
hǎi jūn
  • navy;sea service
海军 [hǎi jūn]
  • [navy] 一个国家海上作战的全部军事组织,包括造船厂、修船厂、基地、人员、船只、办公机构及军官

海军[hǎi jūn]
  1. 海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。

    The Navy is to launch a new warship today .

  2. 他应征参加了美国海军。

    He was enlisted into the US Navy .

  3. 海军方面已决定取消购买A-12隐形攻击机的合同。

    The Navy has decided to cancel its contract for the A-12 Stealth attack plane

  4. 18世纪的英国海军部对其军官没有什么强制力。

    The eighteenth-century Admiralty had few coercive powers over its officers .

  5. 某海军基地的士兵不服从军官领导,发生了兵变。

    Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers .

  6. 美国海军舰队参加了入侵行动。

    An armada of U.S. Navy ships participated in the invasion .

  7. 他是派驻古巴的海军少尉。

    He had been a naval ensign stationed off Cuba .

  8. 海军在平息这场叛乱的过程中起到了有限但却十分重要的作用。

    The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion

  9. 他在和平时期担任海军情报官员。

    He served during peace-time as an intelligence officer in the Navy .

  10. 美国海军力量的彻底转变始于1940年。

    The transformation of American sea power began in 1940 .

  11. 班克斯在皇家海军服过兵役。

    Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy .

  12. 这没有阻止英国海军继续得意扬扬地前进的步伐。

    It hasn 't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way

  13. 迪基吃饭时一直在讲海军的故事,让他不胜其烦。

    Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy

  14. 我是一名海军中尉军官。

    I was a naval officer , lieutenant junior grade .

  15. 战争期间海军的船只在这里进行修理。

    During the war , Navy ships were refitted here .

  16. 作为削减国防开支的一部分,英国皇家海军舰艇“厌战”号宣布退役。

    HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts .

  17. 一名海军卫生员被狙击手射伤了。

    A Navy medic was wounded by sniper fire .

  18. 海军陆战队进行了有18艘军舰和90架飞机参与的训练。

    The Marines carried out a drill that included 18 ships and 90 aircraft

  19. 他将领到海军补助的退役金。

    He is taking a gratuity from the Navy .

  20. 他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。

    He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral

  21. 他接受任命成为一名海军军官。

    He accepted a commission as a naval officer .

  22. 海军最高指挥部对这些进展的回应十分反常。

    The naval high command 's response to these developments is rather curious .

  23. 军士是海军的骨干。

    Petty officers are the backbone of a navy .

  24. 她自己的儿子那时也在海军。

    Her own son was also in the Navy .

  25. 他从海军部队休假回到家里。

    He is home on leave from the Navy .

  26. 英国海军登上船,把它拖到纽约。

    The British navy boarded the vessel and towed it to New York .

  27. 他们派出了海军保护商船。

    They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping .

  28. 这次攻击给美国的海军和陆军都造成了重创。

    The attack has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces .

  29. 你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。

    You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar

  30. 他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。

    They travelled to Portsmouth , where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown