
  • 网络Php;peso;philippine peso
  1. 本文在利用GARCH模型测算人民币汇率波动率的基础上,将人民币与美元、日元、港币、菲律宾比索、马来西亚林吉特和新加坡元进行互动性比较分析。

    Based on the calculation of exchange rate volatility by GARCH model , this paper compared RMB with US dollar , Japanese Yen , HK dollar , Philippine peso , Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore dollar .

  2. 最近在香港,有人打响了可能成为“菲律宾比索大起义”的第一枪。

    In Hong Kong recently , someone fired the first shot of what could become the great Philippine Peso revolt .

  3. 当菲律宾比索升至1美元兑45.1比索时,曼哈雷斯制定了她的月收支表。

    When one US dollar bought 45.1 pesos , MS manjares drew up her monthly balance sheet .

  4. 那位伙计很快出现在门口,给了她菲律宾比索,随后把钱放进钱包。

    The guy shows up at the door , gives her Filipino pesos , she puts them in her wallet .

  5. 换句话说,菲律宾比索是世界上最被低估的货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。

    In other words , the Philippine peso is the world 's most undervalued currency , the Swiss franc its most overvalued .

  6. 相关官员估计,包括损毁的道路、桥梁和农作物在内的经济损失约为14亿菲律宾比索(合3000万美元)。

    Officials estimated the economic cost -- including damaged roads , bridges and crops -- at around 1.4 billion pesos , or $ 30 million .

  7. 自2004年以来,菲律宾比索兑美元汇率已升值近25%,从1美元兑56.5比索升至43.3比索。

    Since 2004 the Philippine Peso has strengthened by almost 25 per cent against the US dollar , from 56.5 pesos / dollar to 43.3 .

  8. 安德森写道:这一数额约为全球市场的0.1%,令人民币的地位与菲律宾比索差不多,仅略高于秘鲁的新索尔。

    That is about 0.1 per cent of the global market , putting the renminbi on a par with the Philippine peso and just a bit higher than the Peruvian nuevo sol , Mr Anderson wrote .

  9. 过去5天里,亚太地区只有3种货币走低(澳元、菲律宾比索和新加坡元),而且都有国内的原因。

    In the past five days , only three other regional currencies have moved lower – the Australian dollar , the Philippine peso and the Singapore dollar – all of which have country-specific reasons for losing ground .

  10. 经济学家表示,前往海外工作的菲律宾人数下降以及比索走强,还没有影响到汇款。

    Economists said the dec-line in the number of Filipinos leaving for overseas jobs and the strong Peso had not yet hurt remittances .

  11. 汉克•莫里森(HankMorrison)的菲律宾公司生产飞机模型,但他表示,如果菲律宾比索对美元继续升值,他的公司可能半年内就要关门了。

    Hank Morrison , whose Philippine company makes model aeroplanes , says he could be out of business within six months if the Filipino peso continues to rally against the US dollar .

  12. 新加坡奖励近500万元据报道,迪亚兹将从菲律宾体育委员会以及该国商界巨鳄那里获得至少3300万菲律宾比索(约和人民币388万元),作为对其历史性成就的奖励。

    As a reward for her historic achievement , Diaz will reportedly receive at least 33 million Philippine pesos ( around $ 600000 ) from the Philippine Sports Commission as well as the country 's top businessmen .