
  • 网络Fiat;Fiat Auto
  1. 其后,他组建了一只24人的团队来运营菲亚特汽车公司。

    Then he formed a 24-person team to run Fiat Auto .

  2. 菲亚特汽车公司每年生产成千上万辆小汽车。

    Thousands of cars are produced by FIAT every year .

  3. 菲亚特汽车公司在为集团制造汽车的同时也制造着高额债务。

    The car sector makes both cars and debts for the Fiat Group .

  4. 通用汽车公司的老板们正密切关注着意大利的局势。该公司持有菲亚特汽车公司20%的股份。

    Closely watching this Italian drama are bosses of General Motors , owners of20 % of Fiat Auto .

  5. 但一向以乐于冒险著称的马尔乔内(正如他在菲亚特汽车公司的表现),打算改变这一策略。

    But Marchionne is reversing that strategy with his signature appetite for risk ( as in the case for Fiat ) .

  6. 另外,由于欧洲汽车销售的不景气,意大利菲亚特汽车公司决定将所有生产厂关闭一个月。

    And Fiat in Italy is closing all of its production plants for one month because of lagging car sales in Europe .

  7. 菲亚特汽车公司通过资产重组与菲亚特的其他工业公司分离,这为其于2009年并购破产的克莱斯勒公司创造了条件。

    A recapitalization that separated the Fiat auto company from other Fiat industrial properties set the stage for the merger with bankrupt Chrysler in 2009 .

  8. 而通用公司在欧洲的麻烦已经不少,在万不得已接管之前,它巴不得菲亚特汽车公司能够自己把问题解决好。

    GM , which has its own problems in Europe , is desperate for Fiat Auto to sort itself out before it can be forced to take over .

  9. 所得到的结果菲亚特汽车公司合资公司,菲亚特研究中心和菲亚特动力研究及技术的支持下研究、环境部门。

    It is the result of a joint venture between Fiat Auto , the Fiat Research Centre and Fiat Powertrain Research & Technology with the support of the Research and Environment Ministries .

  10. 菲亚特汽车公司今年将亏损近10亿欧元(合9.87亿美元),这把集团其它部门的利润全部抵销了,这些部门制造的东西从卡车,拖拉机到机器人应有尽有。

    Fiat Auto will lose around € 1 billion ( $ 987m ) this year , wiping out profits in other parts of the group , which makes everything from lorries and tractors to robots .

  11. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)和生产Ram皮卡的菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司(FiatChryslerAutomobiles)则保持观望状态。

    General Motors ( GM ) and Fiat Chrysler automobiles , which builds the ram pickup , are watching .

  12. 底特律——在汽车安全方面,联邦监管机构采取了迄今最严厉的打击行动。由于菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司(FiatChryslerAutomobiles)未能完成涉及1100多万辆汽车的23宗安全召回行动,联邦监管机构本周日开出了创纪录的1.05亿美元罚单。

    DETROIT - In their most aggressive crackdown yet on auto safety , federal regulators on Sunday levied a record penalty of $ 105 million against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles for failing to complete 23 safety recalls covering more than 11 million vehicles .

  13. 位于都灵的米拉菲奥里(Mirafiori)大工厂是菲亚特集团下属菲亚特汽车公司的核心部门,该公司最近麻烦不断。

    The giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto , the troubled car division of the Fiat group .