
  • 网络Fields Medal;Fields Prize
  1. 菲尔兹奖是由加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹(JohnCharlesFields)设立的,用以表彰已经完成的工作,并鼓励得主获取进一步的成就。

    The Fields Medal was conceived by John Charles Fields , a Canadian mathematician , in recognition of work already done and as an encouragement for further achievement .

  2. 菲尔兹奖是由加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹(JohnCharlesFields)设立的,“用以表彰已经完成的工作”,并“鼓励得主获取进一步的成就”。根据评委对菲尔兹信托条款的解释,该奖项通常只应该颁发给年龄在40岁或以下的数学家。

    The Fields Medal was conceived by John Charles Fields , a Canadian mathematician , " in recognition of work already done " and as " an encouragement for further achievement . " Judges have interpreted the terms of the Fields trust to mean that the award should usually be limited to mathematicians age 40 or younger .

  3. 以前的52名菲尔兹奖得主都是男性。

    The 52 medalists from previous years were all men .

  4. 菲尔兹奖:数学领域的诺贝尔奖

    Fields Medal : " Noble Prize for Mathematics "

  5. 菲尔兹奖每四年颁发一次,每次可以同时授予数人。

    The Fields Medal is given every four years , and several can be awarded at once .

  6. 与诺贝尔奖的10万美金相比,菲尔兹奖不过是1枚金质奖章。

    Compared with the $ 100,000 of the Nobel Prize , it is only a golden medal .

  7. 菲尔兹奖是数学家所能获得的最高科学奖。马科维兹资产组合选择模型的旋转算法

    The Fields Medal is the highest scientific award for mathematicians . Pivoting Algorithm for Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model

  8. 菲尔兹奖是为了纪念加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹教授(1863~1932),并以他的名字命名的。

    The prize is named in honor of Professor John Charles Fields ( 1863-1932 ), a Canadian mathematician .

  9. 数学界有四年一届的菲尔兹奖,颁发给四十岁以下的青年才俊。

    Mathematicians have the Fields Medal , given every four years to particularly brilliant researchers under the age of 40 .

  10. 四年前,国际数学联盟曾选这位数学天才为菲尔兹奖的获得者,但是他并未露面。

    Four years ago , the maths genius failed to turn up to receive his prestigious Fields Medal from the International Mathematical Union for solving the problem .

  11. 回想获颁数学上的菲尔兹奖时,我并无持有任何国家的护照,因此我是以堂堂正正中国人的身份去领奖的。

    I am proud to say that when I was awarded the Field 's Medal in mathematics , I held no passport of any country and should certainly be considered as Chinese .

  12. 另一些朋友说他无法支付去马德里参加国际数学家大会的费用,他的数学同行们希望他去那里接受号称数学界诺贝尔的菲尔兹奖。朋友们表示他过于谦虚,不会要任何人资助他的旅费。

    Other friends say he cannot afford to travel to International Mathematical Union ` s congress in Madrid , where his peers want him to receive the maths equivalent of the Nobel Prize , and that he is too modest to ask anyone to underwrite his trip .

  13. 软科公司在一则声明中表示,该项排名考察了一些“客观指标”,包括获得诺贝尔奖和菲尔兹奖的教职员和校友的人数,以及发表在《自然》和《科学》杂志上的文章数量。

    According to the consultancy 's statement the rankings were made using " objective indicators " including the number of staff and alumni winning Nobel prizes and Fields medals , and articles published in the journals of " Nature " and " Science , " according to a statement .

  14. 麦克马伦博士自己也是菲尔兹奖得主,对于为什么迟至今日才有女性获奖这个问题,他没有加以揣测,而是说:“我更愿意向前看,更愿意庆贺这件事,把它看成是社会以及科学界中的一个积极趋势。”

    Dr. McMullen , himself a Fields medalist , did not speculate on why it had taken so long for a woman to be recognized . " I would prefer to look forward and celebrate this occasion , " he said , " and see it as a sign of positive trends in society and in science . "