
gē běn hā gēn
  • Copenhagen
哥本哈根[gē běn hā gēn]
  1. 在哥本哈根会议前德国能源巨头E。

    Before the Copenhagen meeting Wulf Bernotat , the boss of E.

  2. 谁想成为今年12月哥本哈根大会上的巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)?

    Who would want to be Barack Obama in Copenhagen this December ?

  3. 欧洲气候基金会(europeanclimatefoundation)的一份简报显示,各国在哥本哈根会议前所作的承诺不足以填补这一差距。

    A briefing paper from the European Climate Foundation shows that the pledges made in advance of Copenhagen would not close it .

  4. 如果你有R基因,你可以获得完全的抵抗力,哥本哈根大学研究人员约翰·穆迪说。

    " When you have an R gene , you can have complete resistance ," says John Mundy , a researcher at Copenhagen University .

  5. DFR委任哥本哈根的BIG设计事务所于2010年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。

    DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan .

  6. 奥巴马(Obama)出发前往哥本哈根之前,白宫表示,空洞的协议将比没有协议更糟糕。

    An empty deal would be worse than no deal at all , said the White House before Mr Obama travelled to the Copenhagen summit .

  7. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)近期发表的一项研究发现,哥本哈根协议中的承诺将不足以将气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以内。

    A study published recently by the UN Environment Programme found that the pledges in the accord would not be sufficient to limit temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius .

  8. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)一直劝说各国政府在哥本哈根签署协议。

    Ban Ki-moon , secretary-general , has been exhorting governments to seal the deal at Copenhagen .

  9. 这种放弃结束了自1997年《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)开始的故事,其高潮出现在去年12月的哥本哈根气候变化峰会上。

    This surrender concludes a story that began with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and reached its climax last December at the Copenhagen climate change conference .

  10. 本文作者是哥本哈根共识中心主任,著有《CoolItandTheSkepticalEnvironmentalist》一书

    The writer is director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and author of Cool It and The Skeptical Environmentalist

  11. 美国环保署昨日宣布一项裁定,使奥巴马政府有更大理由监管二氧化碳排放,也让巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统得到在哥本哈根气候变化会议上采取主动的新理由。

    President Barack Obama has been armed with new ammunition for the Copenhagen summit on climate change with an announcement yesterday giving the US administration enhanced authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions .

  12. 今年早些时候,他在《自然》(nature)杂志上发表文章称,我们应该关注人类排放的碳总量,而不是排放速度,即各国谈判代表将在哥本哈根会议上着重关注的指标。

    His latest paper , published earlier this year in nature , argues we should be looking at the total amount of carbon that humankind emits , not the rate at which we do so the measure the negotiators in Copenhagen will be focusing on .

  13. 它们将于今年晚些时候在哥本哈根举行的UNFCCC气候会谈中被通过。

    These are due to be agreed at the UNFCCC climate negotiations in Copenhagen later this year .

  14. Ramesh告诉议会,在哥本哈根达成的最终协议保障了发展中国家的权益。

    Ramesh told Parliament that the final accord at Copenhagen s the rights of developing countries .

  15. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)似乎调低了对哥本哈根会议的预期,呼吁各国政府使该会议成为“推进全球对抗气候变化努力的重大一步”。

    Barack Obama , US president , appeared to scale back expectations for Copenhagen , calling for governments to make the conference " a significant step forward in the global fight against climate change " .

  16. 印度政府希望,在12月份的哥本哈根气候变化会谈即将来临之际,上述预测能够增加自己手中的筹码各国政府希望能够在这次大会上,制定出一个接替《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的新协议。

    The Indian government is hoping these projections will strengthen its hand in the run-up to climate change talks in Copenhagen in December , at which governments hope to forge a successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  17. “很明显,奥斯陆在本周全面战胜了哥本哈根,”Emanuel告诉我。

    " It 's clear Oslo beats Copenhagen any day of the week ," Emanuel told me .

  18. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)主任阿齐姆施泰纳(achimsteiner)警告称:“不应低估小国或最不发达国家的力量,它们可能会明显影响哥本哈根会议的结果。”

    Achim Steiner , head of the UN Environment Programme , warned : " do not underestimate the power of small nations or least developed countries to significantly affect the outcome in Copenhagen . "

  19. 来自哥本哈根知名餐厅Noma的名厨安东尼•伯尔顿和雷内•雷哲皮与张大卫称兄道弟。

    He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene redzepi of the renowned noma in Copenhagen .

  20. 位于哥本哈根大学人文主义系里的绿色灯塔(GreenLighthouse)也是SolveigNielsen和她的COPENHAGEN-X引以为傲的一个项目。

    Located in the Department of University of Copenhagen humanism green Lighthouse ( Green Lighthouse ) and Solveig Nielsen her COPENHAGEN-X proud of a project .

  21. “如果我们更聪明些,我们本应说作用主要终点应该是2天”,研究首席作者,哥本哈根朱莉安娜玛丽中心的EskeK。

    " If we were more clever , we would have said the primary endpoint should have been two days ," the study 's lead author , Eske K.

  22. 用英国气候变化大臣爱德华米利班德(edmiliband)的话来说,限制二氧化碳的排放量,是要在哥本哈根拿下的“大奖”。

    As Ed Miliband , the UK climate secretary , put it , a limit to carbon dioxide emissions is the " big prize " to be won at Copenhagen .

  23. 在哥本哈根周日上午为公布报告举行的新闻发布会上,联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)对在利马采取强有力的行动发出紧急呼吁。

    Appearing at a news conference in Copenhagen Sunday morning to unveil the report , the United Nations secretary general , Ban Ki-moon , issued an urgent appeal for strong action in Lima .

  24. 从伊朗到阿富汗,从G20到哥本哈根峰会的失败,在全球问题的错综复杂性和美国权力的限度方面,2009年为我们上了长长的一课。

    From Iran to Afghanistan to the G20 and the failure of the Copenhagen summit , the year 2009 has offered a long tutorial on the intractable nature of global problems and the limits of American power .

  25. 随着联合国气候变化大会在哥本哈根的召开,低碳经济已经成为当前世界各国发展的共识,如何节能减排,降低单位GDP的能耗已成为衡量一个国家可持续发展的重要指标。

    With the holding of United Nations Climate Change Conference , low-carbon economy has become the consensus of the world . How to save energy and reduce the energy cost of unit GDP has become an important index for evaluating the sustainable development of a country .

  26. 这绝不是REDD谈判者面临的问题的一份彻底的清单,特别是对于那些来自发展中国家的为哥本哈根会议做准备的参与者。

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of issues facing REDD negotiators , particularly those from the developing world , as they prepare for Copenhagen .

  27. 联合国气候变化问题最高官员伊沃德布尔(YvodeBoer)表示,哥本哈根会议必须形成这样一种机制将促成迅速的减排行动,配置新技术,在发展中国家形成减排能力。

    Yvo de Boer , the UN 's top climate change official , said Copenhagen must produce mechanisms ... that will allow for prompt action on emissions , to deploy new technologies , and to build capacity in developing countries .

  28. 这是第一次讨论使用熏香和癌症风险的关系的前瞻性调查,主笔是来自哥本哈根丹麦血液研究所的JeppeT。

    This is the first prospective study to address the use of incense and cancer risk , write lead author Jeppe T.

  29. 在其分析中,国际能源机构首次预计一种“新的政策情景”,将去年12月哥本哈根气候会议所达成协议和g20关于逐步取消化石燃料补贴的承诺考虑在内。

    In its analysis , the IEA forecasts for the first time a " new policies scenario " that takes into account the agreements made at the Copenhagen climate conference last December and promises made at the G20 to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels .

  30. Suadicani博士和他在Bispebjerg大学医院的同事评估了在哥本哈根男子研究中心登记的3346个男性的长期的研究结果。

    P.Suadicani and colleagues at Bispebjerg University Hospital assessed the long-term outcomes of3346 men enrolled in the Copenhagen Male Study .