
  • 网络colombian peso;COP
  1. 杰纳斯车行的伊华先生钱包里有张面值两万哥伦比亚比索的纸币。还有不少比索零钞。

    Mr. Ewart , of Janus Cars , had a 20000 Colombian peso note in his wallet . Quite a bit of change , too .

  2. 过去一个月里,俄罗斯卢布对美元贬值8.6%,哥伦比亚比索贬值5.9%,马来西亚林吉特贬值3.2%。

    In the past month , the Russian rouble has dropped 8.6 per cent against the dollar , the Colombian peso is down 5.9 per cent , and the Malaysian ringgit is off 3.2 per cent .

  3. 哥伦比亚杰纳斯车行的伊华先生钱包里有张面值两万哥伦比亚比索的纸币

    Mr Ewart , ofJanus Cars , had a 20000 Colombian peso note in his wallet .