
hǎi yánɡ xìnɡ qì hòu
  • Oceanic climate;maritime/marine climate
海洋性气候 [hǎi yáng xìng qì hòu]
  • [(maritime) marine climate] 全年和一天内的气温变化较小、空气湿润、雨量较多也较均匀的气候

  1. 介绍了NaI就地γ谱仪在海洋性气候山林地进行的陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量率测量。

    The measurement of absorbed dose rates in air from terrene γ radiation using NaI ( Tl ) in situ γ ray spectrometry in mountain forest was carried out .

  2. 海洋性气候对天津市滨海地区空气质量的影响及预报

    Air Quality Forecasting and Oceanic Climate Study in Tianjin Binhai Area

  3. 西南海岸地区有着潮湿温和的海洋性气候。

    The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate .

  4. 南极海洋性气候区土壤水分动态变化研究

    Dynamics of soil moisture status in the maritime Antarctic Zone

  5. 太平洋西北岸为海洋性气候。

    The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate .

  6. 海洋性气候条件下新型特隆布墙被动降温的通风模式研究

    Ventilation modes of an advanced Trombe wall for passive cooling under marine climate

  7. 海洋性气候对人体有益吗?

    Why is sea air good for you ?

  8. 我喜欢海洋性气候。

    I like the climate of oceanity .

  9. 因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。

    Therefore , said Mira Hill is a continental climate with the climate of the watershed .

  10. 气候:斯里兰卡地处热带,属热带海洋性气候。

    Climate : Sri Lanka is situated at the tropics , is the tropics marine climate .

  11. 英国属于海洋性气候:冬季不过于寒冷,夏季不过于炎热。

    Britain has a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot .

  12. 欧洲发达国家全部分布在温带:温带海洋性气候、温带大陆性气候和地中海气候。

    All the European countries in the temperate : temperate maritime climate , temperate continental climate and the Mediterranean climate .

  13. 新西兰地处南温带,属海洋性气候,没有严冬和酷署。

    Lying within the South Temperate Zone , New Zealand has an oceanic climate , without extremes of heat or cold .

  14. 由于海洋性气候的影响,气候冬暖夏凉,舒适宜人。

    Because of the influence of the marine climate , it is comfortable to live in winter warmly and in summer coolly .

  15. 针对海洋性气候条件下航空铝合金的大气腐蚀,提出了一种综合环境加速试验方法。

    Using aeronautical aluminums , the accelerated corrosion tests for marine atmospheric corrosion were studied , and a comprehensive environmental test was proposed .

  16. 为了解决代镉镀层,满足海洋性气候条件下的使用需要,我们研究了柠檬酸盐电镀光亮锡锌合金的工艺。

    A bright citrate Sn-Zn alloy plating process is developed as a substitute for cadmium plating to meet the requirements under maritime climate conditions .

  17. 同时又受来自洋面上的东南季风及海流、水团的影响,故又具有显著的海洋性气候特点。

    At the same time , Qingdao is influenced by southeast monsoon and the ocean current , therefore it also has the remarkable marine climate characteristics .

  18. 阿拉斯加北极地区位于布鲁克斯山以北,白令海峡以东的北坡地区,属北极海洋性气候区。

    The Alaska Arctic is located at north of the Brooks Range and from the Bering Sea to the Canadian border , with an arctic marine climate .

  19. 其实英国和中国的东北地处的纬度相近,但英国是岛国,属温和的海洋性气候,冬季不是很寒冷。

    In fact , the UK 's latitude is similar to the Northeast of China , but Britain being an island has maritime climate which is much milder in winter .

  20. 首先,南极海洋性气候区日益加速的气候变暖现象导致冰川消退、地表积雪融化,为土壤形成与分布提供了母质与空间基础;

    First of all , retreat of glaciers and shrink of perennial snowbank induced by climate warming provide parent materials and spatial room for soil formation and development in the maritime Antarctica .

  21. 南极海洋性气候土壤形成过程中具有明显的有机质积累作用,有机质对成土过程和土壤性状产生重要影响,如土壤酸化、有机-金属螯合物的形成和生物成矿现象。

    Significant accumulation of soil organic matter play an important role in shaping soil characteristics during soil-forming processes in the maritime Antarctic , e.g. in soil acidification , podzolization , formation of metallo-organic compounds and biogenetic minerals .

  22. 英国水彩画的发展源于地志学风景画的兴起,十八世纪兴起的旅行热潮加速了风景水彩画的发展,英国湿润的海洋性气候,从外在环境上造就了水彩画发展的可能性。

    The development of British watercolor painting originated from the upsurge of topological landscape paintings , accelerated by the traveling fever in 18th century . Moreover , the wet oceanic weather in Britain also created the possibilities for the development of watercolor paintings .

  23. 针对具有湿润海洋性气候特征的江苏北部沿海,从蒸发过程的物理机理出发选用适宜的蒸发量计算方法,获得防护林区域1974~1991年月蒸发量的连续序列资料。

    In this paper , a series data of monthly evaporation ( 1974 ~ 1991 ), in Jiangsu province 's northern coastwise protective forest system which has the characteristics of moist maritime climate , are calculated by appropriate method from the physical regularity in evaporating .

  24. 同时,气候变暖导致自由水活动在时间和空间上的加强促进了以自由水为基础的土壤过程和冰缘地貌过程,对南极海洋性气候区土壤发生、发育产生深刻影响。

    Meanwhile , melt water originating from glaciers and snow ice covers enhances temporal and spatial availability of free water , which plays all important roles both in periglacial processes and the processes within soil profiles , thus influencing soil genesis and evolution to a great degree .

  25. 属温带海洋性季风气候。

    Is the temperate zone oceanity monsoon climate .

  26. 漳浦台湾农民创业园地处福建省漳州的东部,常年受海洋性季风气候调节,形成了独特的自然气候资源,是福建省花卉经济栽培区,发展花卉具有区位优势。

    Taiwan farmers pioneering zone in Zhangpu located in the east of Zhangzhou city is a flower economy planting zone in fujian province , with a regional advantage . For under the perennial influence of maritime monsoon climate , the zone has unique natural climatic resources .

  27. 全境属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。

    All belong to maritime climate temperate forest .