
  • 网络gothic;gothic style;Gothicism;Gothic revival
  1. 尊贵楼始建于1835年,墙上的浮雕出自雕塑家安东尼奥·卡诺瓦(AntonioCanova)之手,装饰着壁画的房间风格多样,从埃及风格到哥特风格。

    Construction of the Casino Nobile started in 1835 , and it includes reliefs by the sculptor Antonio Canova and rooms frescoed in various styles , from the Egyptian to the Gothic .

  2. 以哥特风格为例浅探建筑中的形式美

    Taking Gothic style as example to discuss the form-beauty in architecture

  3. 在他的回忆录《向南重游旧地》(SouthtoaVeryOldPlace)中,他描述了睡在她“红丝绒窗帘遮挡,弥漫着厚重香薰的病房,这哥特风格房间有着牛里脊般的质感”。

    in his memoir , " South to a Very Old Place , " he describes sleeping in her " red-velvet-draped , tenderloin-gothic , incense-sultry sickroom . "

  4. 吉不喜欢哥特风格的作品,它们的宗教色彩太浓。

    Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious .

  5. 担心从头到脚一身黑会让你看上去哥特风格有点儿过浓?

    Scared of looking a little too gothic in head to toe black ?

  6. 新哥特风格平面设计研究

    Research on New Gothic Graphic Design

  7. 本人将哥特风格结合其他元素进行设计制作,期望通过研究欧洲哥特式服装,为现代服装设计带来一些启发。

    We intend to bring some inspiration for the modern fashion design by studying European Gothic clothing .

  8. 比较分析:新哥特风格平面设计与其他相关平面设计风格进行比较,分析其风格特征。

    Comparing : With comparison between New Gothic and other graphic designs , to analyse its stylistic characteristics .

  9. 几个世纪以来,他们成功保留住了这座在12世纪至15世纪以来的形成的哥特风格的城市面貌。

    Throughout the centuries , they preserved their city 's Gothic appearance , acquired between the12th and15th centuries .

  10. 从内部观念取向和外部形式语言来探讨新哥特风格平面设计的特征与艺术价值。

    To discuss characteristics and values of New Gothic graphic design according to its internal conceptional tendency and external formal language .

  11. 米兰达城堡坐落于比利时南部,近法国边境。这座新哥特风格的城堡曾经美丽动人,但现在已成一座废墟。

    A once beautiful castle built in southern Belgium near the French border , this Neo-Gothic chateau now lays in ruins .

  12. 曼彻斯特的市政厅是一座维多利亚时期新哥特风格的建筑,那里有着许许多多讲述这座城市历史的精美壁画。

    MANCHESTER 'S town hall is a Victorian neo-Gothic temple to local government , packed with murals commemorating episodes from the city 's history .

  13. 对新哥特风格平面设计在不同历史阶段的各种形态进行比较,分析其思想内核的变化发展与风格流变。

    With comparison among the forms of New Gothic graphic design under different historical ages , to analyse the evolution of its core ideology and style .

  14. 但是受到21世纪的年代限制,《神探夏洛克》剧集无法完全呈现道尔原著中的哥特风格。

    Yet , confined by its 21st century backdrop , the Sherlock series hasn 't been able to fully present some of Doyle 's gothic stories .

  15. 欧茨的许多短篇小说中哥特风格明显,主要关注社会问题,揭露复杂的人性和人类的思想流动,反映当前美国的种种社会现实与矛盾。

    Many of her short stories have obvious Gothic style , which concern social problems , reveal complex human personalities and stream of consciousness , reflect various social reality and conflicts in America .

  16. 从中世纪历史的纵向上看,哥特风格是北方民族国家为反抗罗马拉丁文化霸权的形式创造,是取代衰败罗马文化的艺术形式。

    From the vertical history of the Middle Ages , Gothic style is an art form the north European countries created to struggle against Roman Latin culture and to replace the declining Roman culture .

  17. 他的诗歌具有纯粹的文和现代科幻小说,这些作品将哥特风格及其创作技法推进到极高的艺术境界。

    His poetry has pure musical beauty unfailing . His short stories are almost horror fictions , and he initiates the classical detective story and the modern science fiction , which advance the Gothic style and this technique to the extremely high artistic boundary .

  18. 年轻女孩常在网上张贴自己撅嘴和PS过的大眼睛卡通式照片。照片上他们戴着厚厚的眼镜,身着日韩系哥特或者朋克风格的性感衣服。

    Young women often post cartoon-like pictures of themselves with pursed lips , Photoshop-enlarged eyes while wearing chunky glasses , sexy Goth and punk styles borrowed from Japan and Korea .

  19. 数个世纪以来,市场周围竖起了罗马、巴洛克和哥特等各种风格的建筑物。

    Over the centuries buildings of Romanesque , Baroque and Gothic styles were erected around the market .

  20. 融合了哥特和巴洛克建筑风格的“冰雪之冠”,伫立在黑龙江省的省会哈尔滨的太阳岛湖面上。

    Combining both gothic and baroque styles , the " Crown of Ice and Snow " stands on the surface of a frozen lake at Sun Island in Harbin , the provincial capital .

  21. 工作目的:1、阐述新哥特文化、新哥特风格平面设计与传统意义上的哥特的区别,分析其产生的社会历史条件。

    To expound the art of New Gothic and differences between New Gothic and traditional Gothic on graphic design , and analyse social and historical backgrounds from which New Gothic engenders .