
dǎo dàn fánɡ yù xì tǒnɡ
  • guided missile defense systems
  1. 导弹防御系统的X波段雷达能力分析

    Analysis of X-band Radar ′ s Capability in Missile Defense System

  2. 防空导弹防御系统中的TBM突防能力研究

    Research on TBM penetration ability in air-defense missile defense system

  3. 战区导弹防御系统(TMD)对抗技术浅析

    An analysis for the countermeasure technology of theater missile defence ( TMD ) system

  4. 自美国宣布要建立战区导弹防御系统(TMD)以来,TMD的问题引起了国际社会的密切关注。

    It has aroused close attention throughout the world since US announced its plan to establish TMD system .

  5. 电子商务中IPS入侵防御系统方案的探讨导弹防御系统中红外光电识别技术分析

    Inquiring into the IPS Plan in EC ; Analyses on infrared optoelectronics recognition technology in missile defense system

  6. 俄罗斯政府拒绝了美国和北约(Nato)开发导弹防御系统、帮助西方防御伊朗攻击的计划。

    The Kremlin objects to US and Nato plans to develop a missile defence shield to protect the west from an Iranian attack .

  7. 目前逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)在军事上的作用越来越突出,是目标分类、辨识和战场上敌我识别以及精确制导强有力的手段,在未来防空和导弹防御系统中具有十分重要的作用。

    At present , Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ( ISAR ) imaging capability plays an important role in military applications , such as target classification , recognition , identification , and accurate weapon navigation .

  8. GBR(地基雷达)是美国国家导弹防御系统(NMD)的关键设备,在这个系统中具有核心的地位。

    The Ground Based Radar ( GBR ) is the key equipment and plays an important role in the National Missile Defense ( NMD ) system .

  9. 中国多次表示反对美国的导弹防御系统计划。想劝说中国放弃对nmd坚定的反对立场是很困难的。

    China has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the United States ' plan for missile defense . Talking China out of its trenchant opposition to NMD is going to be tough .

  10. 简述了NMD的发展演变,在分析了美国的国家导弹防御系统构成的基础上,针对其使用的拦截手段,重点分析了弹道导弹突破NMD的7种可能措施。

    The development process of NMD is introduced , and the constitutes and the holding up measure of NMD are analyzed . The seven measures of ballistic missile breaking through NMD are analyzed .

  11. 在介绍美国的国家导弹防御系统(NMD)的基础上,针对其使用的拦截手段,重点分析了弹道导弹可采取的突防措施。

    It also introduces the National Missile Defence System of American and lays an emphasis on analyzing the penetration measures which ballistic missile may adopt in view of the means of interception used by NMD .

  12. 在朝鲜进行发射活动的两周前,五角大楼高级官员马德琳克里登(MadelynCreedon)表示,美国希望在亚洲发展某种区域性导弹防御系统。这种导弹防御系统曾在欧洲引发强烈争议。

    Two weeks before the North Korean launch , Madelyn Creedon , a senior Pentagon official , said the US wanted to develop the sort of regional defence shield in Asia that has proved so controversial in Europe .

  13. 美国军工综合体与国家导弹防御系统

    The U.S. Military & Industrial Complex and National Missile Defense System

  14. 俄罗斯却批评美国的导弹防御系统。

    Russia is criticizing US plans for a missile defense system .

  15. 导弹防御系统问题视角下的俄美关系

    Russo-U.S. Relations from the Perspective of a Guided Missile Defense System

  16. 我们反对美国的战区导弹防御系统和国家导弹防御系统。

    We are against the systems of the TMD and NMD .

  17. 美国导弹防御系统的演化发展与关键技术

    The Evolvement and Key Technologies of American Missile Defense System

  18. 弹道导弹防御系统的现状与发展

    Current Status and Development of the Ballistic Missile Defence System

  19. 建立导弹防御系统在这种努力中将起到至关重要的作用。

    Missile defenses have an important role to play in this effort .

  20. 针对国家导弹防御系统突防措施研究

    The research of penetration measure aiming at the national missile defence system

  21. 弹道导弹防御系统效能分析与措施研究

    Efficiency analysis and measure study of ballistic missile defence system

  22. 美国希望在中欧建立一个导弹防御系统。

    The United States wants to build a system in central Europe .

  23. 基于贝叶斯网络的舰艇导弹防御系统决策模型算法研究

    Research on Algorithm of Ship Missile-Defense System Decision Model Based on Bayesian Networks

  24. 美国导弹防御系统之我见

    My Views about the Missile Defence System of USA

  25. 美国的导弹防御系统是否会对俄罗斯造成任何威胁仍然处于争论之中。

    Whether the U.S.system would pose any threat to Russia remains in dispute .

  26. 我一直在太空总署工作,研发氢气助推的导弹防御系统。

    I 've been working at nasa , developing hydropowered missile defense systems .

  27. 我知道俄罗斯反对在欧洲部署导弹防御系统的计划。

    I know Russia opposes the planned configuration for missile defense in Europe .

  28. 美国加强空间优势和导弹防御系统

    US Space Asymmetric Advantage and Missile Defense System

  29. 导弹防御系统的发展给弹道导弹突防带来了严峻的挑战。

    The development of the missile defense system brings serious threats to ballistic missile .

  30. 美国国家导弹防御系统与俄罗斯的应对措施

    American NMD System and Russian Measures Against NMD