
dǎo rè lǜ
  • thermal conductivity
  1. 银(Ag)是一类重要的金属元素,原子序数为47,呈白色,具有金属光泽,在所有元素中具有最高的电导率,导热率也比任何其它金属都高。

    Silver is metallic chemical element represented by Ag having atomic number 47 . It is white , lustrous transition metal , which has the highest electrical conductivity as compared to any element and the highest thermal conductivity as compared to any metal .

  2. 二硼化锆(ZrB2)具有高熔点、高硬度、高导热率等优点,是一种性能优异的高温结构材料,具有广泛的应用前景。

    Zirconium diboride ( ZrB2 ) has been widely applied in many fields for its excellent performances of high melting point , rigidity and thermal conductivity etc.

  3. 随着SiC颗粒含量的增加,复合材料的热膨胀系数和导热率降低;

    The coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of the composites decreased with the increase of SiC particles .

  4. 通过优化组成,使AlN&BN复合陶瓷垂直于加压方向的导热率最大达103W/m·K。

    By optimizing the composition , the heat conductivity of the ceramic perpendicular to the pressing direction is raised up to 103 W / m · K.

  5. 总体来说在相同体积含量下粗颗粒SiC增强铝基复合材料的导热率比细颗粒略高。

    In the case of same filler volume content , the TC of SiC / Al composites based on coarse powders was slightly higher than that based on fine powders .

  6. 用扩展的Enskog理论预测正构烷烃的导热率

    Prediction of thermal conductivities of liquid n-alkanes by the modified Enskog theory

  7. 运用多元回归分析方法,研究了SiC颗粒含量、粒度及纯度对SiCp/Cu复合材料热膨胀系数和导热率的影响规律。

    Multiple regression analyses were formulated to explore the influence mechanism on the coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of the SiC p / Cu composites by three deterministic factors , which were content , granularity and purity of the SiC particles .

  8. 而GaN量子点作为自组装量子点的代表,具有宽的直接带隙、强的原子键、高的导热率以及化学稳定性高和抗辐照能力强等诸多优点,也一直是人们研究的重点。

    While GaN quantum dots as representatives of the self-assemble quantum dots have also become one of the most importance issues because of their large direct energy gap , strong atomic bond , high thermal coefficient and chemical stability .

  9. 本文对Si-Mo、Cr-Mo耐热铸铁的导热率和热扩散率及其影响因素作了测试和分析。

    In this paper , the thermal conductivity , thermal diffusivity and effecting factors of Si-Mo , Cr-Mo heat resisting cast iron were measured and analysed .

  10. 并指出可通过合适的AlN粉体制备技术,结合快速烧结方法可得到具有晶粒细小、结构均匀、高致密度和高导热率的AlN陶瓷。

    It also pointed out that AlN can be obtained with small grain , uniform structure , high relative density and high thermal - conductivity through preparing AlN powder by a proper way firstly and then by fast sintering method .

  11. 并使用Johanson的方案替代了模式中原有的土壤导热率的参数化方案,考虑了含冰量对土壤水热性质的影响。

    The original soil thermal conductivity scheme is replaced by Johanson scheme and the soil thermal and hydraulic properties is modi-fied depending on soil ice content .

  12. 氮化铝(AlN)是一种宽禁带半导体材料,具有禁带宽度大、电子迁移率高、硬度高、导热率高、耐高温、压电系数大、表面声速高、化学性质稳定等一系列优点。

    Aluminum nitride ( AlN ) is a wide bandgap semiconductor , which has some excellent properties such as large bandgap , high electron mobility , high hardness , high thermal conductivity , resistant to high-temperature , high piezoelectric coefficient , high surface acoustic velocity and high chemical stability .

  13. ZrO2(3Y)/Fe3Al复合材料较高的断裂韧性和导热率、较低的弹性模量和泊松比是导致△TU升高的主要原因。

    The higher fracture toughness and thermal conductivity and lower elastic modulus and Poisson 's ratio of ZrO_2 ( 3Y ) / Fe_3Al composite compared with monolith ZrO_2 are the main reasons for the elevated Δ T_U value of ZrO_2 ( 3Y ) / Fe_3Al composites .

  14. Ni-Al、Fe-Al等金属间化合物材料具有强度高,耐高温性好,导电、导热率高等优异性能,是理想的汽车尾气净化器载体和微粒捕集器过滤体材料。

    Ni-Al , Fe-Al intermetallic compounds possess high strength , high temperature resistance , good electrical conductivity and excellent thermal conductivity property ; porous material made from above intermetallic compounds will be an ideal vehicle exhaust purifier carrier and diesel particulate filter ( DPF ) substrate materials .

  15. 土壤有机质的增加也会使土壤导热率减小;

    Increase of organic matter content may also decrease thermal conductivity .

  16. 气体导热率理论方程和两个定理

    A theoretic equation of thermal conductivity of gas and two theorem

  17. 数学模拟-物理模拟法测定材料导热率

    A Method Combining Mathematical Simulation with Physical Measurement for Measuring Thermal Conductivity

  18. 拓扑量子方法估算液相链烷烃导热率

    A Topological-Quantum Method for the Estimation of the Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Alkanes

  19. 基于方阱模型计算液体的导热率

    Liquid thermal conductivity equation based on the square-well model

  20. 新型高导热率环氧玻璃粉云母带的研制

    Research on a New Type Epoxy Glass-Cloth Reinforced Mica-Paper Tape of High Thermal Conductivity

  21. 低导热率和低热容。

    Low heat conduction and thermal capacity .

  22. 金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。

    The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass .

  23. 抗热震耐高温,导热率低和热容低;

    Extremely resistance to thermal shock , heat resistance , low thermal conductivity and low heat storage .

  24. 稳态平板法测不良导体导热率的误差的研究用稳态平板法测定不良导体导热系数的实验研究

    Studies of the Error in Determining of the Thermal Coefficient of Nonconductor with the Method of Steady-state Plate

  25. 导热率越高扩散热量也就越多,选择导热率高的密封材料能有效地降低密封环温度。

    Therefore sealing medium with higher heat transfer efficiency is good to lower the temperature of mechanical sealing ring .

  26. 由于铝合金高导热率和低电阻率的特点,因此其点焊性能较差。

    The spot welding performance of aluminum alloy is poor because of its high thermal conductivity and low resistivity characteristics .

  27. 研究结果表明,随着碳化硅填充份数的增加硅橡胶复合材料的导热率增大。

    The results show that the thermal conductivities of composite will be increased with the increase of the amount of fillers .

  28. 液体混合物导热率的测量及导热率数据的理论预测

    Measurement of thermal conductivities of liquid mixtures at normal or high pressure and estimation of thermal conductivity data by using a theoretical method

  29. 土壤导热率和土壤导温率先显著增大,后显著减小。

    At first , the soil thermal conductivity rate increased significantly , and then began to decrease after increased to a certain extent .

  30. 工程陶瓷材料具有许多优良性能:高硬度、高化学稳定性和低的导电、导热率等。

    Engineering Ceramic materials have many attractive properties such as high hardness high thermal resistance , chemical stability and low electrical conductivity , etc.