
  • 网络water temperature;seawater temperature;sea temperature;sea-water temperature;SST
  1. 基于EMD的BP神经网络海水温度时间序列预测研究

    Prediction of Seawater Temperature Time Series Based on EMD

  2. 三亚湾海水温度季节变化及溶解无机氮的垂直分布特征

    Vertical distribution characteristics of seawater temperature and din in Sanya Bay

  3. 由于异常的高温,秘鲁海岸的海水温度变化异常,影响了当地的凤尾鱼捕捞业。

    Waters off the Peruvian coast become unusually warm , destroying the local anchovy fishing industry .

  4. 不论冰山漂到哪里,都会对周围环境产生巨大的影响,改变海水温度,并引入数十亿吨淡水。

    And wherever they drift , they can have a major influence on their immediate2 environment , changing the temperature of the sea and introducing billions of tonnes of fresh water .

  5. 高分辨率古海水温度记录&珊瑚Sr/Ca比值

    High-resolution Sea Surface Temperature Records from Coralline Strontium / Calcium Ratios

  6. 基于GPRS海水温度自动监测系统的设计和应用(英文)

    Sea water temperature auto-monitoring system based on general packet radio service ( GPRS )

  7. HHT方法在海水温度时间序列分析中的应用

    Analysis of sea water temperature time series using HHT method

  8. 在夏季北冰洋的无冰海域,经常可以观测到次表层暖水现象,即在水深20~50m的范围内发生海水温度的极大值。

    The subsurface warm water has been observed frequently in the summer ice-free sea area of the Arctic Ocean , that is , a temperature maximum occurred in water depths of 20 to 50 m.

  9. 综合考虑这些因素,利用有孔虫Mg/Ca比值重建表层海水温度(SST)记录时,获得的温度结果的误差在±0.5℃之内,可以满足冰期/间冰期气候变化过程中SST变化研究的要求。

    Considering all the factors that may contribute to the errors of the Mg / Ca SST records , the overall errors for the temperature reconstructing from the foraminifer shells should be ± 0.5 ℃ . This precision meets the requirement of studying SST changes within glacial-interglacial cycles .

  10. MVP-300温盐深测量系统是走航式测量系统,它可以快速、方便地进行大深度的海水温度、盐度、声速剖面测量。

    The MVP-300 , which is underway CTD ( Salinity Temperature Depth ) system , can quickly and conveniently measure temperature , salinity and acoustic velocity in deep water .

  11. 用于测量海水温度和压力光纤传感器

    Optical Fiber Sensor for Measuring Temperature and Pressure of Sea Water

  12. 海水温度升高阳极电极电位降低。

    The electrode potentials decreased with the increasing of the temperature .

  13. 它仅仅需要时间、适当的保护以及合理的海水温度。

    it just needs time and protection and a reasonable temperature .

  14. 海水温度的变化会增加飓风的频率。

    Changes in sea temperature will increase the frequency of hurricanes .

  15. 大亚湾海水温度的时空分布

    Temporal and spacial distribution of water temperature in Daya Bay

  16. 计算机对海水温度数据的图形处理研究&海水温度的有限元计算

    Computer Graphic Processing for Seawater Temperature Data by the Finite Element Method

  17. 表层海水温度场趋势预报的几种方法简介

    An introduction to some methods fo longrange forecast of sea temperature field

  18. 三维海水温度遥感信息模型研究

    Study on Remote Sensing Information Models of 3-D Seawater Temperature

  19. 广西沿海海洋站观测海水温度的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Mean Sea Temperatures at Tidal Gauge Stations along Guangxi Coast

  20. 由偏顶蛤贝壳中稳定同位素剖面追溯海水温度记录

    Seawater temperature records from stable isotopic profiles in the shell of modiolus modiolus

  21. 赤道太平洋次表层海水温度异常的信号通道

    Oceanic temperature anomalous signal pathway in the equatorial Pacific

  22. 水面舰船尾流电导率特性与海水温度和气泡分布的关系研究

    Relation Among Conductivity Characteristic of Ship Wake , Seawater Temperature and Bubble Distribution

  23. 因此如果海水温度稍有上升

    so if sea temperatures rise just a little ,

  24. 在东南亚海域的底部,海水温度正在上升。

    Far below the surface , the waters of South-East Asia are heating up .

  25. 海水温度是决定海水源热泵空调系统的重要参数。

    Sea water temperature is a key parameter for seawater source heat pump system .

  26. 南极长城湾底层海水温度季节变化特征分析

    Seasonal variation characteristics of bottom water temperature in the Great Wall bay , Antarctica

  27. 某些科学家相信海水温度能够影响鲸鱼的繁殖。

    2 some scientists to believe the temperature of sea water can affect whale reproduction .

  28. 2013年的三文鱼价格还受到一个重要周期性因素的影响&海水温度。

    Prices in 2013 were also affected by an important cyclical factor – sea temperatures .

  29. 东海及其外缘海域表层海水温度的谱分析

    Energy spectrum analysis of Sea Surface Temperatur in East China Sea and the adjacent waters

  30. 台湾海峡及其邻近水域表层海水温度的调和分析

    A study of harmonic analysis of surface temperature in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters