of two new species ( gastropoda : Pulmonata : stylommatophora )