
  • 网络Hainan;Hainan Province;Hai Nan
  1. 5月7日至10日,首届中国国际消费品博览会将在海南省海口市举办。

    The first China International Consumer Products Expo is scheduled for May 7-10 in Haikou , capital of south China 's Hainan province .

  2. 12月1日起,海南省全面禁止一次性不可降解塑料袋、塑料餐饮具等用品的生产、销售及使用。

    Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable have been banned from production , sale and use starting Tuesday in China 's island province of Hainan .

  3. 海南省政府表示,可使用的替代品包括可降解塑料袋、纸袋、布袋以及亚麻布袋,可重复使用的塑料篮子、柳条篮、竹篮等。

    On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags ; paper , cloth and linen authorities .

  4. 海南省要敢于担当、主动作为,以钉钉子精神夯实自由贸易港建设基础。中央和国家有关部门要支持海南大胆改革创新,推动海南自由贸易港建设不断取得新成效。

    Local government of Hainan should act boldly and proactively to accomplish the goal of laying a solid foundation for the construction of the Hainan free trade port , while central authorities should support Hainan 's daring reforms and innovation , pushing for new achievements in the construction of the port .

  5. 海南省热带农业科技力量评价及SWOT分析

    Evaluation and SWOT Analysis of Tropic Agricultural Science and Technology Power in Hainan Province

  6. 海南省间日疟原虫CSP基因型虫株对氯喹敏感性和复发特征的初探

    The sensitivity of Plasmodium vivax genotype strain of circumsporozoite protein to chloroquine and the recrudescence

  7. 宁洪(音译)将带来详细报道:周四上午,搭载着中国空间站天和核心舱的长征五号B遥二运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射场发射升空。

    Ning Hong has more : A Long March 5B rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center in Hainan Province on Thursday Morning , carrying the core module of the Tianhe space station .

  8. 海南省部分出口食品中BHC和DDT残留量检测分析

    Analysis on BHC and DDT Residue in Part of Hainan Export Foods

  9. 文章预测了2011年海南省GDP会继续保持高速增长,全社会固定资产投资额会继续加大。

    The paper predicted that the GDP of Hainan Province in2011 will continue to maintain high growth , and the total fixed assets investment wiU continue to increase .

  10. 海南省9市县农村人群HBsAg携带状况分析

    HBV Carrying condition in people of Panshi analysis on HBsAg carriage condition of countryside population in the nine towns and counties of Hainan Province

  11. 土壤中硒含量异常,通过食物链会影响人畜健康。化学分析结果表明,海南省土壤全硒量为0.043~0.785mg/kg,平均0.295mg/kg;

    The Se content in soils of Hainan province ranges from 0.043 to 0.785mg / kg , average content is 0.295mg/kg .

  12. 结论海南省2004年流感流行以H3型和B型流感病毒为主要病原,其中以H3型为主。

    Conclusion The Type H_3 and B influenza virus were the main pathogen of influenza in Hainan in 2004 and type H_3 predominated .

  13. 总结了海南省1996~1998年以来HIV血清学监测结果。

    This article reported the result of serological surveillance on HIV antibody detection in Hainan province from 1996 to 1998 . 78 092 specimens collected from different kinds of high risk groups had been tested in recent 3 years .

  14. 序列分析表明,海南省恶性疟原虫虫株的3D7型和K1型的可变区序列与3D7和K1原型序列具有高度同源性。

    Sequence analysis showed that the sequences of3D7-and K1-type isolates from Hainan Province were highly homologous to that of3D7 and K1 allelic prototypes respectively .

  15. 助长人们对高尔夫球兴趣的还有中国数量越来越多、同时越来越具洋气的高尔夫球场,比如位于中国海南省的世界最大高尔夫球场——观澜湖高尔夫球会(MissionHillsGolfClub)球场,尽管中国已在全国范围内暂停建造新的高尔夫球场,

    Helping to fuel the interest is the growing number -- and increasing outlandishness - of golf courses in the country like the world 's largest Mission Hills golf club on southern Hainan Island , which continue to be built despite a nationwide moratorium on new courses .

  16. 结论:CRF患者确实存在SOD活性降低及脂质过氧化损伤,海南省茶多酚能有效对抗脂质过氧化,提高氧化酶SOD活性,改善CRF患者肾功能。

    Conclusions : The depression of SOD activities and the impairment of lipid peroxide are really existed in patients with CRF . TP of Hainan province is able to antagonize lipid peroxide effectively , increase the activities of SOD , and improve renal functions in patients with CRF .

  17. 目的为了解海南省儿童非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒(NPEV)的感染状况,为我省今后进一步研究肠道病毒对人类健康的影响提供本底资料。

    Objective In order to know infectious situation of Non-polio enterovirus ( NPEV ) in different children groups in Hainan province to provide basic data for research of NPEV to people health .

  18. 结果共检测32份海南省现场确诊的间日疟病人血样,MSP1等位基因型混合感染率为18.75%,平均克隆数1.16;

    Results The alleles of MSP-1 and CSP from 32 blood samples of tertian malaria patients were identified . 18.75 % and 35.29 % multiple infections were observed in MSP-1 and CSP respectively .

  19. 对象为33只中国家犬,体质量10~12kg,犬龄1.5~2岁,由海南省动物中心提供。

    A total of 33 healthy Chinese dogs , weighing 10 to 12 kg and aged 1.5 to 2 years , were obtained from Center for Experimental Animals of Hainan Province .

  20. 信息网络与海南省人力资源开发

    Information Network and the Tapping of Human Resources in Hainan Province

  21. 海南省万宁市水稻土壤养分状况研究

    Soil Nutrients Status in Paddy Field in Wanning , Hainan Province

  22. 海南省肺结核病归口管理的实践及成效

    Results of practicing mamagement of pulmonary tuberculosis by professional control bodies

  23. 海南省三亚市的生态环境建设

    The construction of ecological environment in Sanya City of Hainan Province

  24. 海南省两株环状病毒的分离与鉴定

    Isolation and identification of two strains of orbivirus in Hainan Province

  25. 我们决定把工厂建在海南省。

    We 've decided to build the factory in Hainan province .

  26. 海南省香草兰上病毒病的病原检测

    Pathogeny identification on virus disease of Vanilla planifolia in Hainan Province

  27. 海南省传染病漏报调查分析

    Analysis on the mis-reported cases of infectious diseases in Hainan Province

  28. 海南省自然保护区生态服务价值评估

    Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value of Natural Reserve in Hainan Island

  29. 用分层次的政策指导海南省经济发展可以使整个经济有更多的增长。

    Layered policy can further promote economic growth of Hainan province .

  30. 海南省中学生体育运动卫生现状分析周口市县、乡级学校食堂卫生现状调查

    Athletic Sports Health Status of Junior Middle School Students in Hainan